require 'rspec' require 'tmpdir' require 'pathname' require 'open3' unless ENV['CI'] require 'simplecov' module SimpleCov def self.lap if running @result = SimpleCov::ResultMerger.store_result(@result) end end end end ROOT = $:.unshift ROOT.join('lib').to_s require 'git/browse/remote' def git(*args) if Open3.methods(false).include? :capture3 out, err, status = Open3.capture3('git', * { |arg| arg.to_s }) else out = `git #{ { |arg| arg.to_s.shellescape }.join(' ')}` status = $?.to_i end if status != 0 abort "git #{args.join(' ')} failed: #{err}" end out[/.*/] end RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:all) do @pwd = Dir.pwd @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir Dir.chdir @tmpdir @sha1 = {} git :init git :config, '--local', '', '' git :config, '--local', '', 'git-browse-remote tester' git :remote, 'add', 'origin', '' git :remote, 'add', 'origin2', '' git :remote, 'add', 'origin3', 'ssh://' git :config, '--local', '', 'https://{host}/{path}' git :remote, 'add', 'origin4', 'ssh://' git :config, '--local', '', 'https://{host_port}/{path}' git :remote, 'add', 'origin5', '' # here 9999 is a part of path git :config, '--local', '', 'https://{host_port}/{path}' FileUtils.copy_file ROOT + '', '' git :add, '' git :commit, '-m' '1st commit' FileUtils.mkdir_p 'foo/bar' FileUtils.touch 'foo/bar/baz.txt' git :add, 'foo/bar/baz.txt' git :commit, '-m' '2nd commit' git :checkout, '-b', 'branch-1' git :commit, '-m' 'branched commit', '--allow-empty' @sha1[:'branch-1'] = git 'rev-parse', 'HEAD' git :checkout, 'master' git :commit, '-m' '3rd commit (tagged)', '--allow-empty' git :tag, 'tag-a' git :commit, '-m' '4th commit (remote HEAD)', '--allow-empty' git :remote, 'add', 'local-remote', '.git' git :remote, 'update', 'local-remote' git :remote, 'set-url', 'local-remote', '' git :commit, '-m' '5th commit', '--allow-empty' @sha1[:'master~1'] = git 'rev-parse', 'HEAD' git :commit, '-m' '6th commit', '--allow-empty' @sha1[:master] = git 'rev-parse', 'HEAD' # system 'git log --abbrev-commit --oneline --decorate --graph --all' # the commit graph looks like below; # # * e6b5d6f (local-remote/branch-1, branch-1) branched commit # | * 03b1d4d (HEAD, master) 6th commit # | * b591899 5th commit # | * 3139e94 (local-remote/master) 4th commit (remote HEAD) # | * a423770 (tag: tag-a) 3rd commit (tagged) # |/ # * 06f6ebb 2nd commit # * ff7b92b 1st commit end config.after(:all) do FileUtils.remove_entry @tmpdir Dir.chdir @pwd end config.after(:each) do git :checkout, 'master' end end module Kernel def exec(*args) $exec_args = args end end def git_browse_remote(args) begin SimpleCov.start unless ENV['CI'] ARGV.replace(args) load ROOT + 'bin/git-browse-remote', true true rescue false ensure SimpleCov.lap unless ENV['CI'] end end def opened_url git_browse_remote(args) if $exec_args[0..1] == [ 'git', 'web--browse' ] $exec_args[2] else nil end end def when_run_with_args(*args, &block) context "when run with args #{args}" do let(:args) { args } instance_eval(&block) end end describe 'git-browse-remote' do when_run_with_args '--init', '' do it 'should run successfully' do expect(git_browse_remote(args)).to be(true) end end context 'when on master' do when_run_with_args do it 'should open top page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--top' do it 'should open top page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--rev' do it 'should open rev page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("{@sha1[:master]}") end end when_run_with_args '--ref' do it 'should open ref page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args 'HEAD~1' do it 'should open previous rev\'s page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("{@sha1[:'master~1']}") end end when_run_with_args 'master' do it 'should open top page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--', '' do it 'should open the file page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--rev', '--', '' do it 'should open the file page by revision' do expect(opened_url).to eq("{@sha1[:master][0..6]}/") end end when_run_with_args '-L3', '--', '' do it 'should open the file at the specified line' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args 'branch-1' do it 'should open the branch page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--rev', 'branch-1' do it 'should open the rev page of the branch' do expect(opened_url).to eq("{@sha1[:'branch-1']}") end end when_run_with_args '--remote', 'origin2' do it 'should open the specified remote page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '-r', 'origin2' do it 'should open the specified remote page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '-r', 'origin2', '--rev' do it 'should open the specified remote page and the revision' do expect(opened_url).to eq("{@sha1[:master]}") end end when_run_with_args '' do it 'should open file file page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args 'origin2' do it 'should open the remote' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--remote', 'origin3' do it 'should open the specified remote page, `host` does not include port' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--remote', 'origin4' do it 'should open the specified remote page, using `host_port` variable' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--remote', 'origin5' do it 'should open the specified remote page on a SCP-like URL' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end end context 'on some branch' do before { git :checkout, 'branch-1' } when_run_with_args do it 'should open the current branch page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--top' do it 'should open the top page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--rev' do it 'should open the revision page of current HEAD' do expect(opened_url).to eq("{@sha1[:'branch-1']}") end end when_run_with_args '--pr' do it 'should open the pull request page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '' do it 'should open the file page at current branch' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end end context 'on detached HEAD' do before { git :checkout, 'HEAD~1' } when_run_with_args do it 'should open the revision page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("{@sha1[:'master~1']}") end end when_run_with_args 'HEAD' do it 'should open the revision page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("{@sha1[:'master~1']}") end end end context 'on tag' do before { git :checkout, 'tag-a' } when_run_with_args do it 'should open the tag page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end end context 'on remote branch' do before { git :checkout, 'local-remote/master' } when_run_with_args do it 'should open the remote' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end end context 'after changing branches' do before { git :checkout, 'branch-1' git :checkout, 'master' } when_run_with_args 'HEAD@{1}' do it 'should open the previous branch page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '--ref', 'HEAD@{1}' do it 'should open the previous branch page' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end end when_run_with_args 'foo/bar' do it 'should accept directory as an argument' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end context 'when at non-toplevel directory' do before { @_pwd = Dir.pwd; Dir.chdir 'foo' } after { Dir.chdir @_pwd } when_run_with_args '../' do it 'should resolve relative path' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end when_run_with_args '.' do it 'should resolve relative path' do expect(opened_url).to eq("") end end end it 'should abort on invalid ref' do expect { git_browse_remote([ 'xxx-nonexistent-ref' ]) }.to raise_error SystemExit end end