require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper.rb' context "OptionParser" do setup do @out = @err = @parser = end def parse(args) @parser.parse(args, @err, @out, true) end specify "should accept dry run option" do options = parse(["--dry-run"]) options.dry_run.should_be(true) end specify "should eval and use custom formatter when none of the builtins" do options = parse(["--format", "Custom::Formatter"]) options.formatter_type.should equal(Custom::Formatter) end specify "should not be verbose by default" do options = parse([]) options.verbose.should_be(nil) end specify "should not use colour by default" do options = parse([]) options.colour.should_be(nil) end specify "should print help to stdout" do options = parse(["--help"]) @out.rewind spec \[options\] \(FILE\|DIRECTORY\|GLOB\)\+/n) end specify "should print instructions about how to fix bad formatter" do options = parse(["--format", "Custom::BadFormatter"]) @err.string.should_match(/Couldn't find formatter class Custom::BadFormatter/n) end specify "should print usage to err if no dir specified" do options = parse([]) @err.string.should_match(/Usage: spec/) end specify "should print version to stdout" do options = parse(["--version"]) @out.rewind\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \(r\d+\) - BDD for Ruby\nhttp:\/\/\/\n/n) end specify "should accept -o option" do options = parse(["-o", "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/output_file.txt"]) options.out.should_be_an_instance_of File options.out.path.should == "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/output_file.txt" File.delete(options.out.path) rescue nil end specify "should require file when require specified" do lambda do parse(["--require", "whatever"]) end.should_raise(LoadError) end specify "should select dry run for rdoc formatter" do options = parse(["--format", "rdoc"]) options.dry_run.should_be(true) end specify "should support c option" do options = parse(["-c"]) options.colour.should_be(true) end specify "should support queens colour option" do options = parse(["--colour"]) options.colour.should_be(true) end specify "should support us color option" do options = parse(["--color"]) options.colour.should_be(true) end specify "should support single spec with s option" do options = parse(["-s", "something or other"]) options.spec_name.should_eql("something or other") end specify "should support single spec with spec option" do options = parse(["--spec", "something or other"]) options.spec_name.should_eql("something or other") end specify "should use html formatter when format is h" do options = parse(["--format", "h"]) options.formatter_type.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::HtmlFormatter) end specify "should use html formatter when format is html" do options = parse(["--format", "html"]) options.formatter_type.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::HtmlFormatter) end specify "should use noisy backtrace tweaker with b option" do options = parse(["-b"]) options.backtrace_tweaker.should_be_instance_of(Spec::Runner::NoisyBacktraceTweaker) end specify "should use noisy backtrace tweaker with backtrace option" do options = parse(["--backtrace"]) options.backtrace_tweaker.should_be_instance_of(Spec::Runner::NoisyBacktraceTweaker) end specify "should use quiet backtrace tweaker by default" do options = parse([]) options.backtrace_tweaker.should_be_instance_of(Spec::Runner::QuietBacktraceTweaker) end specify "should use progress bar formatter by default" do options = parse([]) options.formatter_type.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::ProgressBarFormatter) end specify "should use rdoc formatter when format is r" do options = parse(["--format", "r"]) options.formatter_type.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::RdocFormatter) end specify "should use rdoc formatter when format is rdoc" do options = parse(["--format", "rdoc"]) options.formatter_type.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::RdocFormatter) end specify "should use specdoc formatter when format is s" do options = parse(["--format", "s"]) options.formatter_type.