// @category hacks $a-blackhole: require-archetype-modules(archetype/config); // hack to support negative margins in legacy IE // @mixin hack-negative-margin @mixin hack-negative-margin() { @if(support-legacy-browser('ie', '7', $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold)) { @include has-layout(); position: relative; } } // max-height hack // @mixin max-height // @param $value {String} the height @mixin max-height($value) { @include hacked-maximum(height, $value); } // max-width hack // @mixin max-width // @param $value {String} the width @mixin max-width($value) { @include hacked-maximum(width, $value); } // generic max-* hack wrapper // @mixin hacked-maximum // @param $property {String} property [height|width] // @param $value {String} the value @mixin hacked-maximum($property, $value) { max-#{$property}: $value; @include underscore-hack($property, auto, $value); } // helper to create a :before pseudo element // @mixin before // @param $content {String} the content to set on the element // @content @mixin before($content: false) { @include -archetype-pseudo($placement: before, $content: $content) { @content; }; } // helper to create a :after pseudo element // @mixin after // @param $content {String} the content to set on the element // @content @mixin after($content: false) { @include -archetype-pseudo($placement: after, $content: $content) { @content; }; } // creates a cross-browser pseudo before/after element // @mixin after // @param $content {String} the content to set on the element // @content @mixin -archetype-pseudo($placement: before, $content: false) { $selector: '&:#{$placement}'; @include ie-pseudo($placement: $placement, $content: $content); $archetype-pseudo-selector: if($archetype-pseudo-selector, '#{$selector}, #{$archetype-pseudo-selector}', $selector) !global; #{$archetype-pseudo-selector} { @if $content { content: $content; } @content; } } // proxy for ie-pseudo // @mixin ie-pseudo-before // @param $styles {String} the styles to apply to the pseudo-element // @param $content {String} the content to insert into the element (similar to css `content` attribute) // @param $name {String} the name of the element // @content @mixin ie-pseudo-before($styles: false, $content: false, $name: '') { @include ie-pseudo($styles, $content, before, $name) { @content; } } // proxy for ie-pseudo // @mixin ie-pseudo-after // @param $styles {String} the styles to apply to the pseudo-element // @param $content {String} the content to insert into the element (similar to css `content` attribute) // @param $name {String} the name of the element // @content @mixin ie-pseudo-after($styles: false, $content: false, $name: '') { @include ie-pseudo($styles, $content, after, $name) { @content; } } // this creates a one-time executing expression that inserts an element relative to `this` element. // this allows some level of support for :before/:after in IE6/7 // inspired by http://nicolasgallagher.com/better-float-containment-in-ie/ // @mixin ie-pseudo // @param $styles {String} the styles to apply to the pseudo-element // @param $content {String} the content to insert into the element (similar to css `content` attribute) // @param $placement {String} [before|after] simulate :before or :after behavior // @param $name {String} the name of the element // @param $uid {String} a custom, unique identifier for the generate element // @content @mixin ie-pseudo($styles: false, $content: false, $placement: before, $name: '', $uid: false) { $archetype-pseudo-selector: null !global; @if(support-legacy-browser('ie', '7', $threshold: $critical-usage-threshold)) { $uid: if($uid, $uid, unique('ie-pseudo-')); $archetype-pseudo-selector: '& ##{$uid}' !global; $this: 't'; $method: if($placement == before, insertBefore, appendChild); @if $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_CSS { $styles: if($styles and not is_null($styles), #{$CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_CSS}#{$styles}, $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_CSS); } $cmd: (unquote('#{$this}.el=document.createElement("#{prefixed-tag($name)}"),#{$this}.el.id="#{$uid}"')); $method: if($placement == before, insertBefore, appendChild); @if $content and not is_null($content) { $cmd: append($cmd, unquote('#{$this}.el.innerHTML="#{-ie-pseudo-content($content)}"')); } @if $styles and not is_null($styles) and $styles != '' and $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_INLINE { // sets the icon styles on the node if we're using inline styles... $cmd: append($cmd, unquote('#{$this}.el.style.cssText="#{$styles}"')); } // if we're using the insertBefore method, we need to specify the node reference to the first childNode $reference-node: if($placement == before, ',#{$this}.childNodes[0]||null', ''); $cmd: append($cmd, unquote('#{$this}.#{$method}(#{$this}.el#{$reference-node})')); $runOnce: unquote('this.runtimeStyle.zoom="1"'); // this ensures the expression is only invoked once // delim with a single comma, no spaces $cmd: list-join($cmd, ','); // we execute in a setTimeout to decouple from the current UI thread // this prevents an edge case in IE crashing with an `Operation Aborted` if the node hasn't finished rendering yet // http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2008/03/17/the-dreaded-operation-aborted-error/ *zoom: expression(#{$runOnce},(function(#{$this}){setTimeout(function(){#{$cmd}})}(this))); // if we're NOT using inline styles... @if not $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_INLINE and $styles and not is_null($styles) { // output it on the generated selector #{$archetype-pseudo-selector} { @include to-styles(-style-string-to-map(unquote($styles))); @content; } } } } // a hack that allows elements with transparent backgrounds to be focusable in IE // @mixin transparent-focusable // @param $url {String} an optional URL to point to an image (not required) // @param $data {String} an optional data URI for a transparent image (not required) @mixin transparent-focusable($url: url(https://), $data: '') { $bg: (transparent); background: append($bg, $data); @if $url { @include target-browser(ie lte 7, background, append($bg, $url)); } }