# This code was generated by
# \ / _    _  _|   _  _
#  | (_)\/(_)(_|\/| |(/_  v1.0.0
#       /       /
# frozen_string_literal: true

module Twilio
  module REST
    class Notify < Domain
      class V1 < Version
        class ServiceContext < InstanceContext
          # PLEASE NOTE that this class contains beta products that are subject to change. Use them with caution.
          class NotificationList < ListResource
            # Initialize the NotificationList
            # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource
            # @param [String] service_sid The SID of the
            #   [Service](https://www.twilio.com/docs/notify/api/service-resource) the resource
            #   is associated with.
            # @return [NotificationList] NotificationList
            def initialize(version, service_sid: nil)

              # Path Solution
              @solution = {service_sid: service_sid}
              @uri = "/Services/#{@solution[:service_sid]}/Notifications"

            # Retrieve a single page of NotificationInstance records from the API.
            # Request is executed immediately.
            # @param [String] body The notification text. For FCM and GCM, translates to
            #   `data.twi_body`. For APNS, translates to `aps.alert.body`. For SMS, translates
            #   to `body`. SMS requires either this `body` value, or `media_urls` attribute
            #   defined in the `sms` parameter of the notification.
            # @param [notification.Priority] priority The priority of the notification. Can
            #   be: `low` or `high` and the default is `high`. A value of `low` optimizes the
            #   client app's battery consumption; however, notifications may be delivered with
            #   unspecified delay. For FCM and GCM, `low` priority is the same as `Normal`
            #   priority. For APNS `low` priority is the same as `5`. A value of `high` sends
            #   the notification immediately, and can wake up a sleeping device. For FCM and
            #   GCM, `high` is the same as `High` priority. For APNS, `high` is a priority `10`.
            #   SMS does not support this property.
            # @param [String] ttl How long, in seconds, the notification is valid. Can be an
            #   integer between 0 and 2,419,200, which is 4 weeks, the default and the maximum
            #   supported time to live (TTL). Delivery should be attempted if the device is
            #   offline until the TTL elapses. Zero means that the notification delivery is
            #   attempted immediately, only once, and is not stored for future delivery. SMS
            #   does not support this property.
            # @param [String] title The notification title. For FCM and GCM, this translates
            #   to the `data.twi_title` value. For APNS, this translates to the
            #   `aps.alert.title` value. SMS does not support this property. This field is not
            #   visible on iOS phones and tablets but appears on Apple Watch and Android
            #   devices.
            # @param [String] sound The name of the sound to be played for the notification.
            #   For FCM and GCM, this Translates to `data.twi_sound`.  For APNS, this translates
            #   to `aps.sound`.  SMS does not support this property.
            # @param [String] action The actions to display for the notification. For APNS,
            #   translates to the `aps.category` value. For GCM, translates to the
            #   `data.twi_action` value. For SMS, this parameter is not supported and is omitted
            #   from deliveries to those channels.
            # @param [Hash] data The custom key-value pairs of the notification's payload. For
            #   FCM and GCM, this value translates to `data` in the FCM and GCM payloads. FCM
            #   and GCM [reserve certain
            #   keys](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref) that
            #   cannot be used in those channels. For APNS, attributes of `data` are inserted
            #   into the APNS payload as custom properties outside of the `aps` dictionary. In
            #   all channels, we reserve keys that start with `twi_` for future use. Custom keys
            #   that start with `twi_` are not allowed and are rejected as 400 Bad request with
            #   no delivery attempted. For SMS, this parameter is not supported and is omitted
            #   from deliveries to those channels.
            # @param [Hash] apn The APNS-specific payload that overrides corresponding
            #   attributes in the generic payload for APNS Bindings. This property maps to the
            #   APNS `Payload` item, therefore the `aps` key must be used to change standard
            #   attributes. Adds custom key-value pairs to the root of the dictionary. See the
            #   [APNS
            #   documentation](https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/RemoteNotificationsPG/CommunicatingwithAPNs.html) for more details. We reserve keys that start with `twi_` for future use. Custom keys that start with `twi_` are not allowed.
