# frozen_string_literal: true require 'helper' require 'fluent/plugin/formatter_protobuf' class ProtobufFormatterTest < Test::Unit::TestCase setup do Fluent::Test.setup end VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_ABSOLUTE = [File.expand_path(File.join(__dir__, '..', 'proto', 'addressbook_pb.rb'))].freeze # Relative to the plugin file VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_RELATIVE = '../../../test/proto/addressbook_pb.rb' # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength sub_test_case 'configure' do test 'fail if include_paths is empty' do assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver({ class_name: '', include_paths: [] }) end end test 'fail if ruby files not found in the provided include paths' do assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver({ class_name: 'tutorial.AddressBook', include_paths: ['some/random/path'] }) end end test 'fail if no protobuf class can be found with class_name' do assert_raise(Fluent::ConfigError) do create_driver({ class_name: 'Some.Name', include_paths: VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_ABSOLUTE }) end end test 'success if given valid relative paths in include paths' do assert_nothing_raised do create_driver({ class_name: 'tutorial.AddressBook', include_paths: [VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_RELATIVE], require_method: 'require_relative' }) end end test 'passes on valid configuration' do assert_nothing_raised do create_driver({ class_name: 'tutorial.AddressBook', include_paths: VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_ABSOLUTE }) end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength stub_ruby_hash = { 'people' => [{ 'name' => 'Masahiro', 'id' => 1337, 'email' => 'repeatedly _at_ gmail.com', 'last_updated' => { 'seconds' => 1_638_489_505, 'nanos' => 318_000_000 } }] } # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockLength sub_test_case 'format' do test 'encodes into Protobuf binary' do formatter = create_formatter({ class_name: 'tutorial.AddressBook', include_paths: VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_ABSOLUTE }) formatted = formatter.format('some-tag', 1234, stub_ruby_hash) address_book = Tutorial::AddressBook.new(stub_ruby_hash) assert_equal(Tutorial::AddressBook.encode(address_book), formatted) end test 'encodes a particular field instead of the entire record if format_field is defined' do formatter = create_formatter({ class_name: 'tutorial.AddressBook', include_paths: VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_ABSOLUTE, format_field: 'data' }) formatted = formatter.format('some-tag', 1234, { 'topic' => 'some-kafka-topic', 'headers' => {}, 'data' => stub_ruby_hash }) address_book = Tutorial::AddressBook.new(stub_ruby_hash) assert_equal(Tutorial::AddressBook.encode(address_book), formatted) end test 'encodes Protobuf JSON format into Protobuf binary if config_param decode_json is true and if incoming JSON contains unknown fields' do formatter = create_formatter({ class_name: 'tutorial.AddressBook', decode_json: true, include_paths: VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_ABSOLUTE }) formatted = formatter.format('some-tag', 1234, { 'people' => [ { 'name' => 'Masahiro', 'id' => 1337, 'email' => 'repeatedly _at_ gmail.com', 'last_updated' => '2021-12-02T23:58:25.318Z', 'some-unknown-fields' => 'this field is not specified in the .proto message' } ] }) address_book = Tutorial::AddressBook.new(stub_ruby_hash) assert_equal(Tutorial::AddressBook.encode(address_book), formatted) end test 'throws exception when formatting JSON with unknown fields and ignore_unknown_fields is `false`' do formatter = create_formatter({ class_name: 'tutorial.AddressBook', decode_json: true, ignore_unknown_fields: false, include_paths: VALID_INCLUDE_PATHS_ABSOLUTE }) assert_raise(Google::Protobuf::ParseError) do formatter.format('some-tag', 1234, { 'people' => [ { 'name' => 'Masahiro', 'id' => 1337, 'email' => 'repeatedly _at_ gmail.com', 'last_updated' => '2021-12-02T23:58:25.318Z', 'some-unknown-fields' => 'this field is not specified in the .proto message' } ] }) end end test 'encodes Ruby hash into Protobuf binary if generated files are provided by a Gem' do formatter = create_formatter({ class_name: 'google.protobuf.Duration', # Provided by the google-protobuf gem include_paths: ['google/protobuf/duration_pb'], require_method: 'require' }) formatted = formatter.format('some-tag', 1234, { seconds: 1, nanos: 340_012 }) duration = Google::Protobuf::Duration.new({ seconds: 1, nanos: 340_012 }) assert_equal(Google::Protobuf::Duration.encode(duration), formatted) end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/BlockLength private def create_driver(conf = {}) Fluent::Test::Driver::Formatter.new(Fluent::Plugin::ProtobufFormatter).configure(conf) end def create_formatter(conf) create_driver(conf).instance end end