;(function() { "use strict"; // Provides management of goals. function GoalCtrl(GoalService, goalTool, currentGoals, studyEndDate, noticesEnabled, noticeUtility, SN_CONSTANTS) { this._goals = GoalService; this._goalTool = goalTool; this.goalModel = this._goalTool.getModel(); this.textMaxLength = SN_CONSTANTS.TEXT_MAX_LENGTH; this.participantGoals = currentGoals; this.studyEndDate = studyEndDate; this.noticesEnabled = noticesEnabled; this.noticeUtility = noticeUtility; this.resetForm(); this.resetTabs(); if (typeof $ !== 'undefined') { $("#help-pop").popover({ html: true }); } } // Is this only available for goal browsing? GoalCtrl.prototype.inBrowseMode = function() { return this._goalTool.getMode() === this._goalTool.MODES.BROWSE; }; // Is this available for goal entry? GoalCtrl.prototype.inEntryMode = function() { return this._goalTool.getMode() === this._goalTool.MODES.ENTRY; }; // Open a form. GoalCtrl.prototype.new = function() { this._goalTool.edit(); }; GoalCtrl.prototype.edit = function(goal) { this._goalTool.edit(goal); }; // Persist the isCompleted attribute to the server. GoalCtrl.prototype.toggleComplete = function(currentGoal) { if (window.confirm("Are you sure you would like to mark this goal as complete? This action cannot be undone.")) { currentGoal.isCompleted = !currentGoal.isCompleted; this._goals.update(currentGoal) .catch(function(goal) { currentGoal.isCompleted = goal.isCompleted; }); if(this.noticesEnabled && this.noticeUtility) { this.noticeUtility.actionNotice("SocialNetworking::Goal", "Complete a goal.", currentGoal.participantId); } } }; // Persist the isDeleted attribute to the server. GoalCtrl.prototype.toggleDeleted = function(currentGoal) { if (window.confirm("Are you sure you would like to delete this goal? This action cannot be undone.")) { currentGoal.isDeleted = !currentGoal.isDeleted; this._goals.update(currentGoal) .catch(function (goal) { currentGoal.isDeleted = goal.isDeleted; }); } }; // Persist a goal from the form. GoalCtrl.prototype.save = function() { var self = this; if (this._goalTool.getModel().id === null) { this._goals.create(this._goalTool.getModel()) .then(function(goal) { self.resetForm(); self.participantGoals.push(goal); self.resetTabs(); if(self.noticesEnabled && self.noticeUtility) { self.noticeUtility.actionNotice("SocialNetworking::Goal", "Create a goal.", goal.participantId); } }) .catch(function(message) { self.error = message.error; }); } else { this._goals.update(this._goalTool.getModel()) .then(function(goal) { // Update the model in the collection. self.participantGoals.some(function(g, i, array) { if (g.id === goal.id) { self._goalTool.copy(goal, g); return true; } return false; }); self.resetForm(); self.resetTabs(); }) .catch(function(message) { self.error = message.error; }); } }; // Undo any changes. GoalCtrl.prototype.resetForm = function() { this._goalTool.setModel(); this._goalTool.setMode(this._goalTool.MODES.BROWSE); }; GoalCtrl.prototype.resetTabs = function() { this._goalTool.setFilter('all'); this._goalTool.setTab('all'); }; GoalCtrl.prototype.setTab = function(name) { this._goalTool.setTab(name); }; GoalCtrl.prototype.getTab = function() { return this._goalTool.getTab(); }; GoalCtrl.prototype.dateInNWeeks = function(week_number) { if (week_number) { return moment().add(week_number, 'weeks').format('MMM DD YYYY'); } else { return null; } }; GoalCtrl.prototype.dateAtEndOfTrial = function() { if (this.studyEndDate && moment(this.studyEndDate) > moment()) { return moment(this.studyEndDate).format("MMM DD YYYY"); } else { return null; } }; GoalCtrl.prototype.atLeastNWeeksLeftInTrial = function(week_number) { week_number = week_number || 0; return moment().add(week_number, 'weeks') .isBefore(moment(this.studyEndDate)); }; GoalCtrl.prototype.setFilter = function(type) { this._goalTool.setFilter(type); }; GoalCtrl.prototype.showCharLimit = function(inputTag) { $(inputTag) .showCharLimit({ maxlength: this.textMaxLength }); }; GoalCtrl.prototype.getFilter = function() { return this._goalTool.getFilter(); }; // Create a module and register the controller. angular.module('socialNetworking.controllers') .controller('GoalCtrl', ['Goals', 'goalTool', 'currentGoals', 'participantStudyEndDate', 'noticesEnabled', 'noticeUtility', 'SN_CONSTANTS', GoalCtrl]); })();