// Copyright 2009 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * @fileoverview Utility for formatting text for display in a potentially * opposite-directionality context without garbling. * Mostly a port of http://go/formatter.cc. */ goog.provide('goog.i18n.BidiFormatter'); goog.require('goog.i18n.bidi'); goog.require('goog.string'); /** * Utility class for formatting text for display in a potentially * opposite-directionality context without garbling. Provides the following * functionality: * * 1. BiDi Wrapping * When text in one language is mixed into a document in another, opposite- * directionality language, e.g. when an English business name is embedded in a * Hebrew web page, both the inserted string and the text following it may be * displayed incorrectly unless the inserted string is explicitly separated * from the surrounding text in a "wrapper" that declares its directionality at * the start and then resets it back at the end. This wrapping can be done in * HTML mark-up (e.g. a 'span dir="rtl"' tag) or - only in contexts where * mark-up can not be used - in Unicode BiDi formatting codes (LRE|RLE and PDF). * Providing such wrapping services is the basic purpose of the BiDi formatter. * * 2. Directionality estimation * How does one know whether a string about to be inserted into surrounding * text has the same directionality? Well, in many cases, one knows that this * must be the case when writing the code doing the insertion, e.g. when a * localized message is inserted into a localized page. In such cases there is * no need to involve the BiDi formatter at all. In the remaining cases, e.g. * when the string is user-entered or comes from a database, the language of * the string (and thus its directionality) is not known a priori, and must be * estimated at run-time. The BiDi formatter does this automatically. * * 3. Escaping * When wrapping plain text - i.e. text that is not already HTML or HTML- * escaped - in HTML mark-up, the text must first be HTML-escaped to prevent XSS * attacks and other nasty business. This of course is always true, but the * escaping can not be done after the string has already been wrapped in * mark-up, so the BiDi formatter also serves as a last chance and includes * escaping services. * * Thus, in a single call, the formatter will escape the input string as * specified, determine its directionality, and wrap it as necessary. It is * then up to the caller to insert the return value in the output. * * See http://wiki/Main/TemplatesAndBiDi for more information. * * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir|number|boolean} contextDir The context * directionality. May be supplied either as a goog.i18n.bidi.Dir constant, * as a number (positive = LRT, negative = RTL, 0 = unknown) or as a boolean * (true = RTL, false = LTR). * @param {boolean=} opt_alwaysSpan Whether {@link #spanWrap} should always * use a 'span' tag, even when the input directionality is neutral or * matches the context, so that the DOM structure of the output does not * depend on the combination of directionalities. Default: false. * @constructor */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter = function(contextDir, opt_alwaysSpan) { /** * The overall directionality of the context in which the formatter is being * used. * @type {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} * @private */ this.contextDir_ = goog.i18n.bidi.toDir(contextDir); /** * Whether {@link #spanWrap} and similar methods should always use the same * span structure, regardless of the combination of directionalities, for a * stable DOM structure. * @type {boolean} * @private */ this.alwaysSpan_ = !!opt_alwaysSpan; }; /** * @return {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} The context directionality. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.getContextDir = function() { return this.contextDir_; }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether alwaysSpan is set. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.getAlwaysSpan = function() { return this.alwaysSpan_; }; /** * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir|number|boolean} contextDir The context * directionality. May be supplied either as a goog.i18n.bidi.Dir constant, * as a number (positive = LRT, negative = RTL, 0 = unknown) or as a boolean * (true = RTL, false = LTR). */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.setContextDir = function(contextDir) { this.contextDir_ = goog.i18n.bidi.toDir(contextDir); }; /** * @param {boolean} alwaysSpan Whether {@link #spanWrap} should always use a * 'span' tag, even when the input directionality is neutral or matches the * context, so that the DOM structure of the output does not depend on the * combination of directionalities. