// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2010 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licensed under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('models/record'); sc_require('models/record_attribute'); /** @class SingleAttribute is a subclass of RecordAttribute and handles to-one relationships. There are many ways you can configure a SingleAttribute: {{{ group: SC.Record.toOne('MyApp.Group', { inverse: 'contacts', // set the key used to represent the inverse isMaster: YES|NO, // indicate whether changing this should dirty transform: function(), // transforms value <=> storeKey, isEditable: YES|NO, make editable or not }); }}} @extends SC.RecordAttribute @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.SingleAttribute = SC.RecordAttribute.extend( /** @scope SC.SingleAttribute.prototype */ { /** Specifies the property on the member record that represents the inverse of the current relationship. If set, then modifying this relationship will also alter the opposite side of the relationship. @property {String} */ inverse: null, /** If set, determines that when an inverse relationship changes whether this record should become dirty also or not. @property {Boolean} */ isMaster: YES, /** @private - implements support for handling inverse relationships. */ call: function(record, key, newRec) { var attrKey = this.get('key') || key, inverseKey, isMaster, oldRec, attr, ret, nvalue; // WRITE if (newRec !== undefined && this.get('isEditable')) { // can only take other records or null if (newRec && !SC.kindOf(newRec, SC.Record)) { throw "%@ is not an instance of SC.Record".fmt(newRec); } inverseKey = this.get('inverse'); if (inverseKey) oldRec = this._scsa_call(record, key); // careful: don't overwrite value here. we want the return value to // cache. nvalue = this.fromType(record, key, newRec) ; // convert to attribute. record.writeAttribute(attrKey, nvalue, !this.get('isMaster')); ret = newRec ; // ok, now if we have an inverse relationship, get the inverse // relationship and notify it of what is happening. This will allow it // to update itself as needed. The callbacks implemented here are // supported by both SingleAttribute and ManyAttribute. // if (inverseKey && (oldRec !== newRec)) { if (oldRec && (attr = oldRec[inverseKey])) { attr.inverseDidRemoveRecord(oldRec, inverseKey, record, key); } if (newRec && (attr = newRec[inverseKey])) { attr.inverseDidAddRecord(newRec, inverseKey, record, key); } } // READ } else ret = this._scsa_call(record, key, newRec); return ret ; }, /** @private - save original call() impl */ _scsa_call: SC.RecordAttribute.prototype.call, /** Called by an inverse relationship whenever the receiver is no longer part of the relationship. If this matches the inverse setting of the attribute then it will update itself accordingly. @param {SC.Record} the record owning this attribute @param {String} key the key for this attribute @param {SC.Record} inverseRecord record that was removed from inverse @param {String} key key on inverse that was modified @returns {void} */ inverseDidRemoveRecord: function(record, key, inverseRecord, inverseKey) { var myInverseKey = this.get('inverse'), curRec = this._scsa_call(record, key), isMaster = this.get('isMaster'), attr; // ok, you removed me, I'll remove you... if isMaster, notify change. record.writeAttribute(key, null, !isMaster); record.notifyPropertyChange(key); // if we have another value, notify them as well... if ((curRec !== inverseRecord) || (inverseKey !== myInverseKey)) { if (curRec && (attr = curRec[myInverseKey])) { attr.inverseDidRemoveRecord(curRec, myInverseKey, record, key); } } }, /** Called by an inverse relationship whenever the receiver is added to the inverse relationship. This will set the value of this inverse record to the new record. @param {SC.Record} the record owning this attribute @param {String} key the key for this attribute @param {SC.Record} inverseRecord record that was added to inverse @param {String} key key on inverse that was modified @returns {void} */ inverseDidAddRecord: function(record, key, inverseRecord, inverseKey) { var myInverseKey = this.get('inverse'), curRec = this._scsa_call(record, key), isMaster = this.get('isMaster'), attr, nvalue; // ok, replace myself with the new value... nvalue = this.fromType(record, key, inverseRecord); // convert to attr. record.writeAttribute(key, nvalue, !isMaster); record.notifyPropertyChange(key); // if we have another value, notify them as well... if ((curRec !== inverseRecord) || (inverseKey !== myInverseKey)) { if (curRec && (attr = curRec[myInverseKey])) { attr.inverseDidRemoveRecord(curRec, myInverseKey, record, key); } } } });