# frozen_string_literal: true class RungerActions::Base prepend MemoWise class << self prepend MemoWise def run!(params) new!(params).run! end def new!(params) action = new(params) if action.valid? action else raise(RungerActions::InvalidParam, action.errors.full_messages.join(', ')) end end def requires(param_name, *shape_descriptions, &blk) required_params[param_name] = Shaped::Shape(*shape_descriptions) shape_description = shape_descriptions.first if shape_descriptions.size == 1 if ( shape_description.is_a?(Class) && (shape_description < ActiveRecord::Base) && blk.present? ) register_validator_klass(param_name, shape_description, blk) end define_reader_method(param_name) end def define_reader_method(param_name) define_method(param_name) do @params[param_name] end end def register_validator_klass(param_name, param_klass, blk) validator_klass = const_set("#{param_name.to_s.camelize}Validator", Class.new) validator_klass.include(ActiveModel::Model) validator_klass.attr_accessor(*param_klass.column_names) validator_klass.class_eval(&blk) validators[param_name] = validator_klass end def returns(param_name, *shape_descriptions) shape = Shaped::Shape(*shape_descriptions) promised_values[param_name] = shape result_klass.class_eval do define_method(param_name) do @return_values[param_name] end define_method("#{param_name}=") do |value| if locked? raise(RungerActions::MutatingLockedResult, <<~ERROR.squish) You are attempting to assign a value to an instance of #{self.class} outside of the #{self.class.module_parent}#execute method. This is not allowed; you may only assign values to the `result` within the #execute method. ERROR end if !shape.matched_by?(value) raise(RungerActions::TypeMismatch, <<~ERROR.squish) Attemted to assign an invalid value for `result.#{param_name}` ; expected an object shaped like #{shape} but got #{value.inspect} ERROR end @return_values[param_name] = value end end end def fails_with(error_type) result_klass.class_eval do define_method("#{error_type}!") do |error_message = nil| @failure = error_type @error_message = error_message if @action.raise_on_failure? raise( RungerActions::RuntimeFailure, "#{@action.class.name} action failed with `#{error_type}`", ) end end define_method("#{error_type}?") do @failure == error_type end end end memo_wise \ def result_klass const_set(:Result, Class.new(RungerActions::Result)) end memo_wise \ def required_params {} end memo_wise \ def promised_values {} end memo_wise \ def validators {} end end attr_reader :errors # We can't specify keyword arguments for this method because we don't know which keywords/params # the method will need to accept; that's defined by the user. # # rubocop:disable Style/OptionHash def initialize(params = {}) @params = params @errors = ActiveModel::Errors.new(self) validate_required_params! end # rubocop:enable Style/OptionHash def run(raise_on_failure: false) @raise_on_failure = raise_on_failure if !respond_to?(:execute) raise(RungerActions::ExecuteNotImplemented, <<~ERROR.squish) All RungerActions classes must implement an #execute instance method, but #{self.class} fails to do so. ERROR end execute result.lock! verify_promised_return_values! if result.success? result end def run! if valid? run(raise_on_failure: true) else raise(RungerActions::InvalidParam, @errors.full_messages.join(', ')) end end def valid? run_custom_validations @errors.blank? end def raise_on_failure? !!@raise_on_failure end memo_wise \ def result self.class.result_klass.new(action: self) end private def verify_promised_return_values! missing_return_values = self.class.promised_values.keys - result.return_values.keys if missing_return_values.any? violation_messages = missing_return_values.map do |missing_return_value| expected_shape = self.class.promised_values[missing_return_value] "`#{missing_return_value}` (should be shaped like #{expected_shape})" end raise(RungerActions::MissingResultValue, <<~ERROR.squish) #{self.class.name} failed to set all promised return values on its `result`. The following were missing on the `result`: #{violation_messages.join(', ')}. ERROR end end def run_custom_validations self.class.required_params.each_key do |param_name| validator_klass = self.class.validators[param_name] next if validator_klass.nil? model_instance = @params[param_name] validator_instance = validator_klass.new(model_instance.attributes) if !validator_instance.valid? @errors = validator_instance.errors end end end def validate_required_params! missing_params = self.class.required_params.keys - @params.keys if missing_params.any? raise(RungerActions::MissingParam, <<~ERROR.squish) Required param(s) #{missing_params.map { "`#{_1}`" }.join(', ')} were not provided to the #{self.class} action. ERROR end type_mismatches = [] self.class.required_params.each do |param_name, shape| value = @params[param_name] if !shape.matched_by?(value) type_mismatches << [param_name, shape, value] end end if type_mismatches.any? messages = type_mismatches.map do |param_name, shape, value| <<~MESSAGE.squish `#{param_name}` is expected to be shaped like #{shape}, but was `#{value.is_a?(String) ? value.inspect : value}` MESSAGE end raise(RungerActions::TypeMismatch, <<~ERROR.squish) One or more required params are of the wrong type: #{messages.join(' ; ')}. ERROR end end end