module Vimpack module Utils module Git include Process def init_repo(path, bare=false) run_process_or_die!("git init --quiet#{bare == true ? ' --bare' : ''}", path) end def add_submodule(repo_uri, *paths) parent, name = paths[0..-2], paths[-1] path = ::File.join('scripts', *paths) run_process_or_die!("git submodule add #{repo_uri} #{path}", self.pack_path) init_submodule(path) update_submodule(path) end def replace_contents(path, match, new='') contents = contents = contents.sub(match, new), 'w') do |file| file.write(contents) end end def remove_submodule(*paths) path = ::File.join('scripts', *paths) submod_match = ::Regexp.escape("[submodule \"#{path}\"]") + '\n.*\n.*' config_match = ::Regexp.escape("[submodule \"#{path}\"]") + '\n.*' replace_contents(self.pack_path.join('.gitmodules'), submod_match) replace_contents(self.pack_path.join('.git', 'config'), config_match) remove_link(self.bundle_path.join(paths[-1])) remove_directory(self.pack_path.join(path)) run_process_or_die!("git rm -r #{path}", self.pack_path) end def init_submodule(path='') run_process_or_die!("git submodule init #{path}", self.pack_path) end def update_submodule(path='') run_process_or_die!("git submodule update #{path}", self.pack_path) end def repo_add_remote(name, path) cmd = "git remote add #{name} #{path}" run_process_or_die!(cmd, self.pack_path.to_s) end def repo_remote?(name) remotes = run_process_and_wait!("git remote show #{name}", pack_path.to_s) !remotes.message.include?('does not appear to be a git') && remotes.message.include?(name) end def repo_commit(msg='') msg = '[VIMPACK] vimpack updated' if msg == '' cmd = "git add . && git commit -m '#{msg}'" run_process_or_die!(cmd, self.pack_path.to_s) end def repo_pull(remote_path='origin master') run_process_or_die!("git pull #{remote_path}", self.pack_path.to_s) end def repo_push cmd = "git push origin master" error_message = <<-EOE error: local repo out of sync with remote use git to sync with something like this: vimpack git fetch && vimpack git merge origin/master EOE run_process_or_die!(cmd, self.pack_path.to_s, error_message) end def repo_clone(repo_url, path) cmd = "git clone #{repo_url} #{path}" run_process_or_die!(cmd) end def repo_add_dot cmd = "git add ." run_process_or_die!(cmd, self.pack_path.to_s) end def repo_exec(subcommand, commands) commands = sanitize_commands(commands) cmd = "git #{subcommand} #{commands}" run_process_or_die!(cmd, self.pack_path.to_s) end def sanitize_commands(commands) commands.each.inject('') do |full_command, command| full_command << ' ' unless full_command == '' full_command << (command.include?(' ') ? "'#{command}'" : command) end end end end end