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::SpecdocFormatter) end specify "should use specdoc formatter when format is specdoc" do options = parse(["--format", "specdoc"]) options.formatter_type.should equal(Spec::Runner::Formatter::SpecdocFormatter) end specify "should support diff option when format is not specified" do options = parse(["--diff"]) options.diff_format.should_be :unified end specify "should use unified diff format option when format is unified" do options = parse(["--diff", "unified"]) options.diff_format.should_be :unified options.differ_class.should_be Spec::Expectations::Differs::Default end specify "should use context diff format option when format is context" do options = parse(["--diff", "context"]) options.diff_format.should eql(:context) options.differ_class.should_eql Spec::Expectations::Differs::Default end specify "should use custom diff format option when format is a custom format" do options = parse(["--diff", "Custom::Formatter"]) options.diff_format.should_be :custom options.differ_class.should_eql Custom::Formatter end specify "should print instructions about how to fix bad differ" do options = parse(["--diff", "Custom::BadFormatter"]) @err.string.should_match(/Couldn't find differ class Custom::BadFormatter/n) end specify "should support --line to identify spec" do spec_parser = mock("spec_parser") @parser.instance_variable_set('@spec_parser', spec_parser) file_factory = mock("File") file_factory.should_receive(:file?).and_return(true) file_factory.should_receive(:open).and_return("fake_io") @parser.instance_variable_set('@file_factory', file_factory) spec_parser.should_receive(:spec_name_for).with("fake_io", 169).and_return("some spec") options = parse(["some file", "--line", "169"]) options.spec_name.should_eql("some spec") File.__verify end specify "should fail with error message if file is dir along with --line" do spec_parser = mock("spec_parser") @parser.instance_variable_set('@spec_parser', spec_parser) file_factory = mock("File") file_factory.should_receive(:file?).and_return(false) file_factory.should_receive(:directory?).and_return(true) @parser.instance_variable_set('@file_factory', file_factory) options = parse(["some file", "--line", "169"]) @err.string.should_match(/You must specify one file, not a directory when using the --line option/n) end specify "should fail with error message if file is dir along with --line" do spec_parser = mock("spec_parser") @parser.instance_variable_set('@spec_parser', spec_parser) file_factory = mock("File") file_factory.should_receive(:file?).and_return(false) file_factory.should_receive(:directory?).and_return(false) @parser.instance_variable_set('@file_factory', file_factory) options = parse(["some file", "--line", "169"]) @err.string.should_match(/some file does not exist/n) end specify "should fail with error message if more than one files are specified along with --line" do spec_parser = mock("spec_parser") @parser.instance_variable_set('@spec_parser', spec_parser) options = parse(["some file", "some other file", "--line", "169"]) @err.string.should_match(/Only one file can be specified when using the --line option/n) end specify "should fail with error message if --spec and --line are used simultaneously" do spec_parser = mock("spec_parser") @parser.instance_variable_set('@spec_parser', spec_parser) options = parse(["some file", "--spec", "some spec", "--line", "169"]) @err.string.should_match(/You cannot use both --line and --spec/n) end if(PLATFORM != "i386-mswin32") specify "should heckle when --heckle is specified (and platform is not windows)" do options = parse(["--heckle", "Spec"]) options.heckle_runner.should_be_instance_of(Spec::Runner::HeckleRunner) end else specify "should barf when --heckle is specified (and platform is windows)" do lambda do options = parse(["--heckle", "Spec"]) end.should_raise(StandardError, "Heckle not supported on Windows") end end specify "should read options from file when --options is specified" do Spec::Runner::CommandLine.should_receive(:run).with(["--diff", "--colour"], @err, @out, true, true) options = parse(["--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec.opts"]) end specify "should append options from file when --options is specified" do Spec::Runner::CommandLine.should_receive(:run).with(["some/spec.rb", "--diff", "--colour"], @err, @out, true, true) options = parse(["some/spec.rb", "--options", File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/spec.opts"]) end specify "should save config to file when --generate-options is specified" do FileUtils.rm 'spec.opts' rescue nil options = parse(["--colour", "--generate-options", "spec.opts", "--diff"])'spec.opts').read.should == "--colour\n--diff\n" FileUtils.rm 'spec.opts' rescue nil end specify "should call DrbCommandLine when --drb is specified" do Spec::Runner::DrbCommandLine.should_receive(:run).with(["some/spec.rb", "--diff", "--colour"], @err, @out, true, true) options = parse(["some/spec.rb", "--diff", "--drb", "--colour"]) end end