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.setAlwaysSpan = function(alwaysSpan) { this.alwaysSpan_ = alwaysSpan; }; /** * Returns the directionality of input argument {@code str}. * Identical to {@link goog.i18n.bidi.estimateDirection}. * * @param {string} str The input text. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @return {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} Estimated overall directionality of {@code str}. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.estimateDirection = goog.i18n.bidi.estimateDirection; /** * Returns true if two given directionalities are opposite. * Note: the implementation is based on the numeric values of the Dir enum. * * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} dir1 1st directionality. * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} dir2 2nd directionality. * @return {boolean} Whether the directionalities are opposite. * @private */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.areDirectionalitiesOpposite_ = function(dir1, dir2) { return dir1 * dir2 < 0; }; /** * Returns a unicode BiDi mark matching the context directionality (LRM or * RLM) if {@code opt_dirReset}, and if either the directionality or the exit * directionality of {@code str} is opposite to the context directionality. * Otherwise returns the empty string. * * @param {string} str The input text. * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} dir {@code str}'s overall directionality. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @param {boolean=} opt_dirReset Whether to perform the reset. Default: false. * @return {string} A unicode BiDi mark or the empty string. * @private */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.dirResetIfNeeded_ = function(str, dir, opt_isHtml, opt_dirReset) { // endsWithRtl and endsWithLtr are called only if needed (short-circuit). if (opt_dirReset && (this.areDirectionalitiesOpposite_(dir, this.contextDir_) || (this.contextDir_ == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.LTR && goog.i18n.bidi.endsWithRtl(str, opt_isHtml)) || (this.contextDir_ == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.RTL && goog.i18n.bidi.endsWithLtr(str, opt_isHtml)))) { return this.contextDir_ == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.LTR ? goog.i18n.bidi.Format.LRM : goog.i18n.bidi.Format.RLM; } else { return ''; } }; /** * Returns "rtl" if {@code str}'s estimated directionality is RTL, and "ltr" if * it is LTR. In case it's UNKNOWN, returns "rtl" if the context directionality * is RTL, and "ltr" otherwise. * Needed for GXP, which can't handle dirAttr. * Example use case: * * * @param {string} str Text whose directionality is to be estimated. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @return {string} "rtl" or "ltr", according to the logic described above. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.dirAttrValue = function(str, opt_isHtml) { return this.knownDirAttrValue(this.estimateDirection(str, opt_isHtml)); }; /** * Returns "rtl" if the given directionality is RTL, and "ltr" if it is LTR. In * case it's UNKNOWN, returns "rtl" if the context directionality is RTL, and * "ltr" otherwise. * * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} dir A directionality. * @return {string} "rtl" or "ltr", according to the logic described above. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.knownDirAttrValue = function(dir) { if (dir == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.UNKNOWN) { dir = this.contextDir_; } return dir == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.RTL ? 'rtl' : 'ltr'; }; /** * Returns 'dir="ltr"' or 'dir="rtl"', depending on {@code str}'s estimated * directionality, if it is not the same as the context directionality. * Otherwise, returns the empty string. * * @param {string} str Text whose directionality is to be estimated. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @return {string} 'dir="rtl"' for RTL text in non-RTL context; 'dir="ltr"' for * LTR text in non-LTR context; else, the empty string. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.dirAttr = function(str, opt_isHtml) { return this.knownDirAttr(this.estimateDirection(str, opt_isHtml)); }; /** * Returns 'dir="ltr"' or 'dir="rtl"', depending on the given directionality, if * it is not the same as the context directionality. Otherwise, returns the * empty string. * * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} dir A directionality. * @return {string} 'dir="rtl"' for RTL text in non-RTL context; 'dir="ltr"' for * LTR text in non-LTR context; else, the empty string. