shared_examples 'is_a_curation_concern_controller' do |curation_concern_class, options = {}| actions = options.fetch(:actions, :all) CurationConcern::FactoryHelpers.load_factories_for(self, curation_concern_class) def self.optionally_include_specs(actions, action_name) normalized_actions = Array(actions).flatten.compact return true if normalized_actions.include?(:all) return true if normalized_actions.include?(action_name.to_sym) return true if normalized_actions.include?(action_name.to_s) end its(:curation_concern_type) { should eq curation_concern_class } let(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user) } before { sign_in user } def path_to_curation_concern public_send("curation_concern_#{curation_concern_type_underscore}_path", controller.curation_concern) end render_views if optionally_include_specs(actions, :show) describe "#show" do context "my own private work" do let(:a_work) { FactoryGirl.create(private_work_factory_name, user: user) } it "should show me the page" do get :show, id: a_work expect(response).to be_success end end context "someone elses private work" do let(:a_work) { FactoryGirl.create(private_work_factory_name) } it "should show 401 Unauthorized" do get :show, id: a_work expect(response.status).to eq 401 response.should render_template(:unauthorized) end end context "someone elses public work" do let(:a_work) { FactoryGirl.create(public_work_factory_name) } it "should show me the page" do get :show, id: a_work expect(response).to be_success end end end end if optionally_include_specs(actions, :new) describe "#new" do context "my work" do it "should show me the page" do get :new expect(response).to be_success expect(response.body).to have_tag('.promote-doi .control-group') do input_name = "#{curation_concern_class.model_name.singular}[doi_assignment_strategy]" remote_service = Hydra::RemoteIdentifier.remote_service(:doi) if remote_service.registered?(controller.curation_concern) with_tag('input', with: { name: input_name, type: 'radio', value: remote_service.accessor_name }) end with_tag('input', with: { name: input_name, type: 'radio', value: CurationConcern::RemotelyIdentifiedByDoi::NOT_NOW } ) with_tag('input', with: { name: input_name, type: 'radio', value: CurationConcern::RemotelyIdentifiedByDoi::ALREADY_GOT_ONE } ) with_tag('input', with: { name: "#{curation_concern_class.model_name.singular}[existing_identifier]", type: 'text' } ) end end end end end if optionally_include_specs(actions, :create) describe "#create" do it "should create a work" do controller.curation_concern.stub(:persisted?).and_return(true) = double(:create => true) post :create, accept_contributor_agreement: "accept" response.should redirect_to path_to_curation_concern end end describe "#create failure" do it 'renders the form' do = double(:create => false) post :create, accept_contributor_agreement: "accept" expect(response).to render_template('new') end end end if optionally_include_specs(actions, :edit) describe "#edit" do context "my own private work" do let(:a_work) { FactoryGirl.create(private_work_factory_name, user: user) } it "should show me the page" do get :edit, id: a_work expect(response).to be_success end end context "someone elses private work" do let(:a_work) { FactoryGirl.create(private_work_factory_name) } it "should show 401 Unauthorized" do get :edit, id: a_work expect(response.status).to eq 401 response.should render_template('errors/401') end end context "someone elses public work" do let(:a_work) { FactoryGirl.create(public_work_factory_name) } it "should show me the page" do get :edit, id: a_work expect(response.status).to eq 401 response.should render_template('errors/401') end end end end if optionally_include_specs(actions, :update) describe "#update" do let(:a_work) { FactoryGirl.create(default_work_factory_name, user: user) } it "should update the work " do = double(:update => true, :visibility_changed? => false) patch :update, id: a_work response.should redirect_to path_to_curation_concern end describe "changing rights" do it "should prompt to change the files access" do = double(:update => true, :visibility_changed? => true) patch :update, id: a_work response.should redirect_to confirm_curation_concern_permission_path(controller.curation_concern) end end describe "failure" do it "renders the form" do = double(:update => false, :visibility_changed? => false) patch :update, id: a_work expect(response).to render_template('edit') end end end end if optionally_include_specs(actions, :destroy) describe "#destroy" do let(:work_to_be_deleted) { FactoryGirl.create(default_work_factory_name, user: user) } it "should delete the work" do delete :destroy, id: work_to_be_deleted expect { GenericWork.find( }.to raise_error end end end end