eeny-meeny ========================== [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( Installation ------------- You can install this gem by using the following command: ``` gem install eeny-meeny ``` or by adding the the following line to your Gemfile. ``` gem 'eeny-meeny' ``` Configuration ------------- `eeny-meeny` should be configured in your Rails environment file. Preferably loaded through `secrets.yml` The following configurations are available: * `config.eeny_meeny.cookies.path` Defaults to `'/'`. Sets the `path` cookie attribute. If this configuartion is set to `nil` it means that each page will get its own cookie. * `config.eeny_meeny.cookies.same_site` Defaults to `:strict`. Accepts: `:strict`, `:lax` and `nil`. Sets the `SameSite` cookie attribute. Selecting `nil` will disable the header on the cookie. * `` Boolean value. Defaults to `true` and determines if experiment cookies should be encrypted or not. * `config.eeny_meeny.secret` sets the secret used for encrypting experiment cookies. * `config.eeny_meeny.experiments` list of experiment-data. It is easiest to load this from a `.yml` file with the following structure: ``` :experiment_1: :name: Awesome Experiment :version: 1 :variations: :a: :name: Variation A :weight: 0.8 :options: :message: A rocks, B sucks :b: :name: Variation B :weight: 0.2 :options: :message: B is an all-star! ``` Usage ------------- `eeny-meeny` adds the following helpers to your controllers and views: * `participates_in?(experiement_id, variation_id: nil)` Returns the chosen variation for the current user if he participates in the experiment. Full page split tests ------------- If you want to completely redesign a page but test it in production as a split test against your old page, using identical routes, then it can be achieved as follows: 1. Create an experiment like this: ``` :example_page: :name: Test V1 vs. V2 :v1: :name: First version of the page :weight: 0.9 :v2: :name: Second version of the page :weight: 0.1 ``` 2. Namespace your controller and views (ex. `ExamplesController` becommes `V1::ExamplesController` ) 3. Copy the route(s) for `ExamplesController` and use `controller: 'v1/examples` 4. Add `require 'eeny-meeny/route_constraint` to `routes.rb` 4. Surround your `v1/examples` route(s) with the following constraint: ``` constraints(, variation_id: :v1) do # your v1 routes goes here. end ``` Now 90% of the users will experience V1 and 10% will experience V2. Special thanks ------------- As part of building this gem I borrowed the `Encryptor` class from the `encrypted_cookie` gem ( All credits for the cookie encryption goes to that project.