            # @param [Hash] gcm The GCM-specific payload that overrides corresponding
            #   attributes in the generic payload for GCM Bindings.  This property maps to the
            #   root JSON dictionary. See the [GCM
            #   documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref)
            #   for more details. Target parameters `to`, `registration_ids`, and
            #   `notification_key` are not allowed. We reserve keys that start with `twi_` for
            #   future use. Custom keys that start with `twi_` are not allowed. GCM also
            #   [reserves certain
            #   keys](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref).
            # @param [Hash] sms The SMS-specific payload that overrides corresponding
            #   attributes in the generic payload for SMS Bindings.  Each attribute in this
            #   value maps to the corresponding `form` parameter of the Twilio
            #   [Message](https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/send-messages) resource.  These
            #   parameters of the Message resource are supported in snake case format: `body`,
            #   `media_urls`, `status_callback`, and `max_price`.  The `status_callback`
            #   parameter overrides the corresponding parameter in the messaging service, if
            #   configured. The `media_urls` property expects a JSON array.
            # @param [Hash] facebook_messenger Deprecated.
            # @param [Hash] fcm The FCM-specific payload that overrides corresponding
            #   attributes in the generic payload for FCM Bindings. This property maps to the
            #   root JSON dictionary. See the [FCM
            #   documentation](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref#downstream) for more details. Target parameters `to`, `registration_ids`, `condition`, and `notification_key` are not allowed in this parameter. We reserve keys that start with `twi_` for future use. Custom keys that start with `twi_` are not allowed. FCM also [reserves certain keys](https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref), which cannot be used in that channel.
            # @param [String] segment The Segment resource is deprecated. Use the `tag`
            #   parameter, instead.
            # @param [Hash] alexa Deprecated.
            # @param [String] to_binding The destination address specified as a JSON string.
            #   Multiple `to_binding` parameters can be included but the total size of the
            #   request entity should not exceed 1MB. This is typically sufficient for 10,000
            #   phone numbers.
            # @param [String] identity The `identity` value that uniquely identifies the new
            #   resource's [User](https://www.twilio.com/docs/chat/rest/user-resource) within
            #   the [Service](https://www.twilio.com/docs/notify/api/service-resource). Delivery
            #   will be attempted only to Bindings with an Identity in this list. No more than
            #   20 items are allowed in this list.
            # @param [String] tag A tag that selects the Bindings to notify. Repeat this
            #   parameter to specify more than one tag, up to a total of 5 tags. The implicit
            #   tag `all` is available to notify all Bindings in a Service instance. Similarly,
            #   the implicit tags `apn`, `fcm`, `gcm`, `sms` and `facebook-messenger` are
            #   available to notify all Bindings in a specific channel.
            # @return [NotificationInstance] Newly created NotificationInstance
            def create(body: :unset, priority: :unset, ttl: :unset, title: :unset, sound: :unset, action: :unset, data: :unset, apn: :unset, gcm: :unset, sms: :unset, facebook_messenger: :unset, fcm: :unset, segment: :unset, alexa: :unset, to_binding: :unset, identity: :unset, tag: :unset)
              data = Twilio::Values.of({
                  'Identity' => Twilio.serialize_list(identity) { |e| e },
                  'Tag' => Twilio.serialize_list(tag) { |e| e },
                  'Body' => body,
                  'Priority' => priority,
                  'Ttl' => ttl,
                  'Title' => title,
                  'Sound' => sound,
                  'Action' => action,
                  'Data' => Twilio.serialize_object(data),
                  'Apn' => Twilio.serialize_object(apn),
                  'Gcm' => Twilio.serialize_object(gcm),
                  'Sms' => Twilio.serialize_object(sms),
                  'FacebookMessenger' => Twilio.serialize_object(facebook_messenger),
                  'Fcm' => Twilio.serialize_object(fcm),
                  'Segment' => Twilio.serialize_list(segment) { |e| e },
                  'Alexa' => Twilio.serialize_object(alexa),
                  'ToBinding' => Twilio.serialize_list(to_binding) { |e| e },

              payload = @version.create(
                  data: data

              NotificationInstance.new(@version, payload, service_sid: @solution[:service_sid], )

