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Install essentials and base libraries > First, we need to install some software: [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org) database, [RabbitMQ](https://www.rabbitmq.com/) queue, and some common Ruby on Rails native dependencies ```bash sudo apt-get install autoconf curl git build-essential libssl-dev autoconf bison libreadline6 libreadline6-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev postgresql libpq-dev rabbitmq-server ``` ### 2. Install rbenv > [rbenv](https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv) is a ruby versions manager, similar to rvm, nvm, and so on. ```bash curl -fsSL https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv-installer/raw/master/bin/rbenv-installer | bash echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc # or .bash_profile echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc # or .bash_profile ``` ### 3. Install ruby > Now we have rbenv installed, we can install ruby and [bundler](http://bundler.io/) ```bash rbenv install 2.3.1 rbenv global 2.3.1 rbenv rehash gem install bundler ``` ### 4. Clone this repository > Because, err... we need to clone this repostory before developing it :stuck_out_tongue: ```bash git clone https://github.com/mumuki/mumuki-laboratory cd mumuki-laboratory ``` ### 5. Install and setup database > We need to create a PostgreSQL role - AKA a user - who will be used by Laboratory to create and access the database ```bash # create db user for linux users sudo -u postgres psql <`. Before using the API, take a look to the roles hierarchy: ![roles hierarchy](https://yuml.me/diagram/plain/class/[Owner]%5E-[Janitor],%20[Janitor]%5E-[Headmaster],%20[Headmaster]%5E-[Teacher],%20[Teacher]%5E-[Student],%20,%20[Owner]%5E-[Editor],%20[Editor]%5E-[Writer]). Permissions are bound to a scope, that states in which context the operation can be performed. Scopes are simply two-level contexts, expressed as slugss `/`, without any explicit semantic. They exact meaning depends on the role: * student: `organization/course` * teacher and headmaster: `organization/course` * writer and editor: `organization/content` * janitor: `organization/_` * owner: `_/_` ### Users #### Create single user This is a generic user creation request. **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` POST /users ``` Sample request body: ```json { "first_name": "María", "last_name": "Casas", "email": "maryK345@foobar.edu.ar", "permissions": { "student": "cpt/*:rte/*", "teacher": "ppp/2016-2q" } } ``` #### Update single user This is a way of updating user basic data. Permissions are ignored. **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` PUT /users/:uid ``` Sample request body: ```json { "first_name": "María", "last_name": "Casas", "email": "maryK345@foobar.edu.ar", "uid": "maryK345@foobar.edu.ar" } ``` #### Add student to course Creates the student if necessary, and updates her permissions. **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` POST /courses/:organization/:course/students ``` ```json { "first_name": "María", "last_name": "Casas", "email": "maryK345@foobar.edu.ar", "uid": "maryK345@foobar.edu.ar" } ``` **Response** ```json { "uid": "maryK345@foobar.edu.ar", "first_name": "María", "last_name": "Casas", "email": "maryK345@foobar.edu.ar" } ``` **Forbidden Response** ```json { "status": 403, "error": "Exception" } ``` #### Detach student from course Remove student permissions from a course. **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` POST /courses/:organization/:course/students/:uid/detach ``` **Response**: status code: 200 **Not Found Response** ```json { "status": 404, "error": "Couldn't find User" } ``` #### Attach student to course Add student permissions to a course. **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` POST /courses/:organization/:course/students/:uid/attach ``` **Response**: status code: 200 **Not Found Response** ```json { "status": 404, "error": "Couldn't find User" } ``` #### Add teacher to course Creates the teacher if necessary, and updates her permissions. **Minimal permission**: `headmaster`, `janitor` ``` POST /course/:id/teachers ``` ```json { "first_name": "Erica", "last_name": "Gonzalez", "email": "egonzalez@foobar.edu.ar", "uid": "egonzalez@foobar.edu.ar" } ``` #### Add a batch of users to a course Creates every user if necesssary, an updates permissions. **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` POST /course/:id/batches ``` ```json { "students": [ { "first_name": "Tupac", "last_name": "Lincoln", "email": "tliconln@foobar.edu.ar", "uid": "tliconln@foobar.edu.ar" } ], "teachers": [ { "first_name": "Erica", "last_name": "Gonzalez", "email": "egonzalez@foobar.edu.ar", "uid": "egonzalez@foobar.edu.ar" } ] } ``` #### Detach student from course **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` DELETE /course/:id/students/:uid ``` #### Detach teacher from course **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` DELETE /course/:id/teachers/:uid ``` #### Destroy single user **Minimal permission**: `owner` ``` DELETE /users/:uid ``` ### Courses #### Create single course **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` POST /organization/:id/courses/ ``` ```json { "name":"....", } ``` #### Archive single course **Minimal permission**: `janitor` ``` DELETE /organization/:id/courses/:id ``` #### Destroy single course **Minimal permission**: `owner` ``` DELETE /courses/:id ``` ### Organizations #### Model ### Mandatory fields ```json { "name": "academy", "contact_email": "issues@mumuki.io", "books": [ "MumukiProject/mumuki-libro-metaprogramacion" ], "locale": "es-AR" } ``` ### Optional fields ```json { "public": false, "description": "...", "login_methods": [ "facebook", "twitter", "google" ], "logo_url": "http://mumuki.io/logo-alt-large.png", "terms_of_service": "Al usar Mumuki aceptás que las soluciones de tus ejercicios sean registradas para ser corregidas por tu/s docente/s...", "theme_stylesheet": ".theme { color: red }", "extension_javascript": "doSomething = function() { }" } ``` - If you set `null` to `public`, `login_methods`, the values will be `false` and `["user_pass"]. - If you set `null` to `description`, the value will be `null`. - If you set `null` to the others, it will be inherited from an organization called `"base"` every time you query the API. ### Generated fields ```json { "theme_stylesheet_url": "stylesheets/academy-asjdf92j1jd8.css", "extension_javascript_url": "javascripts/academy-jd912j8jdj19.js" } ``` #### List all organizations ``` get /organizations ``` Sample response body: ```json { "organizations": [ { "name": "academy", "contact_email": "a@a.com", "locale": "es-AR", "login_methods": ["facebook"], "books": ["libro"], "public": true, "logo_url":"http://..." }, { "name": "alcal", "contact_email": "b@b.com", "locale": "en-US", "login_methods": ["facebook", "github"], "books": ["book"], "public": false } ] } ``` **Minimal permission**: None for public organizations, `janitor` for user's private organizations. #### Get single organization by name ``` get /organizations/:name ``` Sample response body: ```json { "name": "academy", "contact_email": "a@a.com", "locale": "es-AR", "login_methods": ["facebook"], "books": ["libro"], "public": true, "logo_url":"http://..." } ``` **Minimal permission**: `janitor` of the organization. #### Create organization ``` post /organizations ``` ... with at least the required fields. **Minimal permission**: `owner` of that organization #### Update organization ``` put /organizations/:name ``` ... with a partial update. **Minimal permission**: `owner` of `:name` ## Authentication Powered by Auth0 JWT Auth for open source projects