= hidden_field_tag 'product_rule[name]', 'search', id: nil = hidden_field_tag 'product_rule[operator]', 'equals' Products must match = text_field_tag 'product_rule[value]', rule.value.presence || '*', class: 'text-box text-box--i18n text-box--medium' = inline_svg 'workarea/admin/icons/help.svg', class: 'svg-icon svg-icon--small svg-icon--blue', data: { tooltip: { content_id: '#search-info', interactive: true }.to_json } #search-info.tooltip-content %h4 Simple %p Enter keywords to match product names, options, filters, categories, etc. %h4 Advanced %p You can use #{link_to 'the Lucene query language', 'https://lucene.apache.org/core/2_9_4/queryparsersyntax.html', target: '_blank', rel: 'noopener'} to achieve more complex rules here. Some examples: %ul %li jeans OR denim - products matching either "jeans" or "denim" %li created_at:[now-30d TO now] - products created in the past thirty days %li numeric.variant_count:[3 TO *] - products with more than three variants %li content.name:"Heavy Duty" - products with "Heavy Duty" in the name %p Here is a partial list of fields out of the box (check with your implementer for a list specific to your build): %ul %li slug - slug %li created_at - when the product was created %li updated_at - when the product was last modified %li numeric.price - product prices %li numeric.inventory - available inventory %li numeric.variant_count - number of variants %li keywords.catalog_id - product ID %li keywords.sku - SKUs on the product %li content.name - product name %li content.category_names - category names the product is in %li content.details - product details %li content.facets - product filters