require 'cucumber/formatter/console' require 'cucumber/formatter/io' require 'fileutils' require 'prawn' require "prawn/layout" require "prawn/format" module Cucumber module Formatter BLACK = '000000' GREY = '999999' class Pdf include FileUtils include Console include Io attr_writer :indent def initialize(step_mother, path_or_io, options) @step_mother = step_mother @file = ensure_file(path_or_io, "pdf") if(options[:dry_run]) @status_colors = { :passed => BLACK, :skipped => BLACK, :undefined => BLACK, :failed => BLACK} else @status_colors = { :passed => '055902', :skipped => GREY, :undefined => 'F27405', :failed => '730202'} end @pdf = @scrap = @doc = @scrap @options = options @exceptions = [] @indent = 0 @buffer = [] load_cover_page_image @pdf.text "\n\n\nCucumber features", :align => :center, :size => 32 @pdf.text "Generated: #{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")}", :size => 10, :at => [0, 24] @pdf.text "Command: cucumber #{ARGV.join(" ")}", :size => 10, :at => [0,10] unless options[:dry_run] @pdf.bounding_box [450,100] , :width => 100 do @pdf.text 'Legend', :size => 10 @status_colors.each do |k,v| @pdf.fill_color v @pdf.text k.to_s, :size => 10 @pdf.fill_color BLACK end end end end def load_cover_page_image() if (!load_image("features/support/logo.png")) load_image("features/support/logo.jpg") end end def load_image(image_path) begin @pdf.image open(image_path, "rb"), :position => :center, :width => 500 true rescue Errno::ENOENT false end end def after_features(features) @pdf.render_file(@file.path) puts "\ndone" end def feature_name(name) @pdf.start_new_page name["Feature:"] = "" if name["Feature:"] names = name.split("\n") @pdf.fill_color GREY @pdf.text('Feature', :align => :center) @pdf.fill_color BLACK names.each_with_index do |nameline, i| case i when 0 @pdf.text(nameline.strip, :size => 30, :align => :center ) @pdf.text("\n") else @pdf.text(nameline.strip, :size => 12) end end @pdf.move_down(30) end def before_feature_element(feature_element) record_tag_occurrences(feature_element, @options) end def after_feature_element(feature_element) flush end def after_feature(feature) flush end def feature_element_name(keyword, name) names = name.empty? ? [name] : name.split("\n") print "." STDOUT.flush keep_with do @doc.move_down(20) @doc.fill_color GREY @doc.text("#{keyword}", :size => 8) @doc.fill_color BLACK @doc.text("#{names[0]}", :size => 16) names[1..-1].each { |s| @doc.text(s, :size => 12) } @doc.text("\n") end end def step_result(keyword, step_match, multiline_arg, status, exception, source_indent, background) @hide_this_step = false if exception if @exceptions.include?(exception) @hide_this_step = true return end @exceptions << exception end if status != :failed && @in_background ^ background @hide_this_step = true return end end def step_name(keyword, step_match, status, source_indent, background) return if @hide_this_step line = "#{keyword} #{step_match.format_args("%s").gsub('<', '<').gsub('>', '>')}" colorize(line, status) end def before_background(background) @in_background = true end def after_background(background) @in_background = nil end def before_multiline_arg(table) return if @hide_this_step if(table.kind_of? Cucumber::Ast::Table) keep_with do @doc.table(table.rows << table.headers , :position => :center, :row_colors => ['ffffff', 'f0f0f0']) end end end #using row_color hack to highlight each row correctly def before_outline_table(table) return if @hide_this_step row_colors = { |r| @status_colors[r.status] unless r.status == :skipped} keep_with do @doc.table(table.rows, :headers => table.headers, :position => :center, :row_colors => row_colors) end end def before_py_string(string) return if @hide_this_step s = %{"""\n#{string}\n"""}.indent(10) s = s.split("\n").map{|l| l =~ /^\s+$/ ? '' : l} s.each do |line| line.gsub!('<', '<') line.gsub!('>', '>') keep_with { @doc.text line, :size => 8 } end end def tag_name(tag_name) return if @hide_this_step tag = format_string(tag_name, :tag).indent(@indent) # TODO should we render tags at all? skipped for now. difficult to place due to page breaks end def background_name(keyword, name, file_colon_line, source_indent) feature_element_name(keyword, name) end def examples_name(keyword, name) feature_element_name(keyword, name) end def scenario_name(keyword, name, file_colon_line, source_indent) feature_element_name(keyword, name) end private def colorize(text, status) keep_with do @doc.fill_color(@status_colors[status] || BLACK) @doc.text(text) @doc.fill_color(BLACK) end end def keep_with(&block) @buffer << block end def render(doc) @doc = doc @buffer.each do |proc| end end # This method does a 'test' rendering on a blank page, to see the rendered height of the buffer # if that too high for the space left on the age in the real document, we do a page break. # This obviously doesn't work if a scenario is longer than a whole page (God forbid) def flush @scrap.start_new_page oldy = @scrap.y render @scrap height = (oldy - @scrap.y) + 36 # whops magic number if ((@pdf.y - height) < @pdf.bounds.bottom) @pdf.start_new_page end render @pdf @pdf.move_down(20) @buffer = [] end end end end