module PragmaticTokenizer class Processor attr_reader :text def initialize(language: Languages::Common) @language = language end def process(text:) shift_comma(text) shift_multiple_dash(text) shift_upsidedown_question_mark(text) shift_upsidedown_exclamation(text) shift_ellipse(text) shift_special_quotes(text) shift_colon(text) shift_bracket(text) shift_semicolon(text) shift_caret(text) shift_vertical_bar(text) convert_dbl_quotes(text) convert_sgl_quotes(text) shift_beginning_hyphen(text) shift_ending_hyphen(text) tokens = separate_full_stop(text.squeeze(' ') .split .flat_map { |t| (t[0] == '‚' || t[0] == ',') && t.length > 1 ? t.split(/(,|‚)/).flatten : t } .flat_map { |t| (t[-1] == '’' || t[-1] == "'") && t.length > 1 ? t.split(/(’|')/).flatten : t } .map { |t| convert_sym_to_punct(t) }) separate_other_ending_punc(tokens) end private def convert_dbl_quotes(text) # Convert left double quotes to special character text.gsub!(/"(?=.*\w)/o, ' ' + PragmaticTokenizer::Languages::Common::PUNCTUATION_MAP['"'] + ' ') || text text.gsub!(/“(?=.*\w)/o, ' ' + PragmaticTokenizer::Languages::Common::PUNCTUATION_MAP['“'] + ' ') || text # Convert remaining quotes to special character text.gsub!(/"/, ' ' + PragmaticTokenizer::Languages::Common::PUNCTUATION_MAP['"'] + ' ') || text text.gsub!(/”/, ' ' + PragmaticTokenizer::Languages::Common::PUNCTUATION_MAP['”'] + ' ') || text end def convert_sgl_quotes(text) if defined? @language::SingleQuotes else end end def shift_multiple_dash(text) text.gsub!(/--+/o, ' - ') || text end def shift_vertical_bar(text) text.gsub!(/\|/, ' | ') || text end def shift_comma(text) # Shift commas off everything but numbers text.gsub!(/,(?!\d)/o, ' , ') || text end def shift_upsidedown_question_mark(text) text.gsub!(/¿/, ' ¿ ') || text end def shift_upsidedown_exclamation(text) text.gsub!(/¡/, ' ¡ ') || text end def shift_ending_hyphen(text) text.gsub!(/-\s+/, ' - ') || text end def shift_beginning_hyphen(text) text.gsub!(/\s+-/, ' - ') || text end def shift_special_quotes(text) text.gsub!(/«/, ' « ') || text text.gsub!(/»/, ' » ') || text text.gsub!(/„/, ' „ ') || text text.gsub!(/“/, ' “ ') || text end def shift_bracket(text) text.gsub!(/([\(\[\{\}\]\)])/o) { ' ' + $1 + ' ' } || text end def shift_colon(text) return text unless text.include?(':') && text.partition(':').last[0] !~ /\A\d+/ && text.partition(':').first[-1] !~ /\A\d+/ # Ignore web addresses text.gsub!(/(?<=[http|https]):(?=\/\/)/, PragmaticTokenizer::Languages::Common::PUNCTUATION_MAP[":"]) || text text.gsub!(/:/o, ' :') || text text.gsub!(/(?<=\s):(?=\#)/, ': ') || text end def shift_semicolon(text) text.gsub!(/([;])/o) { ' ' + $1 + ' ' } || text end def shift_caret(text) text.gsub!(/\^/, ' ^ ') || text end def shift_ellipse(text) text.gsub!(/(\.\.\.+)/o) { ' ' + $1 + ' ' } || text text.gsub!(/(\.\.+)/o) { ' ' + $1 + ' ' } || text text.gsub!(/(…+)/o) { ' ' + $1 + ' ' } || text end def separate_full_stop(tokens) if @language.eql?(Languages::English) || @language.eql?(Languages::Common) abbr = {} @language::ABBREVIATIONS.each do |i| abbr[i] = true end cleaned_tokens = [] tokens.each_with_index do |_t, i| if tokens[i + 1] && tokens[i] =~ /\A(.+)\.\z/ w = $1 unless abbr[w.downcase] || w =~ /\A[a-z]\z/i || w =~ /[a-z](?:\.[a-z])+\z/i cleaned_tokens << w cleaned_tokens << '.' next end end cleaned_tokens << tokens[i] end if cleaned_tokens[-1] && cleaned_tokens[-1] =~ /\A(.*\w)\.\z/ cleaned_tokens[-1] = $1 cleaned_tokens.push '.' end cleaned_tokens else tokens.flat_map { |t| t =~ /\.\z/ && !@language::ABBREVIATIONS.include?(Unicode::downcase(t.split(".")[0])) && t.length > 2 ? t.split(".").flatten + ["."] : t } end end def separate_other_ending_punc(tokens) cleaned_tokens = [] tokens.each do |a| split_punctuation = a.scan(/(?<=\S)[。.!!??]+$/) if split_punctuation[0].nil? cleaned_tokens << a else cleaned_tokens <<[0],'') if split_punctuation[0].length.eql?(1) cleaned_tokens << split_punctuation[0] else split_punctuation[0].split("").each do |s| cleaned_tokens << s end end end end cleaned_tokens end def convert_sym_to_punct(token) symbol = /[♳ ♴ ♵ ♶ ♷ ♸ ♹ ♺ ⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ☇ ☈ ☉ ☊ ☋ ☌ ☍ ☠ ☢ ☣ ☤ ☥ ☦ ☧ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☄ ☮ ♔ ♕ ♖ ♗ ♘ ♙ ♚ ⚘]/.match(token) if symbol.nil? return token else return token.gsub!(symbol[0], PragmaticTokenizer::Languages::Common::PUNCTUATION_MAP.key(symbol[0])) end end end end