module Spree # Records the name and addresses from which stock items are fulfilled in # cartons. # class StockLocation < Spree::Base class InvalidMovementError < StandardError; end has_many :shipments has_many :stock_items, dependent: :delete_all, inverse_of: :stock_location has_many :cartons, inverse_of: :stock_location has_many :stock_movements, through: :stock_items has_many :user_stock_locations, dependent: :delete_all has_many :users, through: :user_stock_locations belongs_to :state, class_name: 'Spree::State' belongs_to :country, class_name: 'Spree::Country' has_many :shipping_method_stock_locations, dependent: :destroy has_many :shipping_methods, through: :shipping_method_stock_locations validates_presence_of :name validates_uniqueness_of :code, allow_blank: true, case_sensitive: false scope :active, -> { where(active: true) } scope :order_default, -> { order(default: :desc, name: :asc) } after_create :create_stock_items, if: "self.propagate_all_variants?" after_save :ensure_one_default def state_text state.try(:abbr) || state.try(:name) || state_name end # Wrapper for creating a new stock item respecting the backorderable config def propagate_variant(variant) stock_items.create!(variant: variant, backorderable: backorderable_default) end # Return either an existing stock item or create a new one. Useful in # scenarios where the user might not know whether there is already a stock # item for a given variant def set_up_stock_item(variant) stock_item(variant) || propagate_variant(variant) end # Returns an instance of StockItem for the variant id. # # @param variant_id [String] The id of a variant. # # @return [StockItem] Corresponding StockItem for the StockLocation's variant. def stock_item(variant_id) stock_items.where(variant_id: variant_id).order(:id).first end # Attempts to look up StockItem for the variant, and creates one if not found. # This method accepts an id or instance of the variant since it is used in # multiple ways. Other methods in this model attempt to pass a variant, # but controller actions can pass just the variant id as a parameter. # # @return [StockItem] Corresponding StockItem for the StockLocation's variant. def stock_item_or_create(variant) vid = if variant.is_a?(Variant) else variant end stock_item(vid) || stock_items.create(variant_id: vid) end def count_on_hand(variant) stock_item(variant).try(:count_on_hand) end def backorderable?(variant) stock_item(variant).try(:backorderable?) end def restock(variant, quantity, originator = nil) move(variant, quantity, originator) end def restock_backordered(variant, quantity, _originator = nil) item = stock_item_or_create(variant) item.update_columns( count_on_hand: item.count_on_hand + quantity, updated_at: Time.current ) end def unstock(variant, quantity, originator = nil) move(variant, -quantity, originator) end def move(variant, quantity, originator = nil) if quantity < 1 && !stock_item(variant) raise end stock_item_or_create(variant).stock_movements.create!(quantity: quantity, originator: originator) end def fill_status(variant, quantity) if item = stock_item(variant) item.fill_status(quantity) else [0, 0] end end private def create_stock_items Variant.find_each { |variant| propagate_variant(variant) } end def ensure_one_default if default StockLocation.where(default: true).where.not(id: id).each do |stock_location| stock_location.default = false! end end end end end