0.5.4 ===== * Added support for windows paths * Updated tests specs so that they can run on windows * Updated gem dependencies so thay can install on ruby 2.2.x * Removed overriden HashWithIndifferentAccess#convert_value. 0.5.3 ===== * Removed .rvmrc (which was wrong anyway), in favor of .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset 0.5.2 ===== * Fixed Typo * Updated from jrhorn424/rconfig (See github commit #0bc5f9741c1f066d0dee4aa40eccbf81ad7caf11) * Removed 0.5.1 ===== * Fixed bug: New Active Support convert_value method signature * Fixing rspec test * Update from lepek/rconfig (See github commit #e51f73b0d578a1743ca38f59a81a3672ebe6076c) 0.5.0 ===== * Corrected typo in generator template * Updated to support Rails 4 0.4.4 ===== * Updated README file 0.4.3 ===== * Fixed error handling in parse_load_paths * Updated specs * Update Rakefile and rake tasks. * Updated Docs. 0.4.2 ===== * Fixed indifferent access in Config object. 0.4.1 ===== * Fixed error occuring in non-Rails apps (NameError/HashWithIndifferentAccess missing) - From vandries/rconfig (github) * Fixed install generator * Fixed application file shorthand (i.e. RConfig[key] == RConfig.application.key) 0.4.0 ===== * Broke RConfig core into separate modules to decrease core class size. * Added Rails generator to override RConfig settings in Rails projects * Added support for git-like config files, giving key/value properties files potentially three levels. * Added support for values referencing other properties in key-value config files * Refactored settings module to allow for clean defaults, and overriding. * Added RConfig logger. * Renamed overlay to cascade * Fixed a syntax error in when clause of config_hash.rb for ruby 1.9.1 - From dvyjones/rconfig (github). * Fixed raise on allow_reload method. * Fixed unit test, rconfig_test.rb. * Fixed minor typos, comments, and bugs. * Refactored Hash#weave signature; changed dont_clobber=true, to clobber=false (reads more intuitively). * Removed redundant validate method from PropertiesFileParser. * Renamed PropertiesFileParser to PropertiesFile 0.3.3 ===== * Fixed overlay class variable not loaded warning. 0.3.2 ===== * Fixed bug in 0.3.1 causing stackrace 0.3.1 (bug - DO NOT USE) ===== * Added rake scripts * Finished gemspec * Created rdocs * Built gem file 0.3 ===== * Re-factored rconfig core. * Added new helper method to init rconfig. * Re-factored core_ext/hash. * Added custom exceptions. * Added global instance $config, for convenience. * Updated comments. 0.2 ===== * Added support for setting config path(s) programmtically. * Added support for using multiple file types at once. * Cleaned up STDERR statements. 0.1 ===== * First public release