# Hermes Hermes - a messenger of gods, delivering them via RabbitMQ with a little help from [hutch](https://github.com/gocardless/hutch). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'hermes-rb' ``` And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install hermes-rb ## Usage First, define an initializer, for example `config/initializers/hermes.rb` ``` rb Rails.application.config.to_prepare do event_handler = Hermes::EventHandler.new Hermes.configure do |config| config.adapter = Rails.application.config.async_messaging_adapter config.application_prefix = "my_app" config.background_processor = HermesHandlerJob config.database_connection_provider = ActiveRecord::Base config.enqueue_method = :perform_async config.event_handler = event_handler config.clock = Time.zone config.instrumenter = Instrumenter config.configure_hutch do |hutch| hutch.uri = ENV.fetch("HUTCH_URI") hutch.force_publisher_confirms = true hutch.enable_http_api_use = false hutch.tracer = MyOwnCustomTracerIfIWantToDoSomethingCrazy end config.distributed_tracing_database_uri = ENV.fetch("DISTRIBUTED_TRACING_DATABASE_URI", nil) config.error_notification_service = Raven end event_handler.handle_events do handle Events::Example::Happened, with: Example::HappenedHandler handle Events::Example::SyncCallHappened, with: Example::SyncCallHappenedHandler, async: false extra_consumer_config = -> do classic_queue quorum_queue initial_group_size: 3 arguments "x-max-length" => 10 end handle Events::Example::SomethingHappenedWithExtraConsumerConfig, with: Example::SomethingHappenedWithExtraConsumerConfigHandler, consumer_config: extra_consumer_config end # if you care about distributed tracing if Hermes.configuration.store_distributed_traces? Hermes::DistributedTrace.establish_connection(Hermes.configuration.distributed_tracing_database_uri) end end Hutch::Logging.logger = Rails.logger if !Rails.env.test? && !Rails.env.development? ``` Note that not all options are required (could be the case if the application is just a producer or just a consumer). 1. `adapter` - messages can be either delivered via RabbitMQ or in-memory adapter (useful for testing). Most likely you will want to make it based on the environment, that's why it's advisable to use `Rails.application.config.async_messaging_adapter` and define `async_messaging_adapter` on `config` object in `development.rb`, `test.rb` and `production.rb` files. The recommended setup is to assign `config.async_messaging_adapter = :in_memory` for test ENV and `config.async_messaging_adapter = :hutch` for production and development ENVs. 2. `application_prefix` - identifier for this application. **ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY** unless you want to have competing queues with different applications (hint: most likely you don't want that). 3 and 4. `background_processor` and `enqueue_method`. By design, Hermes is supposed to use Hutch workers to fetch the messages from RabbitMQ and process them in some background jobs framework. `background_processor` refers to the name of the class for the job and `enqueue_method` is the method name that will be called when enqueuing the job. This method must accept three arguments: `event_class`, `body` and `headers`. Here is an example for Sidekiq: ``` rb class HermesHandlerJob include Sidekiq::Worker sidekiq_options queue: :critical def perform(event_class, body, headers) Hermes::EventProcessor.call(event_class, body, headers) end end ``` If you know what you are doing, you don't necessarily have to process things in the background. As long as the class implements the expected interface, you can do anything you want. 5. `database_connection_provider` - an object responding to `connection`. It is used during synchronous flow to ensure a valid connection. Optional. 6. `event_handler` - an instance of event handler/storage, just use what is shown in the example. Notice that you can also pass extra consumer config lambda that will be evaluated within the context of Hutch consumer. 7. `clock` - a clock object that is time-zone aware, implementing `now` method. 8. `configure_hutch` - a way to configure Hutch: - `uri` - the URI for RabbitMQ, required. - `force_publisher_confirms` - defaults to `true` - `enable_http_api_use` - defaults to `false` - `tracer` - defaults to `Hermes::Tracers::Datadog` if you use Datadog, `Hutch::Tracers::NewRelic` for NewRelic and `Hutch::Tracers::NullTracer` if you use neither Datadog, nor NewRelic. Check APM section for more details if you want to provide a custom tracer. 