module Workarea module Details extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do field :details, type: Hash, default: {}, localize: true before_validation :clean_details end # Update details by replacing existing detail values with new # detail values. If a detail has been explicitly set to blank # in the new details, then that detail will be deleted. # # @param values [Hash] new details to replace existing details # @return [void] # def update_details(values) values ||= {} self.details ||= {} details.merge!(values) details.each do |name, value| details.delete(name) if value.blank? end end # Find a detail based on a name. Uses string # optionizing to determine whether the key # on the details hash matches. Used when looking # up options in view models. # # @param name [String] # @return anything # def fetch_detail(name) key = details.keys.detect do |tmp| tmp.to_s.optionize == name.to_s.optionize end return nil unless key.present? details[key] end # Determine whether this variant is a match to the # passed detail. Used when selecting variants # in view models. # # @param name [String] # @param value [String] # # @return [Boolean] # def matches_detail?(name, value) detail_value = fetch_detail(name) return false if detail_value.blank? if detail_value.respond_to?(:map) else detail_value.to_s.optionize == value.optionize end end # Determine whether this detail applies as an option for this variant # # @param name [String] # @return [Boolean] # def has_detail?(name) fetch_detail(name).present? end # Determine whether this variant is a match to the # all of the passed details. # # @param details [Hash] # @return [Boolean] # def matches_details?(details) details.all? do |key, value| Array.wrap(value).all? { |v| matches_detail?(key, v) } end end # Output all names of all details currently stored on this model. If # the model has been rehydrated from a raw +#as_document+ Hash of # parameters, this method also dives into the current +I18n.locale+. # On models generated by Mongoid or within the context of the # current application scope, this method will just read +#keys+ from # the details hash stored on the model. # # @return [Array] def detail_names locale = I18n.locale.to_s hash = if details.keys.include?(locale) details[locale] else details end hash.keys end private def clean_details self.details = end end end