            # Provide a user friendly representation
            def to_s

          # PLEASE NOTE that this class contains beta products that are subject to change. Use them with caution.
          class NotificationPage < Page
            # Initialize the NotificationPage
            # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource
            # @param [Response] response Response from the API
            # @param [Hash] solution Path solution for the resource
            # @return [NotificationPage] NotificationPage
            def initialize(version, response, solution)
              super(version, response)

              # Path Solution
              @solution = solution

            # Build an instance of NotificationInstance
            # @param [Hash] payload Payload response from the API
            # @return [NotificationInstance] NotificationInstance
            def get_instance(payload)
              NotificationInstance.new(@version, payload, service_sid: @solution[:service_sid], )

            # Provide a user friendly representation
            def to_s

          # PLEASE NOTE that this class contains beta products that are subject to change. Use them with caution.
          class NotificationInstance < InstanceResource
            # Initialize the NotificationInstance
            # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource
            # @param [Hash] payload payload that contains response from Twilio
            # @param [String] service_sid The SID of the
            #   [Service](https://www.twilio.com/docs/notify/api/service-resource) the resource
            #   is associated with.
            # @return [NotificationInstance] NotificationInstance
            def initialize(version, payload, service_sid: nil)

              # Marshaled Properties
              @properties = {
                  'sid' => payload['sid'],
                  'account_sid' => payload['account_sid'],
                  'service_sid' => payload['service_sid'],
                  'date_created' => Twilio.deserialize_iso8601_datetime(payload['date_created']),
                  'identities' => payload['identities'],
                  'tags' => payload['tags'],
                  'segments' => payload['segments'],
                  'priority' => payload['priority'],
                  'ttl' => payload['ttl'].to_i,
                  'title' => payload['title'],
                  'body' => payload['body'],
                  'sound' => payload['sound'],
                  'action' => payload['action'],
                  'data' => payload['data'],
                  'apn' => payload['apn'],
                  'gcm' => payload['gcm'],
                  'fcm' => payload['fcm'],
                  'sms' => payload['sms'],
                  'facebook_messenger' => payload['facebook_messenger'],
                  'alexa' => payload['alexa'],

            # @return [String] The unique string that identifies the resource
            def sid

            # @return [String] The SID of the Account that created the resource
            def account_sid

            # @return [String] The SID of the Service that the resource is associated with
            def service_sid

            # @return [Time] The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT when the resource was created
            def date_created

            # @return [String] The list of identity values of the Users to notify
            def identities

            # @return [String] The tags that select the Bindings to notify
            def tags

            # @return [String] The list of Segments to notify
            def segments

            # @return [notification.Priority] The priority of the notification
            def priority

            # @return [String] How long, in seconds, the notification is valid
            def ttl

            # @return [String] The notification title
            def title

            # @return [String] The notification body text
            def body

            # @return [String] The name of the sound to be played for the notification
            def sound

            # @return [String] The actions to display for the notification
            def action

            # @return [Hash] The custom key-value pairs of the notification's payload
            def data

            # @return [Hash] The APNS-specific payload that overrides corresponding attributes in a generic payload for APNS Bindings
            def apn

            # @return [Hash] The GCM-specific payload that overrides corresponding attributes in generic payload for GCM Bindings
            def gcm

            # @return [Hash] The FCM-specific payload that overrides corresponding attributes in generic payload for FCM Bindings
            def fcm

            # @return [Hash] The SMS-specific payload that overrides corresponding attributes in generic payload for SMS Bindings
            def sms

            # @return [Hash] Deprecated
            def facebook_messenger

            # @return [Hash] Deprecated
            def alexa

            # Provide a user friendly representation
            def to_s

            # Provide a detailed, user friendly representation
            def inspect