require 'securerandom' require 'shellwords' require 'yaml' require 'fileutils' module Slugbuilder class Builder def initialize(repo:, git_ref:, stdout: $stdout) @stdout = stdout @base_dir = Shellwords.escape(Slugbuilder.config.base_dir) @cache_dir = Shellwords.escape(Slugbuilder.config.cache_dir) @output_dir = Shellwords.escape(Slugbuilder.config.output_dir) @buildpacks_dir = File.join(@base_dir, 'buildpacks') @env_dir = File.join(@base_dir, 'environment') repo_matches = parse_git_url(repo) @repo = "#{repo_matches[:org]}/#{repo_matches[:name]}" @git_url = normalize_git_url(repo) @git_ref = git_ref @git_dir = File.join(@base_dir, 'git', @repo) @build_dir = File.join(@base_dir, @repo, git_ref) setup if block_given? yield(repo: @repo, git_ref: git_ref, git_url: @git_url) end end def build(clear_cache: false, env: {}, prebuild: nil, postbuild: nil, slug_name: nil, buildpacks: Slugbuilder.config.buildpacks) @old_env = ENV.to_h # clear environment from previous builds FileUtils.rm_rf(@env_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@env_dir) @buildpacks = buildpacks @env = env @slug_file = slug_name ? "#{slug_name}.tgz" : Shellwords.escape("#{@repo.gsub('/', '.')}.#{@git_ref}.#{@git_sha}.tgz") wipe_cache if clear_cache @repo, git_ref: @git_ref, git_url: @git_url) if prebuild with_clean_env do build_and_release end stitle("Setup completed in #{@setup_time} seconds") stitle("Build completed in #{@build_time} seconds") stext("Application compiled in #{@compile_time} seconds") stext("Slug compressed in #{@slug_time} seconds") stitle("Slug built to #{File.join(@output_dir, @slug_file)}") stats = { setup: @setup_time, build: @build_time, compile: @compile_time, slug: @slug_time, output: build_output.join('') } @repo, git_ref: @git_ref, git_sha: @git_sha, git_url: @git_url, request_id: @request_id, stats: stats, slug: File.join(@output_dir, @slug_file)) if postbuild if block_given? yield(repo: @repo, git_ref: @git_ref, git_sha: @git_sha, git_url: @git_url, request_id: @request_id, stats: stats, slug: File.join(@output_dir, @slug_file)) end return true rescue => e stitle("Failed: #{e}\n#{e.backtrace.join("\n")}") return false ensure restore_env end private def restore_env ENV.delete_if { true } ENV.update(@old_env) end def with_clean_env ENV.delete_if { true } yield restore_env end def wipe_cache FileUtils.rm_rf(@cache_dir) FileUtils.rm_rf(@buildpacks_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@cache_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@buildpacks_dir) end def build_and_release @build_time = realtime do set_environment buildpacks = fetch_buildpacks run_hook('pre-compile') run_buildpacks(buildpacks) run_hook('post-compile') @slug_time = realtime { build_slug } slug_size print_workers end end def setup @setup_time = realtime do create_dirs download_repo unless Dir.exist?(@git_dir) checkout_git_ref stitle("Saving application to #{@build_dir}") copy_app end end def slug_size @slug_size = File.size(@slug_file) / 1024 / 1024 stitle("Slug size is #{@slug_size} Megabytes.") end def set_environment load_env_file("#{@cache_dir}/env") load_env_file("#{@build_dir}/.env") ENV['STACK'] = 'cedar-14' @request_id = SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(32) ENV['REQUEST_ID'] = @request_id ENV['SOURCE_VERSION'] = @git_sha # write user envs to files write_user_envs(@env) ENV['HOME'] = @build_dir ENV['APP_DIR'] = @build_dir stitle('Build environment') ENV.each do |k, v| stext("#{k}=#{v}") end end def create_dirs FileUtils.mkdir_p(@cache_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@base_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@buildpacks_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(@output_dir) # clear old build FileUtils.rm_rf(@build_dir) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@build_dir, '.profile.d')) end def checkout_git_ref Dir.chdir(@git_dir) do # checkout branch or sha # get branch from origin so it is always the most recent rc = run("git fetch --quiet --all && (git checkout --quiet origin/#{@git_ref} || git checkout --quiet #{@git_ref})") fail "Failed to fetch and checkout: #{@git_ref}" if rc != 0 @git_sha = `git rev-parse HEAD`.strip end end def download_repo stitle("Fetching #{@repo}") rc = run("git clone --quiet #{@git_url} #{@git_dir}") fail "Failed to download repo: #{@repo}" if rc != 0 end def copy_app # copy dotfiles but not .git, ., or .. files = Dir.glob("#{@git_dir}/**", File::FNM_DOTMATCH).reject { |file| file =~ /\.git|\.$|\.\.$/ } FileUtils.cp_r(files, @build_dir) end def get_buildpack_name(url) matches = parse_git_url(url) "#{matches[:org]}__#{matches[:name]}#{matches[:hash]}" end def fetch_buildpacks @buildpacks << Shellwords.escape(@env['BUILDPACK_URL']) if @env.key?