require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/insert_commands.rb") require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/lib/rake_commands.rb") class AirbrakeGenerator < Rails::Generator::Base def add_options!(opt) opt.on('-k', '--api-key=key', String, "Your Airbrake API key") { |v| options[:api_key] = v} opt.on('-h', '--heroku', "Use the Heroku addon to provide your Airbrake API key") { |v| options[:heroku] = v} opt.on('-a', '--app=myapp', String, "Your Heroku app name (only required if deploying to >1 Heroku app)") { |v| options[:app] = v} end def manifest if !api_key_configured? && !options[:api_key] && !options[:heroku] puts "Must pass --api-key or --heroku or create config/initializers/airbrake.rb" exit end if plugin_is_present? puts "You must first remove the airbrake plugin. Please run: script/plugin remove airbrake" exit end record do |m| 'lib/tasks' m.file 'airbrake_tasks.rake', 'lib/tasks/airbrake_tasks.rake' if ['config/deploy.rb', 'Capfile'].all? { |file| File.exists?(file) } m.append_to 'config/deploy.rb', capistrano_hook end if api_key_expression if use_initializer? m.template 'initializer.rb', 'config/initializers/airbrake.rb', :assigns => {:api_key => api_key_expression} else m.template 'initializer.rb', 'config/airbrake.rb', :assigns => {:api_key => api_key_expression} m.append_to 'config/environment.rb', "require 'config/airbrake'" end end determine_api_key if heroku? m.rake "airbrake:test", :generate_only => true end end def api_key_expression s = if options[:api_key] "'#{options[:api_key]}'" elsif options[:heroku] "ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY']" end end def determine_api_key puts "Attempting to determine your API Key from Heroku..." ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY'] = heroku_api_key if ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY'] =~ /\S/ puts "... Done." puts "Heroku's Airbrake API Key is '#{ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY']}'" else puts "... Failed." puts "WARNING: We were unable to detect the Airbrake API Key from your Heroku environment." puts "Your Heroku application environment may not be configured correctly." exit 1 end end def heroku_var(var,app_name = nil) app = app_name ? "--app #{app_name}" : '' `heroku config #{app} | grep -E "#{var.upcase}" | awk '{ print $3; }'`.strip end def heroku_api_key heroku_var("(hoptoad|airbrake)_api_key",options[:app]).split.find {|x| x =~ /\S/ } end def heroku? options[:heroku] || system("grep HOPTOAD_API_KEY config/initializers/airbrake.rb") || system("grep HOPTOAD_API_KEY config/environment.rb") end def use_initializer? ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR > 1 end def api_key_configured? File.exists?('config/initializers/airbrake.rb') || system("grep Airbrake config/environment.rb") end def capistrano_hook'capistrano_hook.rb')) end def plugin_is_present? File.exists?('vendor/plugins/airbrake') end end