class BoardViewController < UIViewController SQUARE_SIZE = 80 COLORS = [UIColor.greenColor, UIColor.redColor, UIColor.whiteColor] def viewDidLoad self.init_views self.new_game self.board_changed end def init_views view.backgroundColor = UIColor.blackColor # view for the board @board_view = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 0], [SQUARE_SIZE * 3, SQUARE_SIZE * 3]]) = # views for the square @square_views = [] for i in 0..2 for j in 0..2 square_view = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame([[j * (SQUARE_SIZE + 2), i * (SQUARE_SIZE + 2)], [SQUARE_SIZE - 4, SQUARE_SIZE - 4]]) square_view.layer.cornerRadius = 5.0 @square_views[3*i + j] = square_view @board_view.addSubview(square_view) end end # label for game information @label = UILabel.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 0], [0, 0]]) @label.textColor = UIColor.whiteColor @label.font = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(30) @label.backgroundColor = nil view.addSubview(@label) view.addSubview(@board_view) end def show_info(text) @label.text = text @label.sizeToFit = [160, 50] end def new_game # initalize the game @board = @current_player = 0 end def touchesEnded(touches, withEvent:event) # check if we're touching a square for i in 0..8 if event.touchesForView(@square_views[i]) if not @board.move(i, @current_player) then show_info("Illegal move!") break end @current_player += 1 @current_player %= 2 break end end # check if the game is over if winner = @board.game_over? @board.reset if winner == -1 show_info("No one wins!") elsif winner show_info("Player #{winner + 1} wins!") end end self.board_changed end # update the square views def board_changed for i in 0..8 @square_views[i].backgroundColor = COLORS[@board.grid[i]] end end end