--- abamaTV: AbemaTV abberant: aberrant abberation: aberration abbrieviated: abbreviated abbriviated: abbreviated abbriviation: abbreviation abcess: abscess aberation: aberration aberrent: aberrant abilites: abilities angualrjs: AngularJS anglarjs: AngularJS abillity: ability abilty: ability abnormalites: abnormalities abondon: abandon abortificant: abortifacient abreviate: abbreviate abreviation: abbreviation abritrary: arbitrary abscence: absence absense: absence absorbancy: absorbency absorbant: absorbent absorbsion: absorption absorbtion: absorption absorpsion: absorption absoulte: absolute abudance: abundance abundacies: abundances abundancies: abundances abundence: abundance abundent: abundant abundunt: abundant abutts: abuts acount: account acadamy: academy acadmic: academic accadamy: academy accademy: academy accellerate: accelerate accelleration: acceleration acceptible: acceptable accessable: accessible accesed: accessed accesory: accessory accidentaly: accidentally accidentially: accidentally accidently: accidentally acclimitization: acclimatization accomadate: accommodate accomadation: accommodation accomodate: accommodate accomodation: accommodation accompaning: accompanying accompanyed: accompanied accordeon: accordion accordian: accordion accoring: according accoustic: acoustic accreditate: accredit accros: across accross: across accussed: accused acedemic: academic acertain: ascertain acess: access acheive: achieve acheived: achieved acheivement: achievement acheives: achieves acheiving: achieving acheivment: achievement achievment: achievement acolade: accolade acomplish: accomplish acomplished: accomplished acomplishment: accomplishment acording: according acordingly: accordingly acquaintence: acquaintance acquiantence: acquaintance acquiantences: acquaintances acquistion: acquisition acquited: acquitted activites: activities actualy: actually acuracy: accuracy acustom: accustom acustommed: accustomed acutally: actually adaption: adaptation adaptions: adaptations addional: additional addionally: additionally additinally: additionally additionaly: additionally addittion: addition addmission: admission addmitted: admitted addopt: adopt addopted: adopted addoptive: adoptive addresable: addressable addresing: addressing addtion: addition adecuate: adequate adhear: adhere adhearence: adherence adition: addition aditional: additional admendment: amendment administartion: administration adminstrate: administrate adminstration: administration adminstrative: administrative adminstrator: administrator admissability: admissibility admissable: admissible admited: admitted admiting: admitting admitt: admit adn: and adolecent: adolescent adquire: acquire adquiring: acquiring adres: address adresable: addressable adresing: addressing adressable: addressable advantagous: advantageous advertisment: advertisement advertisments: advertisements adviced: advised aeriel: aerial aeriels: aerials affadavit: affidavit afficionado: aficionado affilate: affiliate affilliate: affiliate affraid: afraid affter: after Afica: Africa afteraffect: aftereffect afther: after againnst: against agains: against againsts: against aggitate: agitate aggree: agree aggreement: agreement aggregious: egregious aggresive: aggressive agian: again aginst: against agravate: aggravate agre: agree agred: agreed agreing: agreeing agress: agrees agressive: aggressive agressively: aggressively agriculturalist: agriculturist agriculturalists: agriculturists agricultue: agriculture agriculure: agriculture agrieved: aggrieve ahev: have ahppen: happen ahve: have aiport: airport airborn: airborne airbourne: airborne aircrafts: aircraft airporta: airports ajacent: adjacent ajoin: adjoin ajoining: adjoining ajust: adjust akward: awkward albiet: albeit alchohol: alcohol alchoholic: alcoholic alchol: alcohol alcholic: alcoholic alcohal: alcohol alcoholical: alcoholic aledge: allege aledged: alleged aledges: alleges alege: allege aleged: alleged alegience: allegiance algoritm: algorithm algoritms: algorithms allagory: allegory allaince: alliance alledge: allege alledged: alleged alledges: alleges allegence: allegiance allegience: allegiance allign: align allignment: alignment alliviate: alleviate allmost: almost allong: along allopone: allophone allopones: allophones alloted: allotted alloting: allotting allready: already allso: also alltogether: altogether allways: always almsot: almost alochol: alcohol alomst: almost alos: also alotted: allotted alotting: allotting alow: allow alreayd: already alsot: also alsways: always Altanta: Atlanta altenative: alternative alterated: altered alterpiece: altarpiece altho: although althought: although altough: although aluminum: aluminium aluvial: alluvial alwasy: always alwyas: always amatuer: amateur ambiance: ambience ambiant: ambient ambience: ambiance ambigious: ambiguous Ameircan: American amenites: amenities Amercia: America Amercian: American amendmant: amendment amke: make amking: making assing: assign ammass: amass ammend: amend ammended: amended ammendment: amendment ammenity: amenity ammount: amount amnisty: amnesty amoung: among amoungst: amongst ampitheater: amphitheater ampitheatre: amphitheatre amung: among Anahiem: Anaheim analagous: analogous analitic: