module Bench class DistrRunner attr_accessor :start_time, :end_time, :clients_group attr_accessor :total_count, :times_count, :times_sum def initialize(clientgroup) @clients_group = clientgroup end def run(server, sync_key, payload, concurrency, niterations, result_filename=nil) # 1) Extract server name server ||= 'default' if server != 'default' Bench.base_url = server end # 2) Simulate the payload Bench.datasize = payload.to_i expected_data = Bench.get_test_data(Bench.datasize) Bench.concurrency = concurrency.to_i Bench.iterations = niterations.to_i # 3) extract result filename Bench.result_filename = result_filename # 4) Set up the server begin Bench.admin_login = 'rhoadmin' Bench.admin_password = '' Bench.get_test_server Bench.reset_app Bench.user_name = "benchuser" Bench.password = "password" Bench.set_server_state("test_db_storage:application:#{Bench.user_name}",expected_data) Bench.reset_refresh_time('RhoInternalBenchmarkAdapter') #6) set the sync key @start_time = + 10.0 Bench.set_server_state(sync_key, @start_time.to_f.to_s) puts "Sync Key #{sync_key} is set to #{@start_time} - waiting for clients now!!!" #7) Start-up all clients command="cd /opt/rhoconnect/bin; ruby run_client_benchmark #{server} #{sync_key} #{niterations} 1 #{Bench.datasize} 1>/dev/null" ec2_clients = clients_group.client_instances[0,concurrency] Bench::AWSUtils.run_stack_ssh_command(ec2_clients, command) #8) Wait until the command is done and save all data to the disk sleep(1) @total_count = 0 @start_time = 0.0 @end_time = 0.0 @times_sum = 0.0 @times_count = 0 process_results save_results #9) Clean-up the db Bench.reset_app rescue Exception => e puts "Distributed Bench Runner ERROR !!!" puts e.message puts e.backtrace.join("\n") end end def process_results finished_data = Bench.get_server_state("bench_statistics_data") finished_data.each do |session,session_data| puts "Client data for #{session} : startTime (#{session_data['start_time']}), endTime (#{session_data['end_time']})" @total_count += session_data['count'].to_i @start_time = session_data['start_time'].to_f unless @start_time > 0.0 and session_data['start_time'].to_f >= @start_time @end_time = session_data['end_time'].to_f unless session_data['end_time'].to_f <= @end_time if not session_data['times'].nil? times_data = session_data['times'].split(',') @times_count += times_data.size times_data.each do |timevalue| @times_sum += timevalue.to_f end end end end def average_time @times_count > 0 ? @times_sum/@times_count : 0.0 end def save_results return if Bench.result_filename.nil? res_hash = YAML.load_file(Bench.result_filename) if File.exist?(Bench.result_filename) res_hash ||= {} puts "Overall results are : startTime (#{@start_time.to_s}), endTime (#{@end_time.to_s}), count (#{@total_count.to_s}), payload (#{Bench.datasize}), concurrency (#{Bench.concurrency})" res_hash[Bench.concurrency.to_s] = (@end_time > 0.0 and @start_time > 0.0) ? [@total_count/(@end_time - @start_time)] : [0.0] res_hash[Bench.concurrency.to_s] << average_time, 'w' ) do |file| file.write res_hash.to_yaml unless res_hash.empty? end end end end