include_controls 'mu-tools-test' control 'rails' do title 'rails test' node = json('/tmp/chef_node.json').params ##################################### ### Node Attrs ##################################### service_name = node['normal']['service_name'] chef_environment = node['default']['chef_environment'] application_dir = node['default']['dev']['rails']['apps_dir'] repo_path = 'concerto/concerto.git' version = '2.3.5' application_repo = "{repo_path}" ################################### ### Tests ################################### %w(libpq-dev sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libmysqlclient-dev software-properties-common libxml2-dev libmagickwand-dev make build-essential g++ git).each do |pack| describe package(pack) do it { should be_installed } end end if os[:family] == 'debian' && os[:release].to_i == 9 describe package('runit-systemd') do it { should be_installed } end end describe package('runit') do it { should be_installed } end describe processes('runsvdir') do it { should exist } end describe file('/etc/service') do it { should be_directory } its('mode') { should cmp '0755' } it { should be_owned_by 'root' } it { should be_grouped_into 'root' } end describe command('node -v') do its('exit_status') { should eq 0 } end describe command('npm -v') do its('exit_status') { should eq 0 } end describe service('nginx') do it { should be_installed } it { should be_enabled } it { should be_running } end describe package('nginx') do it { should be_installed } end describe apt('') do it { should exist } it { should be_enabled } end # Unicorn config unicorn_log_dir = '/var/log/unicorn' unicorn_log = "#{unicorn_log_dir}/unicorn.log" unicorn_error_log = "#{unicorn_log_dir}/error.log" # RDS config db = node['normal']['deployment']['databases']['concerto'].first.last db_name = db['db_name'] db_username = db['username'] db_host = db['endpoint'] db_port = db['port'] #db_password = chef_vault_item(db.vault_name, db.vault_item)[db.password_field] default_root= "#{application_dir}/" %w(ruby2.2 ruby2.2-dev).each do |pack| describe package(pack) do it { should be_installed } end end describe gem('bundler', '/usr/bin/gem') do it { should be_installed } end describe directory(unicorn_log_dir) do it { should exist } it { should be_directory } its('owner') { should eq 'www-data' } its('group') { should eq 'www-data' } its('mode') { should cmp '00555' } end [unicorn_log, unicorn_error_log].each do |f| describe file(f) do it { should exist } it { should be_file } its('owner') { should eq 'www-data' } its('group') { should eq 'www-data' } end end describe file('/etc/nginx/sites-available/default') do it { should exist } it { should be_file } its('content') { should match /proxy_pass http:\/\/127\.0\.0\.1:9000/ } its('content') { should match /listen 80/} end describe directory(application_dir) do it { should exist } it { should be_directory } its('owner') { should eq 'www-data' } end ### this is git resource really... describe directory("#{application_dir}/rails") do it { should exist } it { should be_directory } #its('owner') { should eq 'www-data' } #its('group') { should eq 'www-data' } end rails_env = 'development' database = { 'adapter' => 'mysql2', 'encoding' => 'utf8', 'database' => db_name, 'username' => db_username, 'port' => db_port } describe file("#{application_dir}/rails/config/database.yml") do it { should exist } it { should be_file } its('content') { should match /#{rails_env}/ } its('content') { should match /#{db_host}/ } end describe file("#{application_dir}/rails/config/concerto.yml") do it { should exist } it { should be_file } its('content'){should match /automatic_bundle_installation: false/} its('content'){ should match /automatic_database_installation: false/} its('content'){should match /compile_production_assets: true/ } its('content'){ should match /airbrake_enabled_initially: true/} its('content'){should match /bundle_install_options: "--path vendor\/bundle"/} end describe file("#{application_dir}/rails/Gemfile-plugins") do its('content'){should_not match /gem \"concerto_simple_rss\"/ } its('content'){should_not match /gem \"concerto_remote_video\"/ } end describe file('/etc/nginx/nginx.conf') do it { should exist } it { should be_file } its('content'){ should match /\ #include \/etc\/nginx\/conf.d\/\*\.conf;/ } its('content') { should match /include \/etc\/nginx\/sites-enabled\/\*;/ } end ## is rails running? describe command('sudo lsof -wni tcp:9000') do its('exit_status'){ should eq 0 } end describe command("curl http://#{node['normal']['ec2']['public_dns_name']}") do its('exit_status') { should eq 0 } its('stdout'){should_not match 'Welcome to nginx!'} end end ## end of control