# frozen_string_literal: true ActiveRecord::Schema.define do # Exhaustive Data Types execute File.read(ARTest::SQLServer.schema_datatypes_2012_file) create_table :sst_datatypes_migration, force: true do |t| # Simple Rails conventions. t.integer :integer_col t.bigint :bigint_col t.boolean :boolean_col t.decimal :decimal_col t.float :float_col t.string :string_col t.text :text_col t.datetime :datetime_nil_precision_col, precision: nil t.datetime :datetime_col # Precision defaults to 6 t.timestamp :timestamp_col # Precision defaults to 6 t.time :time_col t.date :date_col t.binary :binary_col # Our type methods. t.real :real_col t.money :money_col t.smalldatetime :smalldatetime_col t.datetime2 :datetime2_col t.datetimeoffset :datetimeoffset t.smallmoney :smallmoney_col t.char :char_col t.varchar :varchar_col t.text_basic :text_basic_col t.nchar :nchar_col t.ntext :ntext_col t.binary_basic :binary_basic_col t.binary_basic :binary_basic_16_col, limit: 16 t.varbinary :varbinary_col t.uuid :uuid_col t.ss_timestamp :sstimestamp_col if supports_json? t.json :json_col else t.text :json_col end end # Edge Cases if ENV["IN_MEMORY_OLTP"] && supports_in_memory_oltp? create_table "sst_memory", force: true, id: false, options: "WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA)" do |t| t.primary_key_nonclustered :id t.string :name t.timestamps end end create_table "sst_bookings", force: true do |t| t.string :name t.datetime2 :created_at, null: false t.datetime2 :updated_at, null: false end create_table "sst_uuids", force: true, id: :uuid do |t| t.string :name t.uuid :other_uuid, default: "NEWID()" t.uuid :uuid_nil_default, default: nil end create_table "sst_my$strange_table", force: true do |t| t.string :name end create_table :SST_UPPER_TESTS, force: true do |t| t.column :COLUMN1, :string t.column :COLUMN2, :integer end create_table :sst_no_pk_data, force: true, id: false do |t| t.string :name end create_table "sst_quoted-table", force: true do |t| end execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_quoted-view1') DROP VIEW [sst_quoted-view1]" execute "CREATE VIEW [sst_quoted-view1] AS SELECT * FROM [sst_quoted-table]" execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_quoted-view2') DROP VIEW [sst_quoted-view2]" execute "CREATE VIEW [sst_quoted-view2] AS \n /*#{'x' * 4000}}*/ \n SELECT * FROM [sst_quoted-table]" create_table :sst_string_defaults, force: true do |t| t.column :string_with_null_default, :string, default: nil t.column :string_with_pretend_null_one, :string, default: "null" t.column :string_with_pretend_null_two, :string, default: "(null)" t.column :string_with_pretend_null_three, :string, default: "NULL" t.column :string_with_pretend_null_four, :string, default: "(NULL)" t.column :string_with_pretend_paren_three, :string, default: "(3)" t.column :string_with_multiline_default, :string, default: "Some long default with a\nnew line." end create_table :sst_string_collation, collation: :SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, force: true do |t| t.string :string_without_collation t.varchar :string_default_collation, collation: :SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS t.varchar :string_with_collation, collation: :SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS t.varchar :varchar_with_collation, collation: :SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS end create_table :sst_edge_schemas, force: true do |t| t.string :description t.column "crazy]]quote", :string t.column "with spaces", :string end execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_natural_pk_data') DROP TABLE sst_natural_pk_data" execute <<-NATURALPKTABLESQL CREATE TABLE sst_natural_pk_data( parent_id int, name nvarchar(255), description nvarchar(1000), legacy_id nvarchar(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ) NATURALPKTABLESQL execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_natural_pk_int_data') DROP TABLE sst_natural_pk_int_data" execute <<-NATURALPKINTTABLESQL CREATE TABLE sst_natural_pk_int_data( legacy_id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, parent_id int, name nvarchar(255), description nvarchar(1000) ) NATURALPKINTTABLESQL execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_tinyint_pk') DROP TABLE sst_tinyint_pk" execute <<-TINYITPKTABLE CREATE TABLE