#- ©2009 Rick DeNatale #- All rights reserved require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[.. .. spec_helper]) require 'tzinfo' describe RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime do before(:each) do @cal = RiCal.Calendar end def utc_datetime(string) RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(@cal, :value => "#{string}Z") end def local_datetime(string, tzid = "America/New_York") RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(@cal, :value => string, :params => {'TZID' => tzid}) end context "time_with_zone_methods" do context ".utc" do context "for a datetime already in zulu time" do before(:each) do @it = utc_datetime("19970101T012300").utc end it "should return the same datetime" do @it.should == utc_datetime("19970101T012300") end it "should return a result with a tzid of UTC" do @it.utc.tzid.should == "UTC" end end it "should raise an invalid timezone exception if the timezone of the receiver is unknown" do lambda {local_datetime("19970101T012300", 'America/Caspian').utc}.should raise_error(RiCal::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier) end context "for a datetime with a tzid of America/New_York" do before(:each) do @it = local_datetime("19970101T012300").utc end it "should return the equivalent utc time" do @it.should == utc_datetime("19970101T062300") end it "should return a result with a tzid of UTC" do @it.tzid.should == "UTC" end end context ".in_timezone('America/New_York')" do it "should raise an invalid timezone exception if the timezone of the receiver is unknown" do lambda {local_datetime("19970101T012300", 'America/Caspian').in_time_zone('America/New_York')}.should raise_error(RiCal::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier) end context "for a datetime 19970101T012300 in zulu time" do before(:each) do @it = utc_datetime("19970101T012300").in_time_zone('America/New_York') end it "should return the 8:23 p. Dec 31, 1996" do @it.should == local_datetime("19961231T202300") end it "should return a result with a tzid of UTC" do @it.tzid.should == "America/New_York" end end context "for a datetime 19970101T012300 with a tzid of America/New_York" do before(:each) do @it = local_datetime("19970101T012300").in_time_zone('America/New_York') end it "should return the same time" do @it.should == local_datetime("19970101T012300") end it "should return a result with a tzid of UTC" do @it.tzid.should == "America/New_York" end end context "for a datetime 19970101T012300 with a tzid of America/Chicago" do before(:each) do @it = local_datetime("19970101T012300", "America/Chicago").in_time_zone('America/New_York') end it "should return Jan 1, 1997 02:23 a.m." do @it.should == local_datetime("19970101T022300") end it "should return a result with a tzid of America/New_York" do @it.tzid.should == "America/New_York" end end end end context "for a datetime from an imported calendar" do before(:each) do cals = RiCal.parse_string <<-END_OF_DATA BEGIN:VCALENDAR METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-TIMEZONE:America/New_York PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//iCal 3.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN X-WR-CALNAME:Test VERSION:2.0 X-WR-RELCALID:58DB0663-196B-4B6B-A05A-A53049661280 X-APPLE-CALENDAR-COLOR:#0252D4 BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/Paris BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0200 DTSTART:19810329T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU TZNAME:CEST END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 DTSTART:19961027T030000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU TZNAME:CET END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:US/Eastern BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0500 TZOFFSETTO:-0400 DTSTART:20070311T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU TZNAME:EDT END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 DTSTART:20071104T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU TZNAME:EST END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:3 TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:AC2EFB19-A8A8-49EF-929F-CA0975374ED6 DTSTART:20090501T000000Z DTSTAMP:20090501T174405Z SUMMARY:UTC Event CREATED:20090501T174347Z DTEND:20090501T010000Z END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:2 TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:A5517A09-C53E-4E1F-A642-EA47680BF2B6 DTSTART;TZID=US/Eastern:20090430T140000 DTSTAMP:20090501T174428Z SUMMARY:Eastern Event CREATED:20090501T174415Z DTEND;TZID=US/Eastern:20090430T150000 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:3 TRANSP:OPAQUE UID:B5024763-9197-4A60-A96E-D8D59D578BB2 DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Paris:20090430T140000 DTSTAMP:20090501T174509Z SUMMARY:Paris Event CREATED:20090501T174439Z DTEND;TZID=Europe/Paris:20090430T150000 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR END_OF_DATA @cal = cals.first end def find_event(summary) @cal.events.find {|event| event.summary == summary} end context ".utc" do it "should raise an invalid timezone exception if the timezone of the receiver is not in the calendar" do lambda {local_datetime("19970101T012300", 'America/New_York').utc}.should raise_error(RiCal::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier) end context "for the DTSTART of the UTC Event" do before(:each) do @it = find_event("UTC Event").dtstart_property.utc end it "should return the same datetime" do @it.should == utc_datetime("20090501T000000") end it "should return a result with a tzid of UTC" do @it.utc.tzid.should == "UTC" end end context "for the DTSTART of the Eastern Event" do before(:each) do @it = find_event("Eastern Event").dtstart_property.utc end it "should return the equivalent utc time" do @it.should == utc_datetime("20090430T180000") end it "should return a result with a tzid of UTC" do @it.tzid.should == "UTC" end end end context ".in_timezone('US/Eastern')" do it "should raise an invalid timezone exception if the timezone of the receiver is not in the calendar" do lambda {local_datetime("19970101T012300", 'America/New_York').in_time_zone("US/Eastern")}.should raise_error(RiCal::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier) end context "for the DTSTART of the UTC Event" do before(:each) do @it = find_event("UTC Event").dtstart_property.in_time_zone("US/Eastern") end it "should return 8:00 p.m. Apr 30, 2009" do @it.should == local_datetime("20090430T2000000", "US/Eastern") end it "should return a result with a tzid of US/Eastern" do @it.tzid.should == "US/Eastern" end end context "for the DTSTART of the Eastern Event" do before(:each) do @it = find_event("Eastern Event").dtstart_property.in_time_zone("US/Eastern") end it "should return the same time" do @it.should == local_datetime("20090430T140000", "US/Eastern") end it "should return a result with a tzid of UTC" do @it.tzid.should == "US/Eastern" end end context "for the DTSTART of the Paris Event" do before(:each) do @it = find_event("Paris Event").dtstart_property.in_time_zone("US/Eastern") end it "should return 8:00 a.m. on Apr 30, 2009" do @it.should == local_datetime("20090430T080000", "US/Eastern") end it "should return a result with a tzid of UTC" do @it.tzid.should == "US/Eastern" end end end end end context ".from_separated_line" do it "should return a RiCal::PropertyValue::Date if the value doesn't contain a time specification" do RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.or_date(nil, :value => "19970714").should be_kind_of(RiCal::PropertyValue::Date) end it "should return a RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime if the value does contain a time specification" do RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.or_date(nil, :value => "19980118T230000").should be_kind_of(RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime) end end context ".advance" do it "should advance by one week if passed :days => 7" do dt1 = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(nil, :value => "20050131T230000") dt2 = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(nil, :value => "20050207T230000") dt1.advance(:days => 7).should == dt2 end end context "subtracting one date-time from another" do it "should produce the right RiCal::PropertyValue::Duration" do dt1 = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(nil, :value => "19980118T230000") dt2 = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(nil, :value => "19980119T010000") @it = dt2 - dt1 @it.should == RiCal::PropertyValue::Duration.new(nil, :value => "+PT2H") end end context "adding a RiCal::PropertyValue::Duration to a RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime" do it "should produce the right RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime" do dt1 = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(nil, :value => "19980118T230000") duration = RiCal::PropertyValue::Duration.new(nil, :value => "+PT2H") @it = dt1 + duration @it.should == RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(nil, :value => "19980119T010000") end end context "subtracting a RiCal::PropertyValue::Duration from a RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime" do it "should produce the right RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime" do dt1 = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(nil, :value => "19980119T010000") duration = RiCal::PropertyValue::Duration.new(nil, :value => "+PT2H") @it = dt1 - duration @it.should == RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.new(nil, :value => "19980118T230000") end end context ".convert(rubyobject)" do describe "for a Time instance of Feb 05 19:17:11" before(:each) do @time = Time.mktime(2009,2,5,19,17,11) end context "with a normal a normal time instance" do describe "when the default timezone identifier is UTC" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.convert(nil, @time) end it "should have a TZID of UTC" do @it.tzid.should == 'UTC' end it "should have the right value" do @it.value.should == "20090205T191711Z" end end context "when the default timezone has been set to 'America/Chicago" do before(:each) do RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.stub!(:default_tzid).and_return("America/Chicago") @it = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.convert(nil, @time) end it "should have a TZID of America/Chicago" do @it.tzid.should == 'America/Chicago' end it "should have the right value" do @it.value.should == "20090205T191711" end end end context "with an activesupport like extended time instance with time_zone returning a TZInfo::TimeZone" do before(:each) do @time.stub!(:"acts_like_time?").and_return(true) @time.stub!(:time_zone).and_return(mock("TZINFO_TIMEZONE", :identifier => "America/New_York")) end context "when the default timezone identifier is UTC" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.convert(nil, @time) end it "should have the correct parameters" do @it.params.should == {'TZID' => 'America/New_York'} end it "should have a TZID of America/New_York" do @it.tzid.should == 'America/New_York' end it "should have the right value" do @it.value.should == "20090205T191711" end end context "when the default timezone has been set to 'America/Chicago" do before(:each) do RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.stub!(:default_tzid).and_return("America/Chicago") @it = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.convert(nil, @time) end it "should have the correct parameters" do @it.params.should == {'TZID' => 'America/New_York'} end it "should have a TZID of America/New_York" do @it.tzid.should == 'America/New_York' end it "should have the right value" do @it.value.should == "20090205T191711" end end end context "with an activesupport like extended time instance with time_zone returning an ActiveSupport::TimeZone" do before(:each) do @time.stub!(:"acts_like_time?").and_return(true) @tzinfo_timezone = mock("TZInfo_TimeZone", :identifier => "America/New_York") @active_support_timezone = mock("ActiveSupport::TimeZone", :identifier => "America/New_York", :tzinfo => @tzinfo_timezone ) @time.stub!(:time_zone).and_return(@active_support_timezone) end context "when the default timezone identifier is UTC" do before(:each) do @it = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.convert(nil, @time) end it "should have the correct parameters" do @it.params.should == {'TZID' => 'America/New_York'} end it "should have a TZID of America/New_York" do @it.tzid.should == 'America/New_York' end it "should have the right value" do @it.value.should == "20090205T191711" end end context "when the default timezone has been set to 'America/Chicago" do before(:each) do RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.stub!(:default_tzid).and_return("America/Chicago") @it = RiCal::PropertyValue::DateTime.convert(nil, @time) end it "should have the correct parameters" do @it.params.should == {'TZID' => 'America/New_York'} end it "should have a TZID of America/New_York" do @it.tzid.should == 'America/New_York' end it "should have the right value" do @it.value.should == "20090205T191711" end end end end end