require 'spec_helper' enum :Status, [ :NOT_STARTED, :IN_PROGRESS, :COMPLETE ] describe "basic enum" do it "creates a class for the value type" do Status.should be_an_instance_of(Class) end it "makes each value an instance of the value type" do Status::NOT_STARTED.should be_an_instance_of(Status) end it "exposes array of values" do Status.values.should == [Status::NOT_STARTED, Status::IN_PROGRESS, Status::COMPLETE] end it "enumerates over values" do {|s|}.should == %w[NOT_STARTED IN_PROGRESS COMPLETE] end it "indexes values" do Status[2].should == Status::COMPLETE Color[0].should == Color::RED end it "provides index lookup on values" do Status::IN_PROGRESS.index.should == 1 Color::GREEN.index.should == 1 end it "provides name lookup on values" do Status.with_name('IN_PROGRESS').should == Status::IN_PROGRESS Color.with_name('GREEN').should == Color::GREEN Color.with_name('IN_PROGRESS').should be_nil end it "provides a reasonable to_s for values" do Status::NOT_STARTED.to_s.should == "Status::NOT_STARTED" end it "makes values comparable" do Color::RED.should < Color::GREEN end it "doesn't let Comparable's == confuse things" do Color[0].should_not == Status[0] end end module MyNamespace enum :FooValue, %w( Bar Baz Bat ) end describe "nested enum" do it "is namespaced in the containing module or class" do MyNamespace::FooValue::Bar.class.should == MyNamespace::FooValue end end enum :Color, [ :RED, :GREEN, :BLUE ] do def abbr name[0..0] end end describe "enum with a block" do it "can define additional instance methods" do Color::RED.abbr.should == "R" end end enum :Size do Small("Really really tiny") Medium("Sort of in the middle") Large("Quite big") Unknown() attr_reader :description def init description = nil @description = description || "NO DESCRIPTION GIVEN" end end enum :HairColor do BLONDE() BRUNETTE() RED() end describe "enum with no values array and values declared in the block" do it "provides another way to declare values where an init method can take extra params" do Size::Small.description.should == "Really really tiny" end it "works the same as the basic form with respect to ordering" do Size.values.should == [Size::Small, Size::Medium, Size::Large, Size::Unknown] end it "responds as expected to arbitrary method calls, in spite of using method_missing for value definition" do lambda { Size.ExtraLarge() }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "supports there being no extra data and no init() method defined, if you don't need them" do == "BLONDE" end it "calls the init method even if no arguments are provided" do Size::Unknown.description.should == "NO DESCRIPTION GIVEN" end end enum :Rating do NotRated() ThumbsDown do def description "real real bad" end end ThumbsUp do def description "so so good" end def thumbs_up_only_method "this method is only defined on ThumbsUp" end end def description raise NotImplementedError end end describe "an enum with instance-specific method definitions" do it "allows each instance to have its own behavior" do Rating::ThumbsDown.description.should == "real real bad" Rating::ThumbsUp.description.should == "so so good" end it "uses the implementation given at the top level if no alternate definition is given for an instance" do lambda { Rating::NotRated.description }.should raise_error(NotImplementedError) end it "allows definition of a method on just one instance" do Rating::ThumbsUp.thumbs_up_only_method.should == "this method is only defined on ThumbsUp" lambda { Rating::NotRated.thumbs_up_only_method }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "<=> comparison issue that at one time was causing segfaults on MRI" do it "doesn't cause the ruby process to bomb!" do Color::RED.should < Color::GREEN Color::RED.should_not > Color::GREEN Color::RED.should < Color::BLUE end end describe "prevention of subtle and annoying bugs" do it "prevents you modifying the values array" do expect { Color.values << 'some crazy value' }.to raise_error(/modify frozen/) end it "prevents you modifying the name hash" do expect { Color.values_by_name['MAGENTA'] = 'some crazy value' }.to raise_error(/modify frozen/) end it "prevents you modifying the name of a value" do expect { << 'dish-Brown' }.to raise_error(/modify frozen/) end end describe "serialization (for ActiveRecord or what-have-you)" do it "can serialize to and deserialize from its name string" do serializer = Color serializer.dump(Color::RED).should == "RED" serializer.dump("RED").should == "RED" # for convenient param assignment serializer.load("RED").should == Color::RED serializer.dump(nil).should == nil serializer.load(nil).should == nil end it "can serialize to and deserialize from its positional index" do serializer = Color serializer.dump(Color::RED).should == 0 serializer.load(0).should == Color::RED serializer.dump(nil).should == nil serializer.load(nil).should == nil end end