# frozen_string_literal: true require 'cgi' module Aws module Xml class ErrorHandler < Seahorse::Client::Handler def call(context) @handler.call(context).on(300..599) do |response| response.error = error(context) unless response.error response.data = nil end end private def error(context) body = context.http_response.body_contents if body.empty? code = http_status_error_code(context) message = '' data = EmptyStructure.new else code, message, data = extract_error(body, context) end context[:request_id] = request_id(body) errors_module = context.client.class.errors_module error_class = errors_module.error_class(code).new(context, message, data) error_class end def extract_error(body, context) code = error_code(body, context) [ code, error_message(body), error_data(context, code) ] end def error_data(context, code) data = EmptyStructure.new if error_rules = context.operation.errors error_rules.each do |rule| # for modeled shape with error trait # match `code` in the error trait before # match modeled shape name error_shape_code = rule.shape['error']['code'] if rule.shape['error'] match = (code == error_shape_code || code == rule.shape.name) if match && rule.shape.members.any? data = Parser.new(rule).parse(context.http_response.body_contents) end end end data rescue Xml::Parser::ParsingError EmptyStructure.new end def error_code(body, context) if matches = body.match(/(.+?)<\/Code>/) remove_prefix(unescape(matches[1]), context) else http_status_error_code(context) end end def http_status_error_code(context) status_code = context.http_response.status_code { 302 => 'MovedTemporarily', 304 => 'NotModified', 400 => 'BadRequest', 403 => 'Forbidden', 404 => 'NotFound', 412 => 'PreconditionFailed', 413 => 'RequestEntityTooLarge', }[status_code] || "Http#{status_code}Error" end def remove_prefix(error_code, context) if prefix = context.config.api.metadata['errorPrefix'] error_code.sub(/^#{prefix}/, '') else error_code end end def error_message(body) if matches = body.match(/(.+?)<\/Message>/m) unescape(matches[1]) else '' end end def request_id(body) if matches = body.match(/(.+?)<\/RequestId>/m) matches[1] end end def unescape(str) CGI.unescapeHTML(str) end end end end