9. `event_handler.handle_events` - that's how you declare events and their handlers. The event handler is an object that responds to `call` method and takes `event` as an argument. All events should ideally be subclasses of `Hermes::BaseEvent` This class inherits from `Dry::Struct`, so getting familiar with [dry-struct gem](https://dry-rb.org/gems/dry-struct/) would be beneficial. Here is an example event: ``` rb class Payment::MarkedAsPaid < Hermes::BaseEvent attribute :payment_id, Types::Strict::Integer attribute :cents, Types::Strict::Integer attribute :currency, Types::Strict::String end ``` To keep things clean, you might want to prefix the namespace with `Events`: ``` rb class Events::Payment::MarkedAsPaid < Hermes::BaseEvent attribute :payment_id, Types::Strict::Integer attribute :cents, Types::Strict::Integer attribute :currency, Types::Strict::String end ``` In both cases, the routing key will be the same (`Events` prefix is dropped) and will resolve to `payment.marked_as_paid` To avoid unexpected problems, don't use restricted names for attribtes such as `meta`, `routing_key`, `origin_headers`, `origin_body`, `trace_context`, `version`. You can also specify whether the event should be processed asynchronously using `background_processor` (default behavior) or synchronously. If you want the event to be processed synchronously, e.g. when doing RPC, use `async: false` option. 10. `rpc_call_timeout` - a timeout for RPC calls, defaults to 10 seconds. Can be also customized per instance of RPC Client (covered later). Optional. 11. `instrumenter` - instrumenter object responding to `instrument` method taking one string argument, one optional hash argument and a block. For example: ``` rb module Instrumenter extend ::NewRelic::Agent::MethodTracer def self.instrument(name, payload = {}) ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument(name, payload) do self.class.trace_execution_scoped([name]) do yield if block_given? end end end end ``` If you don't care about it, you can leave it empty. 12. `distributed_tracing_database_uri` - If you want to enable distributed tracing, specify Postgres database URI. Optional. 13. `distributed_tracing_database_table` - Table name for storing traces, by default it's `hermes_distributed_traces`. Optional. 14. `distributes_tracing_mapper` - an object responding to `call` method taking one argument (a hash of attributes) which must return a hash as well. This hash will be used for assigning attributes when creating `Hermes::DistributedTrace`. It defaults to `Hermes::DistributedTrace::Mapper`, which uses `logger_params_filter` to remove sensitive info (this config option is covered below). You can either provide a custom mapper or pass a custom params filter, for example: `Hermes::DistributedTrace::Mapper.new(params_filter: custom_params_filter)` 15. `error_notification_service` - an object responding to `capture_exception` method taking one argument (error). Its interface is based on `Raven` from [Sentry Raven](https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-ruby/tree/master/sentry-raven). By default `Hermes::NullErrorNotificationService` is used, which does nothing. Optional. 16. `database_error_handler` - `an object responding to `call` method taking one argument (error). Used when storing distributed traces. By default it uses `Hermes::DatabaseErrorHandler` which depends on `error_notification_service`, so in most cases, you will probably want to just configure `error_notification_service`. Optional. 17. `enable_safe_producer` - a method requiring a job class implementing `enqueue` method that will be responsible for retrying delivery of the event later in case it fails. Check `Safe Event Producer` section for more details. 18. `producer_retryable` - used when `safe_producer` was enabled via (`enable_safe_producer`). By default, it is a method retrying delivery 3 times rescuing from `StandardError` each time. The object responsible for this behavior by default is: `Hermes::Retryable.new(times: 3, errors: [StandardError])`. 