root = exports ? this define 'aura/extensions/devise', () -> 'use strict' sandbox = null mediator = null core = null # TODO create an indemma session model, or use apps default session # model, or the configured one session = # TODO add support for authentication keys build: (user = {}) -> if core.models.user user_session = core.models.user email : password: user.password else # TODO create an indemma model # TODO deprecate this usage and always use app default model or the ende default model # TODO after that create a configuration for using a custom model user_session = resource: name : 'user' email : password: user.password # TODO create an indemma model user_session.destroy = (doned, failed) -> id = @_id delete @_id promise = core.models['user'] @_id = id promise user_session.route = "/#{user_session.resource}s/sessions" user_session # TODO better and more formal way to restore # Devise::SessionsController#show would be a great solution! restore: -> # We make a dummy request to the new session path and if user is # logged in, devise redirects us to the users/show.json path for # the current loged in user attempt = # Also find a better way to publish events after all widgets are # loaded session.restoring = true # TODO implement #show on devise/sessions_controller setTimeout ( () -> restoration = session.create() restoration.done -> attempt.resolveWith @, arguments restoration.progress -> attempt.notifyWith @, arguments -> # TODO think what this method should do with other response codes sandbox.signed_in = false mediator.emit 'session.restoration_failed' attempt.rejectWith @, arguments restoration.always -> # TODO implement #show on devise/sessions_controller, and # try to restore session not by creating a new one, but # trying to retrieve the current one setTimeout -> session.restoring = false , 100 mediator.emit 'session.restoration_tried' ), 3000 attempt create: (user) -> user_session = user session.instance = user_session user_session.dirty = true user_session .save (response, status, xhr) -> # TODO better way to get user after user_session has been # created # TODO better way to get user associations after # user_session creation # TODO create on indemma the attributes property json = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText) attributes = _.extend json, @json() for name, value of attributes if name.endsWith '_attributes' actual_name = name.replace '_attributes', '' attributes[actual_name] = _.extend {}, attributes[actual_name], attributes[name] delete attributes[name] current_user = sandbox.models.user() current_user.assign_attributes attributes sandbox.current_user = current_user sandbox.signed_in = true mediator.emit 'session.created', @ mediator.emit 'user.signed_in', current_user # When the user logs in, the csrf token changes, so we need # to update it too! The ende gem extends the controller when # devise is included to send it to us # TODO implement as a indemma extension token = xhr.getResponseHeader 'X-CSRF-Token' unless token console.error "Server did not send the new csrf token.\n User may not be logged in!" $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr 'content', token .fail (xhr) -> switch xhr.status when 401 mediator.emit 'session.creation_unauthorized', @ unless session.restoring # TODO implement #show on devise/sessions_controller else # TODO move session.restoring check outside this method mediator.emit 'session.creation_failed', @ destroy: -> # TODO update the csrf token with the new one! # TODO better resource deletion control, create interface to # make delete requests session.instance.destroy() .done (response, status, xhr) -> sandbox.current_user = null sandbox.signed_in = false mediator.emit 'user.signed_out', @ # When the user logs in, the csrf token changes, so we need # to update it too! The ende gem extends the controller when # devise is included to send it to us # TODO implement as a indemma extension token = xhr.getResponseHeader 'X-CSRF-Token' console.warn "Server did not send the new csrf token.\n User may not be able to log in again!" unless token $('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr 'content', token .fail (xhr) -> mediator.emit 'session.destruction_failed', @ # user_password POST /users/password(.:format) devise/passwords#create # new_user_password GET /users/password/new(.:format) devise/passwords#new # edit_user_password GET /users/password/edit(.:format) devise/passwords#edit # PATCH /users/password(.:format) devise/passwords#update # PUT /users/password(.:format) devise/passwords#update # Command handlers password = model: null build: (user = {}) -> # TODO change to user model password.model email: password: user.password password_confirmation: user.password_confirmation reset_password_token: user.reset_password_token create: (user) -> user_password = user password.instance = user_password user_password.dirty = true user_password .save -> # TODO add models event emission to the models extension # TODO detect model event emission need based on # subscriptions to resource events mediator.emit 'password.created', @ mediator.emit 'user.password_created' , user .fail (xhr) -> # TODO improve event naming # TODO treat other failure cases # TODO auto publish events switch xhr.status when 401 mediator.emit 'password.creation_unauthorized', @ when 422 mediator.emit 'password.creation_unprocessable', @ else # TODO move session.restoring check outside this method mediator.emit 'session.creation_failed', @ update: (user) -> user_password = update = {} param = user_password.resource.param_name || user_password.resource.toString() password.instance = user_password update[param] = user_password.json() update.reset_password_token = user.reset_password_token password.model .done -> # TODO add models event emission to the models extension # TODO detect model event emission need based on # subscriptions to resource events mediator.emit 'password.updated', @ mediator.emit 'user.password_updated', user session.restore() .fail (xhr) -> # TODO actually implement automatic put restful support on indemma # Calling manualy the put request, so forward the failure to # the default handler @failed # TODO improve event naming # TODO treat other failure cases # TODO insert indemma hook for autopublishing this events switch xhr.status when 401 mediator.emit 'password.update_unauthorized' , @ when 422 mediator.emit 'password.update_unprocessable', @ else # TODO move session.restoring check outside this method mediator.emit 'password.update_failed' , @ domain = action_unauthorized: -> # Try to restore session in case of forbindness # # TODO Think if its really necessary to try to restore now its # used only to get initial user # # TODO remove the session.restoring check and implement devise/sessions_controller#show if not session.restoring and (sandbox.signed_in or sandbox.current_user) 'action.unauthorized', domain.action_unauthorized session.restore() .done -> mediator.on 'action.unauthorized', domain.action_unauthorized .fail (xhr) -> # When the restoration was forbidden by the server, order to # destroy current user session, because if there is one, it # is probably invalid session.destroy() if xhr.status == 401 # Extension definition name: 'devise' version: '1.0.1' initialize: (application) -> {core, sandbox} = application {mediator} = core # TODO add ajax control into an extension and stop using jquery directly jQuery(document).ajaxError (event, xhr) -> if xhr.status == 401 mediator.emit 'action.unauthorized', sandbox.current_user unless session.restoring # Define api Object.defineProperty sandbox, 'current_user', set: (user) -> session.current_user = user get: -> session.current_user sandbox.session = session define_routes: (router) -> # TODO pass authenticable resource as a parameter to extension router.define '/users/sign_in' , '' router.define '/users/sign_out' , 'session.destroy' # TODO get devise configuration for password recovery router.define '/users/password/new' , '' router.define '/users/password/edit', 'password.edit' # TODO get devise configuration for user registry router.define '/users/new' , '' define_resources: (model) -> # TODO define user session as a record too! # model # resource: 'user' # route : '/users/sessions' # email : # password: user.password password.model = resource: scope : 'users' name : 'password' param_name: 'user' singular : true email: String password: String password_confirmation: String define_handlers: -> # TODO get json with features info from devise # gem and only use apropriated listeners mediator.on 'user.restore_session' , session.restore mediator.on 'user.sign_in' , session.create mediator.on 'user.sign_out', session.destroy mediator.on 'user.create_password', password.create mediator.on 'user.update_password', password.update mediator.on 'action.unauthorized', domain.action_unauthorized afterAppStart: (application) -> {router, models} = application.core @define_resources models # We must define handlers only after resources have been # acknowledged @define_handlers() # TODO move to an external module @define_routes router if router? # Restore session if not already # TODO Restore only when application is ready session.restore()