## Plate 0.7.6 * Allow files in assets/ directory to be reloaded in watch mode. * Allow static assets (images) in assets/ directory ## Plate 0.7.5 * Gem updates * Additional tests for importing css files within assets/ directory ## Plate 0.7.4 * Gem dependency updates * Allow assets to be loaded from /assets directory in addition to /content * Upgrade Bootstrap to v2.2.2 ## Plate 0.7.3 * Bug fix, reverse order of paged posts. ## Plate 0.7.2 * Added paged posts archive DSL method. ## Plate 0.7.1 * Added DSL method `write` to create a dynamic page. * Added DSL method `archives` to create category, monthly, and yearly post archives. ## Plate 0.7.0 * Added support for view partials * Reload page layout when re-rendering a page * Added support for draft posts. Draft posts are located in `drafts/` ## Plate 0.6.3 * Pass through current site to Sass::Engine options for use within Sass plugins ## Plate 0.6.2 * Gem dependency updates * Upgraded Twitter Bootstrap to v2.0.3 * Sass and Less partial modifications reload parent file regardless of file location and nesting ## Plate 0.6.1 * Added basic support for asset partials with Sass and Less. When using watch mode, partials will reload any referencing files if they are modified ## Plate 0.6.0 * Meta data can be read from the config file and used to store common site data such as title, description, author, etc * Modified new site generator to use meta data structure * Added RSS feed as part of new site generation * Added helper for making relative links absolute for use within RSS feeds * Documentation updates * Added a new DSL for callbacks and other extensions. Files within `./lib` will now be evaluated using the DSL instead of just being required * Helpers have been moved to a separate directory in the site source root named `./helpers`. * Added new site template with some base CSS styles and helpful information to get started * Allow a build destination to be set within the config.yml file * Allow customization of Sass output style with config variable :sass_style * Added DSL methods to register asset and template engines * Added engine for Less CSS processing. Install the less gem to use this engine ## Plate 0.5.4 * Added config option to command line utility to load a specific config file * Allowed new post command to have default options stored in config.yml file ## Plate 0.5.3 * Added support for Sass @import statements * Partial-style assets are not included in the build by default. Partial file names start with an underscore ## Plate 0.5.2 * Added `platify` command line utility to set up a new site ## Plate 0.5.1 * Updates to new post command line utility (Pass in a category and layout to a new post) ## Plate 0.5.0 * Initial build, basic site generation, asset compilation and template handling * Command line interface * Rebuilding site with changes on demand with the `--watch` parameter * Basic callbacks for manipulating page and site content