module Effective class Trash < ActiveRecord::Base self.table_name = EffectiveTrash.trash_table_name.to_s belongs_to :trashed, polymorphic: true # The original item type and id. Note that this object will never exist as it's deleted. belongs_to :user, optional: true # The user that destroyed the original resource # Attributes # trashed_type :string # trashed_id :integer # trashed_to_s :string # trashed_extra :string # details :text # timestamps if EffectiveResources.serialize_with_coder? serialize :details, type: Hash, coder: YAML else serialize :details, Hash end scope :deep, -> { includes(:user, :trashed) } scope :sorted, -> { order(:id) } def to_s trashed_to_s.presence || [trashed_type, trashed_id].join(' ').presence || 'New Trash item' end def details Hash(self[:details]) end def to_object raise 'no attributes to consider' unless details.kind_of?(Hash) && details[:attributes].present? resource = object =[:attributes]) resource.nested_resources.each do |association| if details[].present? && object.respond_to?("#{}_attributes=") nested_attributes = details[].inject({}) do |h, (index, nested)| h[index] = nested[:attributes].except('id', association.inverse_of&.foreign_key); h end object.send("#{}_attributes=", nested_attributes) end end object end # So this is a Trash item # When we delete ourselves, we restore this trash item first def restore!!(validate: false) destroy! end end end