19. `logger_params_filter` - a service used as params filter for logger, to make sure no sensitive data will be logged. It defaults to `Hermes::Logger::ParamsFilter` which already performs some filtering but it might not be enough in your case. If you are not satisfied with the defaults, you have 2 options, which are especially simple in Rails apps: - provide custom array of sensitive attributes and still use a default filter: `Hermes::Logger::ParamsFilter.new(sensitive_keywords: Rails.application.config.filter_parameters)`. - provide custom filter object, which responds to `call` method and takes 2 arguments: attribute name and its value and performs mutation by using `gsub!` (don't worry, the entire body is cloned before passing it to the filter, so nothing unexpected will happen). This is compatible with the interface of `Rails.application.config.filter_parameters` when you use a custom filter there. In such case, you can do something like this: `Rails.application.config.filter_parameters = [Proc.new { |k, v| do_something_custom_here(k, v) }]` and then just assign `Rails.application.config.filter_parameters.first` in the Hermes config. ## RPC If you want to handle RPC call, you need to add `rpc: true` flag. Keep in mind that RPC requires a synchronous processing and response, so you also need to set `async: false`. The routing key and correlation ID will be resolved based on the message that is published by the client. The payload that is sent back will be what event handler reutrns, so it might be a good idea to just return a hash so that you can operate on JSON easily. ## Publishing To publish an async event call `Hermes::Publisher`: ``` rb Hermes::EventProducer.publish(event) ``` `event` is an instance of a subclass of `Events::BaseEvent`. If you want to perform a synchronous RPC call, use `Hermes::RpcClient`: ``` rb parsed_response_hash = Hermes::RpcClient.call(event) ``` You can also use an explicit initializer and provide custom `rpc_call_timeout`: ``` rb parsed_response_hash = Hermes::RpcClient.new(rpc_call_timeout: 10).call(event) ``` If the request timeouts, `Hermes::RpcClient::RpcTimeoutError` will be raised. ## APM and tracing The integration is enabled automatically if you use `newrelic_rpm` gem via `Hutch::Tracers::NewRelic` or via `Hermes::Tracers::Datadog` when using `ddtrace` gem. You can also provide your own tracer, as long as it implements an interface expected by [Hutch][https://github.com/ruby-amqp/hutch]. ## Distributed Tracing (experimental feature, the interface might change in the future) If you want to take advantage of distributed tracing, you need to specify `distributed_tracing_database_uri` in the config and in many cases that will be enough, although there are some cases where some extra code will be required to properly use it. If you have a "standard" flow, which means producing events and then consuming them in the jobs specified by `background_processor` and publishing other events from the same class, then you don't need to do anything extra as things will be handled out-of-box. In such scenario, at least two `Hermes::DistributedTrace` will be created (one for producer, and the rest for consumers and then potential other traces if the consumer also published some events). However, if you enqueue some job inside the job specified by `background_processor`, you will need to do something extra: 1. You need to pass `origin_headers` as an argument to the job to have headers available. You can extract them inside the handler from the event by calling `event.origin_headers` 2. When processing the job, you will need to assign these headers to `Hermes`: ``` rb Hermes.origin_headers = origin_headers ``` These `origin_headers` will be stored in `RequestStore.store` (it uses [request_store](https://github.com/steveklabnik/request_store)). Traces are also stored for RPC calls. For a single RPC, there will be traces: 1. Client (the actual RPC call) 2. Server (processing the request) 3. Client (processing the response) - that one uses a special internal event to keep the consistency: `ResponseEvent`, which stores `response_body` as a hash. You will also need to create an appropriate database table: ``` rb create_table(:hermes_distributed_traces) do |t| t.string "trace", null: false t.string "span", null: false t.string "parent_span" t.string "service", null: false t.text "event_class", null: false t.text "routing_key", null: false t.jsonb "event_body", null: false, default: [] t.jsonb "event_headers", null: false, default: [] t.datetime "created_at", precision: 6, null: false t.datetime "updated_at", precision: 6, null: false t.index ["created_at"], name: "index_hermes_distributed_traces_on_created_at", using: :brin t.index ["trace"], name: "index_hermes_distributed_traces_on_trace" t.index ["span"], name: "index_hermes_distributed_traces_on_span" t.index ["service"], name: "index_hermes_distributed_traces_on_service" t.index ["event_class"], name: "index_hermes_distributed_traces_on_event_class" t.index ["routing_key"], name: "index_hermes_distributed_traces_on_routing_key" end ``` Some important attributes to understand which will be useful during potential debugging: 1. `trace` - ID of the trace - all events from the same saga will have the same value (and that's why it's important to properly deal with `origin_headers`). 