var AssetBrowser = Class.create({ initialize: function(grouping, folder) { AssetBrowser.current_grouping = grouping; AssetBrowser.dl = $('asset-browser'); AssetBrowser.setContentNodeForm('has-assets-form'); AssetBrowser.dts ='dt'); AssetBrowser.open_folder = folder; AssetBrowser.dts.each(function(dt) { dt.dd ='dd'); if (dt.dd) { dt.dd.hide(); dt.onclick = function() { AssetBrowser.closeInfo(); this.dd.toggle(); if (AssetBrowser.current_content != this.dd) { if (AssetBrowser.current_content != null && AssetBrowser.current_content.visible()) { AssetBrowser.current_content.toggle(); } AssetBrowser.current_content = this.dd; } }; new Renameable(dt, 0.7); } }); AssetBrowser.openContent(); } }); Object.extend(AssetBrowser, { openContent: function() { type = this.open_folder; if (type) { dt = this.dl.down('#'+type); if (dt) { dt.onclick(); } } }, openInfo: function(id, anchor) { this.closeInfo(); list = $(anchor).up('ul'); list.hide(); list.insert({after: '
'}); this.current_list = list; this.current_info =; new Ajax.Request('/admin/assets/' + id, { method: 'get', asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true } ); }, closeInfo: function() { if (this.current_list) {; this.current_info.remove(); } this.current_list = null; this.current_info = null; }, closeThumbnail: function() { key = Object.keys(SWFUpload.instances).last(); SWFUpload.instances[key].destroy(); this.closeInfo(); }, assetAction: function(asset) { $('asset-upload-form').reset(); if (this.contentNodeForm) { this.addAssetToContentNode(asset); } else { this.destroyAsset(asset); } }, destroyAsset: function(asset) { if (confirm('Are you sure you wish to delete the asset \'' + asset.filename + ' \'?')) { new Ajax.Request('/admin/assets/'+, { method: 'delete', asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters: { content_type: asset.content_type, authenticity_token: AJ.authenticity_token() } } ); asset_li = $('browser-asset-' +; asset_list = asset_li.up('ul'); asset_li.remove(); if (asset_list.empty()) { asset_list.up('dd').previous().remove(); asset_list.up('dd').remove(); } if (this.contentNodeForm) { this.removeAssetFromContentNode(; } } }, // Fire once a asset has been uploaded uploadedAsset: function(asset) { type = Object.keys(asset).first(); $('asset-upload-form').reset(); if (this.contentNodeForm) { this.addAssetToContentNode(asset[type]); } if (asset[type]) { switch (this.current_grouping){ case 'by_content_type': this.open_folder = asset[type].content_type.replace(/\W+/,'-'); break; case 'by_category': this.open_folder = asset[type].category; break; } } }, reload: function(grouping) { if (grouping) { this.current_grouping = grouping; } new Ajax.Request('/admin/assets/'+this.current_grouping, { method: 'get', asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, parameters: { for_content: this.contentNodeForm != null, folder: this.open_folder }, onSuccess: init_asset_category_auto_complete } ); }, setContentNodeForm: function(id) { this.contentNodeForm = $(id); if (this.contentNodeForm) { this.contentNodeForm.model_name = this.contentNodeForm.className.split('_').slice(1,this.contentNodeForm.className.split('_').length).join('_'); this.setUpAssetList(); this.contentNodeForm.addAssetIDs = function() { $$('input.asset_id').invoke('remove'); assets = $$('#asset-list li'); if (assets.size() == 0) { $(this).insert(''); } else { assets.each(function(li) { asset_id ='-').last(); this.insert(''); }, this); } }; this.contentNodeForm.onsubmit = function() { this.addAssetIDs(); return true; }; this.contentNodeForm.serialize = function() { this.addAssetIDs(); return Form.serialize(this); }; } }, setUpAssetList: function() { this.assetList = $('asset-list'); if (this.assetList) { Sortable.create(this.assetList); } this.contentNodeForm.assetList = this.assetList; }, addAssetToContentNode: function(asset) { if (!this.assetList) { $('attach-asset-list').insert({top:''}); this.setUpAssetList(); }; if (!$('asset-' + { if(/image/.test(asset.content_type)){ li = new Element('li', { 'class': asset.content_type.replace('/','-'), id: 'asset-' + }).update('\"''); } else { li = new Element('li', { 'class': asset.content_type.replace('/','-'), id: 'asset-' + }).update(asset.filename + ' ' + asset.description); } filename = new Element('h4').update(asset.filename); div = new Element('div'); h4 = new Element('h4').update("Insert Image"); view_info = new Element('a').update('View Info'); view_info.onclick = function() { AssetBrowser.openInfo(, this); return false; }; insert_image_large = new Element('a').update('Large | '); insert_image_medium = new Element('a').update('Medium | '); insert_image_small = new Element('a').update('Small'); insert_image_large.onclick = function() { addAsset(, 'large' ); return false; }; insert_image_medium.onclick = function() { addAsset(, 'medium' ); return false; }; insert_image_small.onclick = function() { addAsset(, 'thumb' ); return false; }; insert_document = new Element('a').update(' | Insert'); var theForm = this.contentNodeForm; deleter = new Element('a').update('Detach'); deleter.onclick = function() { AssetBrowser.removeAssetFromContentNode(; return false; }; div.insert(filename); div.insert(view_info); div.insert('