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.knownDirAttr = function(dir) { if (dir != this.contextDir_) { return dir == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.RTL ? 'dir="rtl"' : dir == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.LTR ? 'dir="ltr"' : ''; } return ''; }; /** * Formats a string of unknown directionality for use in HTML output of the * context directionality, so an opposite-directionality string is neither * garbled nor garbles what follows it. * The algorithm: estimates the directionality of input argument {@code str}. In * case its directionality doesn't match the context directionality, wraps it * with a 'span' tag and adds a "dir" attribute (either 'dir="rtl"' or * 'dir="ltr"'). If setAlwaysSpan(true) was used, the input is always wrapped * with 'span', skipping just the dir attribute when it's not needed. * * If {@code opt_dirReset}, and if the overall directionality or the exit * directionality of {@code str} are opposite to the context directionality, a * trailing unicode BiDi mark matching the context directionality is appened * (LRM or RLM). * * If !{@code opt_isHtml}, HTML-escapes {@code str} regardless of wrapping. * * @param {string} str The input text. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @param {boolean=} opt_dirReset Whether to append a trailing unicode bidi mark * matching the context directionality, when needed, to prevent the possible * garbling of whatever may follow {@code str}. Default: true. * @return {string} Input text after applying the above processing. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.spanWrap = function(str, opt_isHtml, opt_dirReset) { var dir = this.estimateDirection(str, opt_isHtml); return this.spanWrapWithKnownDir(dir, str, opt_isHtml, opt_dirReset); }; /** * Formats a string of given directionality for use in HTML output of the * context directionality, so an opposite-directionality string is neither * garbled nor garbles what follows it. * The algorithm: If {@code dir} doesn't match the context directionality, wraps * {@code str} with a 'span' tag and adds a "dir" attribute (either 'dir="rtl"' * or 'dir="ltr"'). If setAlwaysSpan(true) was used, the input is always wrapped * with 'span', skipping just the dir attribute when it's not needed. * * If {@code opt_dirReset}, and if {@code dir} or the exit directionality of * {@code str} are opposite to the context directionality, a trailing unicode * BiDi mark matching the context directionality is appened (LRM or RLM). * * If !{@code opt_isHtml}, HTML-escapes {@code str} regardless of wrapping. * * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} dir {@code str}'s overall directionality. * @param {string} str The input text. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @param {boolean=} opt_dirReset Whether to append a trailing unicode bidi mark * matching the context directionality, when needed, to prevent the possible * garbling of whatever may follow {@code str}. Default: true. * @return {string} Input text after applying the above processing. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.spanWrapWithKnownDir = function(dir, str, opt_isHtml, opt_dirReset) { opt_dirReset = opt_dirReset || (opt_dirReset == undefined); // Whether to add the "dir" attribute. var dirCondition = dir != goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.UNKNOWN && dir != this.contextDir_; if (!opt_isHtml) { str = goog.string.htmlEscape(str); } var result = []; if (this.alwaysSpan_ || dirCondition) { // Wrap is needed result.push('' + str + ''); } else { result.push(str); } result.push(this.dirResetIfNeeded_(str, dir, true, opt_dirReset)); return result.join(''); }; /** * Formats a string of unknown directionality for use in plain-text output of * the context directionality, so an opposite-directionality string is neither * garbled nor garbles what follows it. * As opposed to {@link #spanWrap}, this makes use of unicode BiDi formatting * characters. In HTML, its *only* valid use is inside of elements that do not * allow mark-up, e.g. an 'option' tag. * The algorithm: estimates the directionality of input argument {@code str}. * In case it doesn't match the context directionality, wraps it with Unicode * BiDi formatting characters: RLE{@code str}PDF for RTL text, and * LRE{@code str}PDF for LTR text. * * If {@code opt_dirReset}, and if the overall directionality or the exit * directionality of {@code str} are opposite to the context directionality, a * trailing unicode BiDi mark matching the context directionality is appended * (LRM or RLM). * * Does *not* do HTML-escaping regardless of the value of {@code opt_isHtml}. * The return value can be HTML-escaped as necessary. * * @param {string} str The input text. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @param {boolean=} opt_dirReset Whether to append a trailing unicode bidi mark * matching the context directionality, when needed, to prevent the possible * garbling of whatever may follow {@code str}. Default: true. * @return {string} Input text after applying the above processing. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.unicodeWrap = function(str, opt_isHtml, opt_dirReset) { var dir = this.estimateDirection(str, opt_isHtml); return this.unicodeWrapWithKnownDir(dir, str, opt_isHtml, opt_dirReset); }; /** * Formats a string of given directionality for use in plain-text output of the * context directionality, so an opposite-directionality string is neither * garbled nor garbles what follows it. * As opposed to {@link #spanWrapWithKnownDir}, makes use of unicode BiDi * formatting characters. In HTML, its *only* valid use is inside of elements * that do not allow mark-up, e.g. an 'option' tag. * The algorithm: If {@code dir} doesn't match the context directionality, wraps * {@code str} with Unicode BiDi formatting characters: RLE{@code str}PDF for * RTL text, and LRE{@code str}PDF for LTR text. * * If {@code opt_dirReset}, and if the overall directionality or the exit * directionality of {@code str} are opposite to the context directionality, a * trailing unicode BiDi mark matching the context directionality is appended * (LRM or RLM). * * Does *not* do HTML-escaping regardless of the value of {@code opt_isHtml}. * The return value can be HTML-escaped as necessary. * * @param {goog.i18n.bidi.Dir} dir {@code str}'s overall directionality. * @param {string} str The input text. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @param {boolean=} opt_dirReset Whether to append a trailing unicode bidi mark * matching the context directionality, when needed, to prevent the possible * garbling of whatever may follow {@code str}. Default: true. * @return {string} Input text after applying the above processing. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.unicodeWrapWithKnownDir = function(dir, str, opt_isHtml, opt_dirReset) { opt_dirReset = opt_dirReset || (opt_dirReset == undefined); var result = []; if (dir != goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.UNKNOWN && dir != this.contextDir_) { result.push(dir == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.RTL ? goog.i18n.bidi.Format.RLE : goog.i18n.bidi.Format.LRE); result.push(str); result.push(goog.i18n.bidi.Format.PDF); } else { result.push(str); } result.push(this.dirResetIfNeeded_(str, dir, opt_isHtml, opt_dirReset)); return result.join(''); }; /** * Returns a Unicode BiDi mark matching the context directionality (LRM or RLM) * if the directionality or the exit directionality of {@code str} are opposite * to the context directionality. Otherwise returns the empty string. * * @param {string} str The input text. * @param {boolean=} opt_isHtml Whether {@code str} is HTML / HTML-escaped. * Default: false. * @return {string} A Unicode bidi mark matching the global directionality or * the empty string. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.markAfter = function(str, opt_isHtml) { return this.dirResetIfNeeded_(str, this.estimateDirection(str, opt_isHtml), opt_isHtml, true); }; /** * Returns the Unicode BiDi mark matching the context directionality (LRM for * LTR context directionality, RLM for RTL context directionality), or the * empty string for neutral / unknown context directionality. * * @return {string} LRM for LTR context directionality and RLM for RTL context * directionality. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.mark = function() { switch (this.contextDir_) { case (goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.LTR): return goog.i18n.bidi.Format.LRM; case (goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.RTL): return goog.i18n.bidi.Format.RLM; default: return ''; } }; /** * Returns 'right' for RTL context directionality. Otherwise (LTR or neutral / * unknown context directionality) returns 'left'. * * @return {string} 'right' for RTL context directionality and 'left' for other * context directionality. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.startEdge = function() { return this.contextDir_ == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.RTL ? goog.i18n.bidi.RIGHT : goog.i18n.bidi.LEFT; }; /** * Returns 'left' for RTL context directionality. Otherwise (LTR or neutral / * unknown context directionality) returns 'right'. * * @return {string} 'left' for RTL context directionality and 'right' for other * context directionality. */ goog.i18n.BidiFormatter.prototype.endEdge = function() { return this.contextDir_ == goog.i18n.bidi.Dir.RTL ? goog.i18n.bidi.LEFT : goog.i18n.bidi.RIGHT; };