describe "Loader" do before { Gem.stubs(:loaded_specs).returns({}) } describe "config" do before { reset } # if this test fails, other exists? using methods fail it "from callback recursively merges with user's config" do with_config(:libraries=>{'blah'=>{:commands=>{'bling'=>{:desc=>'bling', :options=>{:num=>3}}}}}) do File.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) load :blah, :file_string=> "module Blah; def self.config; {:commands=>{'blang'=>{:alias=>'ba'}, " + "'bling'=>{:options=>{:verbose=>:boolean}}}}; end; end" library('blah').command_object('bling').options.should == {:verbose=>:boolean, :num=>3} library('blah').command_object('bling').desc.should == 'bling' library('blah').command_object('blang').alias.should == 'ba' end end it "non-hash from inspector overridden by user's config" do with_config(:libraries=>{'blah'=>{:commands=>{'bling'=>{:desc=>'already'}}}}) do load :blah, :file_string=>"module Blah; #from file\ndef bling; end; end" library('blah').command_object('bling').desc.should == 'already' end end it "from inspector attribute config sets command's config" do load :blah, :file_string=>"module Blah; config :alias=>'ok'\n; def bling; end; end" library('blah').command_object('bling').alias.should == 'ok' end end describe "load" do before { reset } it "calls included callback" do capture_stdout { load :blah, :file_string=>"module Blah; def self.included(mod); puts 'included blah'; end; def blah; end; end" }.should =~ /included blah/ end it "calls after_included callback" do capture_stdout { load :blah, :file_string=>"module Blah; def self.after_included; puts 'yo'; end; end" }.should == "yo\n" end it "prints error if library module conflicts with top level constant/module" do capture_stderr { load :blah, :file_string=>"module Object; def self.blah; end; end" }.should =~ /conflict.*'Object'/ library_loaded?('blah') end end after_all { FileUtils.rm_r File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/commands/', :force=>true } end