# Markers.rb
module Tioga
# These are the methods for using text as markers in PDF graphics. See also the predefined markers in #MarkerConstants.
class Markers < Doc < FigureMaker
=begin rdoc
This routine takes care of text that is being used as a graphical element and consequently is going
straight to PDF rather than to TeX for normal typesetting (see show_text).
The most common use of markers is probably to mark points on plots (hence the name). The ZapfDingbats font
provides a useful collection for this purpose, and several glyphs from it are provided as predefined markers
(see #MarkerConstants).
A marker of this sort is represented either by an array of [ font_number, character_code ] for filled markers, or by
an array holding [ font_number, character_code, line_width ] for stroked markers. Often the same character
can be used both for a filled marker and for an open one. For example, the predefined markers include
Box and Circle (filled) as well as the same glyphs as BoxOpen and CircleOpen (stroked).
For the primary purpose of marking points on plots, we could stop with just single characters taken from
ZapfDingbats. However, for not much more effort, we can broaden this to allow strings of characters
and fonts other than the dingbats. But the usefulness of this is limited given that typesetting is
properly done using TeX, and the problems of dealing with fonts in general are notoriously awful.
So the compromise is to allow markers using any of the 14 standard Adobe PDF
fonts which are guaranteed to be supported by all PDF viewers and to toss in for good measure some
Computer Modern fonts which are likely to be around since they come with TeX. These fonts are predefined
in the FigureConstants module. Any character (or string of characters) from any of these fonts can be used as a marker.
Because markers are sent to PDF rather than TeX, they are limited typographically but powerful graphically.
In addition to specifying color, scale, and rotatation, as you can for TeX text, you can also stretch
the characters either along the baseline ('horizontal_scale') or perpendicular to it ('vertical_scale').
You can slant the individual characters ('italic_angle') or shift the baseline along the text ('ascent_angle').
Finally, you can specify the 'rendering_mode' for the marker to be any combination of #fill, #stroke, and #clip.
(So for next Valentine's Day you can take a Heart marker, scale it up, and use it to clip a JPEG image of yourself
to send to your sweetheart.)
Defaults for many of the entries come from the marker_defaults dictionary.
Dictionary Entries
'marker' => a_marker # a marker definition array
'x' => a_float # x location for marker reference point
'y' => a_float # y location for marker reference point
'at' => [ x, y ] # location for marker reference point
'point' # alias for 'at'
'Xs' => a_Dvector # x locations for marker reference points
'Ys' => a_Dvector # y locations for marker reference points
'xs' # alias for 'Xs'
'ys' # alias for 'Ys'
'font' => an_integer # one of the predefined font numbers
'string' => a_string # to be shown as a marker
'text' # alias for 'string'
'fill_color' => a_color # to be used for filled markers
'stroke_color' => a_color # to be used for stroked markers
'color' => a_color # default for fill_color and stroke_color
'angle' => a_float # degrees to rotate marker
'scale' => a_float # factor for rescaling marker size
'horizontal_scale' => a_float # for scaling along baseline
'vertical_scale' => a_float # for scaling vertical to baseline
'italic_angle' => a_float # for slanting text relative to baseline
'ascent_angle' => a_float # factor for slanting baseline
'alignment' => an_alignment # see alignment
'justification' => a_justification # see justification
'rendering_mode' => a_rendering_mode # see below
'stroke_width' => a_float # to be used for stroked markers
'mode' # alias for 'rendering_mode'
def marker_shadow_effect
scale = 2.6
t.line_width = 0.6
x = t.bounds_xmin + 0.5 * t.bounds_width
dy = -0.5; y = 1 + dy;
'string' => 'Shadow Effect',
'scale' => scale,
'point' => [x, y],
'mode' => FILL_AND_STROKE,
'alignment' => ALIGNED_AT_BASELINE,
'fill_color' => Blue,
'stroke_color' => Black)
t.fill_opacity = 0.8
'string' => 'Shadow Effect',
'vertical_scale' => -0.4,
'fill_color' => Grey,
'italic_angle' => -30,
'scale' => scale,
'point' => [x+0.022, y-0.03])
def show_marker(dict)
# Returns an array with [_width_, dx_left, dx_right, dy_down, dy_up] given in
# figure coordinates. The first is the width in figure x coordinates, the remainder is the bounding box
# relative to the reference point for showing the string.
def marker_string_info(font_number, string, scale)
# :call-seq:
# marker_defaults
# marker_defaults = a_dictionary
# This dictionary holds defaults for +show_marker+.
def marker_defaults
end # class
end # module Tioga