module PgConn class Error < StandardError; end # Move to exception.rb class PsqlError < Error; end class RdbmsMethods attr_reader :conn def initialize(conn) @conn = conn # TODO: Check if conn is a superuser connection end # Return true if the database exists def exist?(database) conn.exist? %( select 1 from pg_database where datname = '#{database}' ) end # Create a new database def create(database, owner: ENV['USER'], template: "template1") owner_clause = owner ? "owner = \"#{owner}\"" : nil template_clause = template ? "template = \"#{template}\"" : nil stmt = ["create database \"#{database}\"", owner_clause, template_clause].compact.join(" ") conn.execute stmt # Note we're using #execute instead of #exec because # create database can't run within a transaction end # Drop a database def drop(database, force: false) conn.execute "drop database if exists \"#{database}\"#{force ? ' with (force)' : ''}" true end # List databases in the RDBMS def list(all: false, exclude: []) exclude += POSTGRES_DATABASES if !all exclude_sql_list = "'" + exclude.join("', '") + "'" exclude_clause = exclude.empty? ? nil : "where datname not in (#{exclude_sql_list})" stmt = ["select datname from pg_database", exclude_clause].compact.join(" ") conn.values stmt end # Return the owner of the database def owner(database) conn.value %( select r.rolname from (values ('#{database}')) as v (database) left join pg_database d on d.datname = v.database left join pg_roles r on r.oid = d.datdba ) end # Return list of users currently logged in to the database or to any # database if database is nil # # FIXME: There is a possible race-condition here where some process # (auto-vacuum) is logged in to the database but has a nil username. The # easy fix is to have usename not null but it would be nice to know what # exactly is triggering this problem # def users(database) database_clause = database ? "datname = '#{database}'" : nil query = ["select usename from pg_stat_activity", database_clause].compact.join(" where ") conn.values query end # Hollow-out a database by removing all schemas in the database. The public # schema is recreated afterwards if :public is true. Uses the current # database if @database is nil # # Note that the database can have active users logged in while the database # is emptied # def empty!(database = nil, public: true, exclude: []) local = !database.nil? begin conn = local ? : self.conn schemas = conn .values("select nspname from pg_namespace where nspowner != 10 or nspname = 'public'") .select { |schema| !exclude.include?(schema) } .join(", ") conn.exec "drop schema #{schemas} cascade" conn.exec %( create schema public authorization postgres; grant usage, create on schema public to public ) if public ensure conn&.terminate if local end end # Fast copy using templates. Note that no user may be logged in to the # source database for this to work def copy(from_database, to_database, owner: ENV['USER']) create(to_database, owner: owner, template: from_database) end def load(database, file, role: ENV['USER'], gzip: nil) command_opt = role ? "-c \"set role #{role}\";\n" : nil if gzip pipe_cmd = file ? "gunzip --to-stdout #{file} |" : "gunzip --to-stdout |" file_opt = nil else pipe_cmd = nil file_opt = file ? "-f #{file}" : nil end cmd = [pipe_cmd, "psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1", command_opt, file_opt, database].compact.join(" ") stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(cmd) status == 0 or raise end def save(database, file, data: true, schema: true, gzip: nil) data_opt = data ? nil : "--schema-only" schema_opt = schema ? nil : "--data-only" if gzip pipe_cmd = file ? "| gzip >#{file}" : "| gzip" file_opt = nil else pipe_cmd = nil file_opt = file ? "-f #{file}" : nil end cmd = ["pg_dump --no-owner", data_opt, schema_opt, file_opt, database, pipe_cmd].compact.join(" ") stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(cmd) status == 0 or raise end private POSTGRES_DATABASES = %w(template0 template1 postgres) end end