'); div.insert(deleter); li.insert(div); if (/image/.test(asset.content_type)) { //setup for images div.insert(h4); div.insert(insert_image_large); div.insert(insert_image_medium); div.insert(insert_image_small); } else { //setup for documents insert_document.onclick = function() { addAsset(; return false; }; div.insert(insert_document); } this.assetList.insert(li); this.setUpAssetList(); } }, removeAssetFromContentNode: function(asset_id) { $('asset-' + asset_id).remove(); }, rootUrl: function(url){ if(!url) url = window.location.href; var matches = url.match(/^(?:http:\/\/)?[^\/]+/); if(matches.length <1){ return url; }else{ return matches[0]; } }, // For swfu only uploadSuccess: function(fileObj, server_data) { AssetBrowser.uploadedAsset(server_data.evalJSON()); }, uploadComplete: function(fileObj) { /* I want the next upload to continue automatically so I'll call startUpload here */ if (this.getStats().files_queued > 0) { this.startUpload(); } else { UploadProgress.finish(); AssetBrowser.reload(); } } }); // Load SWFU var swfu; Event.observe(window, 'load', function() { if ($('asset-browser')) { form = $('asset-upload-form'); form.insert({after: '
'}); js_path = form.action.split('?').join('.js?'); swfu = new SWFUpload({ // Create the custom swfupload_photos_path in the routes.rb file // Session name must match with environment.rb upload_url : js_path, flash_url : '/flash/swfupload.swf', file_post_name: 'asset[uploaded_data]', file_size_limit : '5 MB', file_upload_limit : 0, file_queue_error_handler : UploadHandler.fileQueueError, file_dialog_complete_handler : UploadHandler.fileDialogComplete, upload_progress_handler : UploadHandler.uploadProgress, upload_start_handler: UploadHandler.uploadStart, upload_error_handler : UploadHandler.uploadError, upload_success_handler : AssetBrowser.uploadSuccess, upload_complete_handler : AssetBrowser.uploadComplete, custom_settings : { upload_form : 'asset-upload-form' }, button_placeholder_id: 'flash-button', button_height: 19, button_width: 157, button_image_url: '/images/admin/file-uploads.png', button_action : SWFUpload.BUTTON_ACTION.SELECT_FILES, button_disable : false, button_window_mode : SWFUpload.WINDOW_MODE.TRANSPARENT, debug: false }); if (swfu) { form.onsubmit = function(){return false;}; $('upload-elements').remove(); } } }); init_asset_category_auto_complete = function() { asset_category_field = $('asset_category'); if (asset_category_field) { new Ajax.Request('/admin/assets/categories', { method: 'get', onSuccess : function(response) { new Autocompleter.Local('asset_category', 'asset_category_complete', response.responseJSON ); } }); } }; document.observe('dom:loaded', init_asset_category_auto_complete); init_edit_asset_form = function() { $$('form.edit_asset').first().onsubmit = function(e) { this.request({ onComplete: function() {AssetBrowser.reload();} }); return false; }; }; var Holdable = Class.create({ initialize: function(elem, seconds, firer) { this.elem = elem; this.seconds = seconds; if (firer) { this.firer = firer; } this.elem.observe('mousedown', this.starter.bindAsEventListener(this)); this.elem.observe('mouseup', this.clearTimeout.bindAsEventListener(this)); }, starter: function() { this.clear_id = this.firer.delay(this.seconds, this.elem); }, firer: function(elem) { alert('NO FIRER!'); }, clearTimeout: function() { window.clearTimeout(this.clear_id); } }); var Renameable = Class.create(Holdable, { firer: function(elem) { this.text_input = new Element('input', { href: 'text', value: elem.innerHTML }); elem.update(this.text_input); this.text_input.focus(); this.text_input.observe('blur', function() { this.replace(this.value); }); this.text_input.observe('change', function() { asset_id ='-').last(); new Ajax.Request('/admin/assets/' + asset_id + '/rename_category' , { parameters: { name: this.value } }); }); } }); var flickr_comms_ref = false; var flickr_before_handler = function(){ if(false != flickr_comms_ref) flickr_comms_ref; $('flickr_loading').show(); }; var flickr_display_images = function(response){ $('flickr_loading').hide(); $('flickr-image-container').update(response.responseText) } var flickr_load_select = function(){ flickr_before_handler(); flickr_comms_ref = new Ajax.Request('/admin/flickrs', { method: 'get', parameters: { format: 'html', authenticity_token: AJ.authenticity_token() }, onSuccess: flickr_display_images }); } document.observe('dom:loaded', flickr_load_select);