# open the class to add methods to add elevators class OpenStudio::Model::Model # Add elevators to the model # # @param template [String] Valid choices are # @return [OpenStudio::Model::ElectricEquipment] the resulting elevator def add_elevators(template) # determine effective number of stories effective_num_stories = self.effective_num_stories # determine elevator type # todo - add logic here or upstream to have some multi-story buildings without elevators (e.g. small multi-family and small hotels) elevator_type = nil if effective_num_stories[:below_grade] + effective_num_stories[:above_grade] < 2 return nil # don't add elevators elsif effective_num_stories[:below_grade] + effective_num_stories[:above_grade] < 6 elevator_type = "Hydraulic" else elevator_type = "Traction" end # determine space to put elevator load in # largest bottom story (including basement) space that has multiplier of 1 bottom_spaces = {} bottom_story = effective_num_stories[:story_hash].keys.first bottom_story.spaces.each do |space| next if space.multiplier > 1 bottom_spaces[space] = space.floorArea end target_space = bottom_spaces.key(bottom_spaces.values.max) # determine number of elevators number_of_pass_elevators = 0.0 number_of_freight_elevators = 0.0 building_type_hash = {} # apply building type specific log to add to number of elevators based on Beyer (2009) rules of thumb space_type_hash = self.create_space_type_hash(template) space_type_hash.each do |space_type,hash| # update building_type_hash if building_type_hash.has_key?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) building_type_hash[hash[:stds_bldg_type]] += hash[:floor_area] else building_type_hash[hash[:stds_bldg_type]] = hash[:floor_area] end # building type specific notes; prototype uses Beyer (2009) rules fo thumb if ["Office","SmallOffice","MediumOffice","LargeOffice"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) # The office buildings have one elevator for every 45,000 ft2 (4,181 m2), # plus one service elevator for the large office building. pass_elevator_per_area = OpenStudio::convert(45000.0,"ft^2","m^2").get number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:floor_area]/pass_elevator_per_area # add freight elevators as separate step 1 if over 5k m^2 but more than one if over 50k m^2 if self.getBuilding.floorArea > 45000.0 # m^2 number_of_freight_elevators += self.getBuilding.floorArea/500000.0 # m^2 end elsif["SmallHotel","LargeHotel"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) && hash[:stds_space_type].include?("GuestRoom") # The hotels have one elevator for every 75 rooms, and the large hotel includes one service elevator for every two public elevators, # plus one additional elevator for the dining and banquet facilities on the top floor. units_per_pass_elevator = 75.0 freight_elevators_per_unit = units_per_pass_elevator/2.0 number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:num_units]/units_per_pass_elevator number_of_freight_elevators += hash[:num_units]/freight_elevators_per_unit elsif["LargeHotel"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) && ["Banquet","Cafe"].include?(hash[:stds_space_type]) pass_elevator_per_area = OpenStudio::convert(10000.0,"ft^2","m^2").get number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:floor_area]/pass_elevator_per_area elsif["MidriseApartment","HighriseApartment"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) && hash[:stds_space_type].include?("Apartment") # The apartment building has one elevator for every 90 units units_per_pass_elevator = 90.0 number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:num_units]/units_per_pass_elevator elsif["Hospital"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) && ["PatRoom","ICU_PatRm","ICU_Open"].include?(hash[:stds_space_type]) # The hospital has one public and one service elevator for every 100 beds (250 total), # plus two elevators for the offices and cafeteria on the top floor. beds_per_pass_elevator = 100.0 number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:num_beds]/beds_per_pass_elevator number_of_freight_elevators += hash[:num_beds]/beds_per_pass_elevator elsif["Hospital"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) && ["Dining","Kitchen","Office"].include?(hash[:stds_space_type]) pass_elevator_per_area = OpenStudio::convert(12500.0,"ft^2","m^2").get number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:floor_area]/pass_elevator_per_area elsif ["PrimarySchool","SecondarySchool"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) # 210,887 ft^2 secondary school prototype has 2 elevators pass_elevator_per_area = OpenStudio::convert(100000.0,"ft^2","m^2").get number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:floor_area]/(pass_elevator_per_area) # freight and passenger combined elsif ["Outpatient"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) # 210,887 ft^2 secondary school prototype has 2 elevators #pass_elevator_per_area = OpenStudio::convert(15000.0,"ft^2","m^2").get #number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:floor_area]/(pass_elevator_per_area) # freight and passenger combined elsif ["Warehouse"].include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) freight_elevator_per_area = OpenStudio::convert(250000.0,"ft^2","m^2").get number_of_freight_elevators += hash[:floor_area]/freight_elevator_per_area else # todo - improve catchall for building types without elevator data, using same value as what Outpatient would be if not already in space type # includes RetailStandalone, RetailStripmall, QuickServiceRestaurant, FullServiceRestaurant, SuperMarket (made unique logic above for warehouse) pass_elevator_per_area = OpenStudio::convert(15000.0,"ft^2","m^2").get number_of_pass_elevators += hash[:floor_area]/pass_elevator_per_area end end # adjust number of elevators (can be double but if not 0 must be at least 1.0) if number_of_pass_elevators > 0.0 and number_of_pass_elevators < 1.0 number_of_pass_elevators = 1.0 end if number_of_freight_elevators > 0.0 and number_of_freight_elevators < 1.0 number_of_freight_elevators = 1.0 end number_of_elevators = number_of_pass_elevators + number_of_freight_elevators building_type = building_type_hash.key(building_type_hash.values.max) # rename space types as needed if building_type == "Office" building_type = self.remap_office(building_type_hash["Office"]) end if building_type == "SmallHotel" then building_type = "LargeHotel" end # no elevator schedules for SmallHotel if building_type == "PrimarySchool" then building_type = "SecondarySchool" end # no elevator schedules for PrimarySchool if building_type == "Retail" then building_type = "RetailStandalone" end # no elevator schedules for PrimarySchool if building_type == "StripMall" then building_type = "RetailStripmall" end # no elevator schedules for PrimarySchool if building_type == "Outpatient" OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'Prototype.Model.elevators', "Outpatient ElevatorPumpRoom plug loads contain the elevator loads. Not adding extra elevator loads on top of it.") end # Retrieve the Prototype Inputs from JSON search_criteria = { 'template' => template, 'building_type' => building_type } prototype_input = find_object($os_standards['prototype_inputs'], search_criteria, nil) if prototype_input.nil? OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'Prototype.Model.elevators', "Could not find prototype inputs for #{search_criteria}.") return false end # assign schedules if ["Office","SmallOffice","MediumOffice","LargeOffice","MidriseApartment","HighriseApartment","SecondarySchool"].include?(building_type) elevator_schedule = prototype_input['elevator_schedule'] elevator_fan_schedule = prototype_input['elevator_fan_schedule'] elevator_lights_schedule = prototype_input['elevator_fan_schedule'] elsif ["LargeHotel","Hospital"].include?(building_type) elevator_schedule = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment1_schedule'] elevator_fan_schedule = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment2_schedule'] elevator_lights_schedule = prototype_input['exterior_fuel_equipment2_schedule'] else # identify occupancy schedule from largest space type of this building type space_type_size = {} space_type_hash.each do |space_type,hash| next if not building_type.include?(hash[:stds_bldg_type]) space_type_size[space_type] = hash[:floor_area] end occ_sch = space_type_size.key(space_type_size.values.max).defaultScheduleSet.get.numberofPeopleSchedule.get # clone and assign to elevator elev_sch = occ_sch.clone(self) elevator_schedule = elev_sch.name.to_s elevator_fan_schedule = elev_sch.name.to_s elevator_lights_schedule = elev_sch.name.to_s # todo - scale down peak value based on building type lookup, or make parametric schedule based on hours of operation # includes RetailStandalone, RetailStripmall, QuickServiceRestaurant, FullServiceRestaurant, SuperMarket (made unique logic above for warehouse) if building_type == "Warehouse" # alter default profile, summer, winter, and rules max_value = 0.2 elev_sch = elev_sch.to_ScheduleRuleset.get day_schedules = [] elev_sch.scheduleRules.each do |rule| day_schedules << rule.daySchedule end day_schedules << elev_sch.defaultDaySchedule day_schedules << elev_sch.summerDesignDaySchedule day_schedules << elev_sch.winterDesignDaySchedule day_schedules.each do |day_schedule| values = day_schedule.values times = day_schedule.times values.each_with_index do |value,i| if value > max_value day_schedule.addValue(times[i],max_value) end end end end end # todo - currently add elevator doesn't allow me to choose the size of the elevator? # ref bldg pdf has formula for motor hp based on weight, speed, counterweight fraction and mech eff (in 5.1.4) # todo - should schedules change based on traction vs. hydraulic vs. just taking what is in prototype. # call add_elevator in Prototype.hvac_systems.rb to create elevator objects elevator = self.add_elevator(template, target_space, number_of_elevators, elevator_type, elevator_schedule, elevator_fan_schedule, elevator_lights_schedule, building_type) OpenStudio.logFree(OpenStudio::Info, 'Prototype.Model.elevators', "Adding #{elevator.multiplier} #{elevator_type} elevators to the model in #{target_space.name}.") # check fraction lost on heat from elevator if traction, change to 100% lost if not setup that way. if elevator_type == "Traction" elevator.definition.to_ElectricEquipmentDefinition.get.setFractionLost(1.0) end return elevator end end