2. `span` - ID of the operation. 3. `parent span` - span value of the previous operation from the previous service. 4. `service` - name of the service where the given event occured, based on `application_prefix`, It is highly recommended to use a shared database for storing traces. It's not ideal, but the benefits of storing traces in a single DB shared by the applications outweigh the disadvantages in many cases. Since distributed tracing is a secondary feature, all exceptions coming from the database are rescued. It is highly recommended to provide `error_notification_service` to be notified about these errors. If you are not happy with that behavior and you would prefer to have errors raised, you can implement your own `database_error_handler` where you can re-raise the exception. ## Safe Event Producer Most likely in your production environment you are going to have a high availability setup with more than one node, probably at least 3. This might seem like there is very little chance that something will go wrong when publishing an event to RabbitMQ and even if it happens, it will be so rare that you will handle any exceptions manually. However, operations like updating Erlang will most likely require a downtime, which will mean that you might have a lot of errors during that period. Not to mention other potential issues, even without scheduled downtime, like the entire cluster being down for random reason or timeouts. In that case, it might be a good idea to have some automated way of dealing with this kind of issues. For that purpose, you can enable a `Safe Event Producer` - by default, it's going to try publishing event 3 times, rescuing twice from `StandardError`, and if it fails after a 3rd time, it's going to use `error_notification_service` to deliver info about the error that ahppened and is going to call `enqueue` method on a specified object. To take advantage of this feature, apply the following logic in the initializer ``` rb Hermes.configure do |config| config.error_notification_service = Raven # required for this use case config.enable_safe_producer(HermesRecoveryJob) end ``` `HermesRecoveryJob` is expected to implement `enqueue` method taking 3 arguments: `event_class_name`, `event_body` and `headers`. What happens in `enqueue` method is up to you. You can, for example, schedule publishing the message in 5 minutes from now. However, the job should call `Hermes::RetryableEventProducer.publish(event_class, event_body, headers)` to properly handle the delivery retry flow. Here is an example job class using Sidekiq: ``` rb class HermesRecoveryJob include Sidekiq::Worker sidekiq_options queue: :hermes_recovery def self.enqueue(event_class, event_body, origin_headers) perform_at(5.minutes.from_now, event_class, event_body, origin_headers) end def perform(event_class, event_body, origin_headers) Hermes::RetryableEventProducer.publish(event_class, event_body, origin_headers) end end ``` ## Testing ### RSpec useful stuff Put this inside `rails_helper`. Note that it requires `webmock` and `sidekiq`. ``` rb # This line is needed if you use `database_connection_provider`, otherwise `shared_connection` will be reloaded. Hermes.configuration.database_connection_provider = nil def execute_jobs_inline original_active_job_adapter = ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = :inline Sidekiq::Testing.inline! do yield end ActiveJob::Base.queue_adapter = original_active_job_adapter end config.around(:example, :inline_jobs) do |example| execute_jobs_inline { example.run } end class ActiveRecord::Base mattr_accessor :shared_connection def self.connection shared_connection.presence || retrieve_connection end end config.after(:each) do Hermes::Publisher.instance.reset end config.before(:each, :with_rabbit_mq) do