/** * Jelly. a sweet unobtrusive javascript framework * for jQuery and Rails * * version 0.8.13 * * Copyright (c) 2009 Pivotal Labs * Licensed under the MIT license. * * * Date: 2009-07-20 9:50:50 (Mon, 20 Jul 2009) * */ (function($) { if (!window.Jelly) window.Jelly = new Object(); var Jelly = window.Jelly; if (!Function.prototype.bind) { Function.prototype.bind = function(object) { var self = this; return function() { return self.apply(object, arguments); } } } $.extend(Jelly, { init: function() { this.observers = []; this.attach = this.Observers.attach; this.notifyObservers = this.Observers.notify; this.Pages.init(); }, Observers: { attach: function() { if (this == Jelly) { return Jelly.Observers.attach.apply(this.observers, arguments); } for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var definitionOrComponent = arguments[i]; if (definitionOrComponent.component) { var component = Jelly.Observers.evaluateComponent(definitionOrComponent.component); if (component.init) { var initReturnValue = component.init.apply(component, definitionOrComponent.arguments); if (initReturnValue === false || initReturnValue === null) { } else { Jelly.Observers.pushIfObserver.call(this, initReturnValue || component); } } else { Jelly.Observers.pushIfObserver.call(this, component); } } else { Jelly.Observers.pushIfObserver.call(this, Jelly.Observers.evaluateComponent(definitionOrComponent)); } } }, evaluateComponent: function(component) { return eval(component); }, pushIfObserver: function(observer) { if (observer) { this.push(observer); } }, notify: function(instructions) { if (this == Jelly) { return Jelly.Observers.notify.apply(this.observers, arguments); } var previousNotifying = Jelly.Observers.notifying; Jelly.Observers.notifying = true; if (!$.isArray(instructions)) { instructions = [instructions]; } var pristineObservers = this.slice(0); var observers; for (var i = 0; i < instructions.length; i++) { var instruction = instructions[i]; // Deprecate 'on' in favor of making each page action a Component. if (instruction.on) { observers = [eval(instruction.on)]; } else { observers = pristineObservers; } if (instruction.method) { for (var j = 0; j < observers.length; j++) { var observer = observers[j]; Jelly.Observers.notifyObserver.call(this, observer, instruction.method, instruction.arguments); Jelly.Observers.notifyObserver.call(this, observer, 'on_notify', [instruction]); } } if (instruction.attach) { Jelly.Observers.attach.apply(this, instruction.attach); } } Jelly.Observers.notifying = previousNotifying; }, notifyObserver: function(observer, method, arguments) { if (observer[method]) { if (observer.detach && observer.detach()) { Jelly.Observers.garbageCollectObserver.call(this, observer); } else { observer[method].apply(observer, arguments); } } }, notifying: false, garbageCollectObserver: function(observer) { var index = this.indexOf(observer); if (index > -1) { Jelly.Observers.remove.call(this, index, index + 1); } }, remove: function(from, to) { var rest = this.slice((to || from) + 1 || this.length); this.length = from < 0 ? this.length + from : from; return this.push.apply(this, rest); } }, Pages: { init: function() { this.all = {}; Jelly.all = this.all; // Deprecated }, add: function(name) { var page = new Jelly.Page.Constructor(name); for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { $.extend(page, arguments[i]); } return page; } }, Page: { init: function(controllerName, actionName) { var page = Jelly.Pages.all[controllerName] || new Jelly.Page.Constructor(controllerName); window.page = page; if (page.all) page.all(); if (page[actionName]) page[actionName].call(page); page.loaded = true; return page; }, Constructor: function(name) { this.loaded = false; this.documentHref = Jelly.Location.documentHref; this.name = name; Jelly.Pages.all[name] = this; } }, Location: { on_redirect: function(location) { top.location.href = location; } } }); Jelly.add = Jelly.Pages.add; // Deprecated Jelly.init(); })(jQuery)