require 'jazzhands/version' require 'jazzhands/railtie' if defined?(Rails) require 'active_support' require 'readline' module Jazzhands ### Options ### # Color the prompt? # # A different setting than Pry.color since some may like colored output, but a # plain prompt. # # Default: 'true' for GNU readline or rb-readline which correctly count line # widths with color codes when using \001 and \002 hints. 'false' for # libedit-based wrapper (standard on OS X unless ruby is explicitly compiled # otherwise). # mattr_accessor :colored_prompt self.colored_prompt = (Readline::VERSION !~ /EditLine/) # Separator between application name and input in the prompt. # # Default: right angle quote, or '>' when using rb-readline which doesn't # handle mixed encodings well. # mattr_accessor :prompt_separator self.prompt_separator = defined?(RbReadline) ? '>' : "\u00BB" class << self # Enable syntax highlighting as you type in the Rails console via coolline and # coderay (MRI 1.9.3+ only). Disabled by default as it's a bit buggy. # # Call from a Rails initializer: # # Jazzhands.enable_syntax_highlighting_as_you_type! # def enable_syntax_highlighting_as_you_type! raise 'Syntax highlighting only supported on 1.9.3+' unless RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.3' # Use coolline with CodeRay for syntax highlighting as you type. # Only works on >= 1.9.3 because coolline depends on io/console. require 'coolline' require 'coderay' Pry.config.input = do |c| c.transform_proc = proc do CodeRay.scan(c.line, :ruby).term end c.completion_proc = proc do word = c.completed_word { |w| w.start_with? word } end end end alias :enable_syntax_highlighting_as_you_type :enable_syntax_highlighting_as_you_type! end ### Internal methods ### mattr_accessor :_hirb_output end