analytic analogeous: analogous analogue: analog anaylsis: analysis anbd: and ancester: ancestor ancesteral: ancestral ancilliary: ancillary andd: and andoid: android andorid: android andriod: android androgenous: androgynous androgeny: androgyny anihilate: annihilate anihilation: annihilation aniversary: anniversary ankel: ankle annd: and annoint: anoint annonce: announce annoncement: announcement annouce: announce annoucement: announcement annualy: annually annuled: annulled anomolies: anomalies anomolous: anomalous anomoly: anomaly anonimity: anonymity anounce: announce anouncement: announcement ansalisation: nasalisation ansalization: nasalization Antartic: Antarctic anthromorphization: anthropomorphization anthropolgist: anthropologist anthropolgy: anthropology antropology: anthropology anually: annually anulled: annulled anyhwere: anywhere anytying: anything anyways: anyway apalca: alpaca apach: apache apalled: appalled aparatus: apparatus aparent: apparent aparently: apparently apear: appear apearance: appearance apeared: appeared apearing: appearing Apenines: Apennines aplication: application appication: application appliction: application applicaiton: application applicatoin: application aplied: applied apoint: appoint apolegetics: apologetics apoligize: apologize apparant: apparent apparantly: apparently appart: apart appartmant: apartment appartment: apartment appearence: appearance Appenines: Apennines apperance: appearance applicaiton: application applicaitons: applications appy: apply applyed: applied appologies: apologies appologize: apologize appology: apology apporach: approach appretiate: appreciate apprieciate: appreciate approachs: approaches approch: approach appropiate: appropriate approperate: appropriate approximatley: approximately approximatly: approximately approximently: approximately approximitely: approximately aproach: approach aproximately: approximately aproximation: approximation aquaduct: aqueduct aquaintance: acquaintance aquainted: acquainted aquarius: Aquarius aquiantance: acquaintance aquifier: aquifer aquire: acquire aquired: acquired aquiring: acquiring aquisition: acquisition aquitted: acquitted aranged: arranged arangement: arrangement arbitarily: arbitrarily arbitary: arbitrary archetect: architect archetects: architects archetectural: architectural archetecturally: architecturally archetecture: architecture Archimedian: Archimedean architechture: architecture architectual: architectural archivement: achievement argubly: arguably argueably: arguably arguebly: arguably arguement: argument aries: Aries arised: arose arive: arrive arrage: arrange argment: argument argments: arguments arragement: arrangement arrangment: arrangement arrengement: arrangement arrengements: arrangements arround: around artefact: artifact artical: article artice: article aritcle: article articel: article artilce: article ariticle: article artifical: artificial artifically: artificially artificialy: artificially artillary: artillery ascendancy: ascendency asend: ascend asetic: ascetic ashphalt: asphalt asign: assign asignee: assignee asimilate: assimilate askes: asks aslo: also asociate: associate asociated: associated asociation: association asorbed: absorbed asperations: aspirations assasin: assassin assasinate: assassinate assasinated: assassinated assasinates: assassinates assasination: assassination assasinations: assassinations assasins: assassins asscoiate: associate assemple: assemble assertation: assertion asside: aside assimiliated: assimilated assinate: assassinate assination: assassination assisstance: assistance assitance: assistance assitant: assistant assocation: association assoicate: associate assoicated: associated assoicates: associates assualt: assault assumme: assume assymetric: asymmetric asyncronous: asynchronous assymetry: asymmetry asterick: asterisk asteriks: asterisk asteriod: asteroid actino: action asume: assume atempt: attempt athelete: athlete atheletic: athletic atheltic: athletic Athenean: Athenian Atheneans: Athenians athiest: atheist athlethe: athlete athmosphere: atmosphere athough: although atlethe: athlete atomsphere: atmosphere atractions: attractions atribute: attribute atributed: attributed atributes: attributes attaction: attraction attactive: attractive attatch: attach attemp: attempt attemt: attempt attemted: attempted attemting: attempting attendence: attendance attendent: attendant attendents: attendants attent: attend attept: attempt attitide: attitude attone: atone attornies: attorneys attorny: attorney audeince: audience audiance: audience austrailia: Australia australian: Australian Australiasia: Australasia auther: author authobiographic: autobiographic authobiography: autobiography authorative: authoritative authorites: authorities authoritive: authoritative autochtonous: autochthonous autoctonous: autochthonous autor: author autority: authority auxillaries: auxiliaries auxillary: auxiliary auxilliaries: auxiliaries auxilliary: auxiliary availabe: available availiable: available availible: available avalable: available avalance: avalanche avaliable: available avalible: available avation: aviation averageed: averaged averege: average awaked: awoke awarness: awareness awsome: awesome awya: away