sst_tinyint_pk( id tinyint IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name nvarchar(255) ) TINYITPKTABLE execute "DROP DEFAULT [sst_getdateobject];" rescue nil execute "CREATE DEFAULT [sst_getdateobject] AS getdate();" rescue nil create_table "sst_defaultobjects", force: true do |t| t.string :name t.date :date end execute "sp_bindefault 'sst_getdateobject', 'sst_defaultobjects.date'" execute "DROP PROCEDURE my_getutcdate" rescue nil execute <<-SQL CREATE PROCEDURE my_getutcdate AS SELECT GETUTCDATE() utcdate SQL create_table 'A Table With Spaces', force: true do |t| t.string :name end # Constraints create_table(:sst_has_fks, force: true) do |t| t.column(:fk_id, :bigint, null: false) t.column(:fk_id2, :bigint) end create_table(:sst_has_pks, force: true) {} execute <<-ADDFKSQL ALTER TABLE sst_has_fks ADD CONSTRAINT FK__sst_has_fks_id FOREIGN KEY ([fk_id]) REFERENCES [sst_has_pks] ([id]), CONSTRAINT FK__sst_has_fks_id2 FOREIGN KEY ([fk_id2]) REFERENCES [sst_has_pks] ([id]) ADDFKSQL # Views execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_customers_view') DROP VIEW sst_customers_view" execute <<-CUSTOMERSVIEW CREATE VIEW sst_customers_view AS SELECT id, name, balance FROM customers CUSTOMERSVIEW execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_string_defaults_view') DROP VIEW sst_string_defaults_view" execute <<-STRINGDEFAULTSVIEW CREATE VIEW sst_string_defaults_view AS SELECT id, string_with_pretend_null_one as pretend_null FROM sst_string_defaults STRINGDEFAULTSVIEW execute "IF EXISTS (SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_string_defaults_big_view') DROP VIEW sst_string_defaults_big_view" execute <<-STRINGDEFAULTSBIGVIEW CREATE VIEW sst_string_defaults_big_view AS SELECT id, string_with_pretend_null_one as pretend_null /*#{'x' * 4000}}*/ FROM sst_string_defaults STRINGDEFAULTSBIGVIEW # Trigger execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_table_with_trigger') DROP TABLE sst_table_with_trigger" execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_table_with_trigger_history') DROP TABLE sst_table_with_trigger_history" execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE sst_table_with_trigger( id bigint IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, event_name nvarchar(255) ) CREATE TABLE sst_table_with_trigger_history( id bigint IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, id_source nvarchar(36), event_name nvarchar(255) ) SQL execute <<-SQL CREATE TRIGGER sst_table_with_trigger_t ON sst_table_with_trigger FOR INSERT AS INSERT INTO sst_table_with_trigger_history (id_source, event_name) SELECT id AS id_source, event_name FROM INSERTED SQL execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_table_with_uuid_trigger') DROP TABLE sst_table_with_uuid_trigger" execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE sst_table_with_uuid_trigger( id uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWID() PRIMARY KEY, event_name nvarchar(255) ) SQL execute <<-SQL CREATE TRIGGER sst_table_with_uuid_trigger_t ON sst_table_with_uuid_trigger FOR INSERT AS INSERT INTO sst_table_with_trigger_history (id_source, event_name) SELECT id AS id_source, event_name FROM INSERTED SQL execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger') DROP TABLE sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger" execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger( pk_col_one int NOT NULL, pk_col_two int NOT NULL, event_name nvarchar(255), CONSTRAINT PK_sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger PRIMARY KEY (pk_col_one, pk_col_two) ) SQL execute <<-SQL CREATE TRIGGER sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger_t ON sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger FOR INSERT AS INSERT INTO sst_table_with_trigger_history (id_source, event_name) SELECT pk_col_one AS id_source, event_name FROM INSERTED SQL execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger_with_different_data_type') DROP TABLE sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger_with_different_data_type" execute <<-SQL CREATE TABLE sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger_with_different_data_type( pk_col_one uniqueidentifier DEFAULT NEWID(), pk_col_two int NOT NULL, event_name nvarchar(255), CONSTRAINT