('BUILDPACK_URL') fail 'Could not detect buildpack' if existing_buildpacks = Dir.entries(@buildpacks_dir) @buildpacks.each do |buildpack_url| buildpack_matches = parse_git_url(buildpack_url) buildpack_name = get_buildpack_name(buildpack_url) if !existing_buildpacks.include?(buildpack_name) # download buildpack stitle("Fetching buildpack: #{buildpack_name}") rc = run("git clone --quiet #{normalize_git_url(buildpack_url)} #{@buildpacks_dir}/#{buildpack_name}") fail "Failed to download buildpack: #{buildpack_name}" if rc != 0 else # fetch latest stitle("Using cached buildpack. Ensuring latest version of buildpack: #{buildpack_name}") Dir.chdir("#{@buildpacks_dir}/#{buildpack_name}") do rc = run('git reset origin --hard && git pull --quiet') fail "Failed to update: #{buildpack_name}" if rc != 0 end end # checkout hash if buildpack_matches[:hash] Dir.chdir("#{@buildpacks_dir}/#{buildpack_name}") do rc = run("git fetch --quiet --all && git checkout --quiet #{buildpack_matches[:hash]} && git reset origin --hard && git pull --quiet") fail "Failed to fetch and checkout: #{buildpack_matches[:hash]}" if rc != 0 end end end @buildpacks end def run_hook(hook_name) Dir.chdir(@build_dir) do script = "#{@build_dir}/bin/#{hook_name}" if File.exists?(script) rc = run(script) fail "Failed to run #{script}" if rc != 0 end end end def run_buildpacks(buildpacks) @compile_time = 0 buildpacks.each do |buildpack_url| buildpack_name = get_buildpack_name(buildpack_url) buildpack = File.join(@buildpacks_dir, buildpack_name) if run("#{buildpack}/bin/detect #{@build_dir}") == 0 @compile_time += realtime { compile(buildpack) } # load environment for subsequent buildpacks load_export_env(File.join(buildpack, 'export')) release(buildpack) end end end def compile(buildpack) rc = run_echo("#{buildpack}/bin/compile '#{@build_dir}' '#{@cache_dir}' '#{@env_dir}'") fail "Couldn't compile application using buildpack #{buildpack}" if rc != 0 end def release(buildpack) # should create .release release_file ="#{@build_dir}/.release", 'w') rc = run("#{buildpack}/bin/release '#{@build_dir}'") do |line| release_file.print(line) end release_file.close fail "Couldn't release application using buildpack #{buildpack}" if rc != 0 end def build_slug rc = 1 # use pigz if available compression = `which pigz` != '' ? '--use-compress-program=pigz' : '' if File.exists?("#{@build_dir}/.slugignore") rc = run_echo("tar --exclude='.git' #{compression} -X #{@build_dir}/.slugignore -C #{@build_dir} -cf #{File.join(@output_dir, @slug_file)} .") else rc = run_echo("tar --exclude='.git' #{compression} -C #{@build_dir} -cf #{File.join(@output_dir, @slug_file)} .") end fail "Couldn't create slugfile" if rc != 0 end def slug_size @slug_size = File.size(File.join(@output_dir, @slug_file)) / 1024 / 1024 stitle("Slug size is #{@slug_size} Megabytes.") end def parse_git_url(url) regex = %r{ ^ .*? (?:(?[^\/@]+)(\/|:))? (?[^\/:]+) \/ (?[^\/#\.]+) (?:\.git(?:\#(?.+))?)? $ }x url.match(regex) end def normalize_git_url(url) matches = parse_git_url(url) fail "Invalid buildpack url: #{url}." unless matches if Slugbuilder.config.protocol == 'ssh' "git@#{matches[:host] || Slugbuilder.config.git_service}:#{matches[:org]}/#{matches[:name]}.git" else "https://#{matches[:host] || Slugbuilder.config.git_service}/#{matches[:org]}/#{matches[:name]}.git" end end def print_workers workers = {} if File.exists?("#{@build_dir}/Procfile") procfile = YAML.load_file("#{@build_dir}/Procfile") workers.merge!(procfile) end if File.exists?("#{@build_dir}/.release") procfile = YAML.load_file("#{@build_dir}/.release") workers.merge!(procfile['default_process_types']) if procfile.key?('default_process_types') end stitle("Process Types: #{workers.keys.join(', ')}") end def build_output @build_output ||= [] end def stitle(line) build_output << "-----> #{line}\n" @stdout.puts("-----> #{line}") end def stext(line) build_output << " #{line}\n" @stdout.puts(" #{line}") end def realtime t0 = yield (( - t0).to_i * 100) / 100.0 end def run(cmd) IO.popen(cmd) do |io| until io.eof? data = io.gets yield data if block_given? end end $?.exitstatus end def run_echo(cmd) run(cmd) do |line| build_output << line @stdout.print(line) end end def load_export_env(file) if File.exists?(file) exports ='export') exports.each do |line| parts = line.split(/=/, 2) next if parts.length != 2 name, val = parts name.strip! val = val.strip.split(/\n/).join.gsub('"', '') ENV[name] = `echo "#{val}"`.strip end end end def write_user_envs(envs) envs.each do |key, val|, key.to_s), 'w') do |file| file.write(val.to_s) end end end def load_env_file(file) if File.exists?(file) new_envs = IO.readlines(file) new_envs.each do |line| line.strip! next if line.match(/^#/) parts = line.split(/=/, 2) next if parts.length != 2 @env[parts[0]] = parts[1] end end end end end