ActiveRecord::Base.shared_connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection stub_request(:get, "") stub_request(:get, "") hutch_publisher = Hermes::Publisher::HutchAdapter.new Hermes::Publisher.instance.current_adapter = hutch_publisher @worker_thread = Thread.new do Hutch.connect worker = Hutch::Worker.new(Hutch.broker, Hutch.consumers, Hutch::Config.setup_procs) worker.run end sleep 0.2 end config.after(:each, :with_rabbit_mq) do |example| @worker_thread.kill end ``` To run integrations specs (with real RabbitMQ process), use `inline_jobs` and `with_rabbit_mq` meta flags. #### Example integration spec with RabbitMQ ``` rb require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe "Example Event Test", :with_rabbit_mq, :inline_jobs do describe "when Events::Example::Happened is published" do subject(:publish_event) { Hermes::EventProducer.publish(event) } let(:event) { Events::Example::Happened.new(event_params) } let(:event_params) do { name: name } end let(:name) { "hermes" } it "calls Example::HappenedHandler" do expect(Example::HappenedHandler).to receive(:call) .with(instance_of(Events::Example::Happened)).and_call_original publish_event sleep 0.2 # since this is an async action, some delay will be required, either with a simple way like this, or you may want to go with something more complex to not put ugly `sleep` here end end end ``` ### Matchers E.g. in `spec/supports/matchers/publish_async_message`: ``` rb require "hermes/support/matchers/publish_async_message" ``` And then use it in the following way: ``` rb expect { call }.to publish_async_message(routing_key_of_the_expected_event).with_event_payload(expected_event_payload) ``` Note that `expected_event_payload` does not contain extra `meta` key that is added by Hermes publisher, it's just a symbolized hash with the result of the serialization of the event. ### Example test of HermesHandlerJob ``` rb require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe HermesHandlerJob do it { is_expected.to be_processed_in :critical } describe "#perform" do subject(:perform) { described_class.new.perform(EventClassForTestingHermesHandlerJob.to_s, payload, headers) } let(:configuration) { Hermes.configuration } let(:event_handler) { Hermes::EventHandler.new } let(:payload) do { "bookingsync" => "hermes" } end let(:headers) do {} end class EventClassForTestingHermesHandlerJob < Hermes::BaseEvent attribute :bookingsync, Types::Strict::String end class HandlerForEventClassForTestingHermesHandlerJob def self.event @event end def self.call(event) @event = event end end before do event_handler.handle_events do handle EventClassForTestingHermesHandlerJob, with: HandlerForEventClassForTestingHermesHandlerJob end end around do |example| original_event_handler = configuration.event_handler Hermes.configure do |config| config.event_handler = event_handler end example.run Hermes.configure do |config| config.event_handler = original_event_handler end end it "calls proper handler with a given event" do perform expect(HandlerForEventClassForTestingHermesHandlerJob.event).to be_a(EventClassForTestingHermesHandlerJob) expect(HandlerForEventClassForTestingHermesHandlerJob.event.bookingsync).to eq "hermes" end end end ``` ## Deployment and managing consumers Hermes is just an extra layer on top of [hutch](https://github.com/gocardless/hutch), refer to Hutch's docs for more info about dealing with the workers and deployment. ## Health Checks If you want to perform a health check, use `Hermes::Checks::HealthCheck.check`, which checks if it's possible to connect RabbitMQ via Hutch. The interface is compliant with `health_check`[https://github.com/ianheggie/health_check] gem. If you want to add the custom health check, just add this to the config: ``` rb config.add_custom_check("hermes") do Hermes::Checks::HealthCheck.check end ``` You can also use `bin/health_check` file to perform healthcheck - on success, the script exits with `0` status and on failure, it logs the error and exits with `1` status. To perform the actual check: 1. Via `health_check` gem: ``` curl -v localhost:3000/health_check/hermes.json ``` 2. Via binary: ``` bundle exec hermes_health_check ``` ## CircleCI config for installing RabbitMQ Use `- image: brandembassy/rabbitmq:latest` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/BookingSync/hermes-rb. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).