PK_sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger_with_different_data_type PRIMARY KEY (pk_col_one, pk_col_two) ) SQL execute <<-SQL CREATE TRIGGER sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger_with_different_data_type_t ON sst_table_with_composite_pk_trigger_with_different_data_type FOR INSERT AS INSERT INTO sst_table_with_trigger_history (id_source, event_name) SELECT pk_col_one AS id_source, event_name FROM INSERTED SQL # Another schema. create_table :sst_schema_columns, force: true do |t| t.column :field1, :integer end execute "IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'test') EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE SCHEMA test'" execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_schema_columns' and TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test') DROP TABLE test.sst_schema_columns" execute <<-SIMILIARTABLEINOTHERSCHEMA CREATE TABLE test.sst_schema_columns( id int IDENTITY NOT NULL primary key, filed_1 int, field_2 int, name varchar(255), description varchar(1000), n_name nvarchar(255), n_description nvarchar(1000) ) SIMILIARTABLEINOTHERSCHEMA execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_schema_identity' and TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test') DROP TABLE test.sst_schema_identity" execute <<-SIMILIARTABLEINOTHERSCHEMA CREATE TABLE test.sst_schema_identity( id int IDENTITY NOT NULL primary key, filed_1 int ) SIMILIARTABLEINOTHERSCHEMA execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_schema_natural_id' and TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test') DROP TABLE test.sst_schema_natural_id" execute <<-NATURALPKTABLESQLINOTHERSCHEMA CREATE TABLE test.sst_schema_natural_id( parent_id int, name nvarchar(255), description nvarchar(1000), legacy_id nvarchar(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ) NATURALPKTABLESQLINOTHERSCHEMA execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_schema_test_multiple_schema' and TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test') DROP TABLE test.sst_schema_test_multiple_schema" execute <<-SCHEMATESTMULTIPLESCHEMA CREATE TABLE test.sst_schema_test_multiple_schema( field_1 int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, field_2 int, ) SCHEMATESTMULTIPLESCHEMA execute "IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.schemas WHERE name = 'test2') EXEC sp_executesql N'CREATE SCHEMA test2'" execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_schema_test_multiple_schema' and TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test2') DROP TABLE test2.sst_schema_test_multiple_schema" execute <<-SCHEMATESTMULTIPLESCHEMA CREATE TABLE test2.sst_schema_test_multiple_schema( field_1 int, field_2 int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ) SCHEMATESTMULTIPLESCHEMA execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'unique_key_dumped_table') DROP TABLE unique_key_dumped_table" execute <<-SQLSERVERUNIQUEKEYS CREATE TABLE unique_key_dumped_table ( id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, unique_field int DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT IX_UNIQUE_KEY UNIQUE (unique_field), CONSTRAINT PK_UNIQUE_KEY PRIMARY KEY (id) ); SQLSERVERUNIQUEKEYS execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_composite_without_identity') DROP TABLE sst_composite_without_identity" execute <<-COMPOSITE_WITHOUT_IDENTITY CREATE TABLE sst_composite_without_identity ( pk_col_one int NOT NULL, pk_col_two int NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_sst_composite_without_identity PRIMARY KEY (pk_col_one, pk_col_two) ); COMPOSITE_WITHOUT_IDENTITY execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'sst_composite_with_identity') DROP TABLE sst_composite_with_identity" execute <<-COMPOSITE_WITH_IDENTITY CREATE TABLE sst_composite_with_identity ( pk_col_one int IDENTITY NOT NULL, pk_col_two int NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_sst_composite_with_identity PRIMARY KEY (pk_col_one, pk_col_two) ); COMPOSITE_WITH_IDENTITY execute "IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'aliens' and TABLE_SCHEMA = 'test') DROP TABLE test.aliens" execute <<-TABLE_IN_OTHER_SCHEMA_USED_BY_MODEL CREATE TABLE test.aliens( id int IDENTITY NOT NULL primary key, name varchar(255) ) TABLE_IN_OTHER_SCHEMA_USED_BY_MODEL end