ActiveAdmin.register <%= class_name %> do <% if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 || defined?(ActionController::StrongParameters) %> # See permitted parameters documentation: # # # permit_params :list, :of, :attributes, :on, :model # # or # # permit_params do # permitted = [:permitted, :attributes] # permitted << :other if resource.something? # permitted # end <% end %> <% if options.include_boilerplate? %> # Limit actions available to your users by adding them to the 'except' array # actions :all, except: [] # Add or remove filters (you can use any ActiveRecord scope) to toggle their # visibility in the sidebar <%= @boilerplate.filters %> # Add or remove columns to toggle their visiblity in the index action # index do # selectable_column # id_column <%= @boilerplate.columns %> # actions # end # Add or remove rows to toggle their visiblity in the show action # show do |<%= class_name.downcase %>| <%= @boilerplate.rows %> # end # Add or remove fields to toggle their visibility in the form <% end %> end