/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Phusion * * "Phusion Passenger" is a trademark of Hongli Lai & Ninh Bui. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ #include namespace Passenger { struct ev_loop * Client::getLoop() const { return requestHandler->libev->getLoop(); } const SafeLibevPtr & Client::getSafeLibev() const { return requestHandler->libev; } unsigned int Client::getConnectPasswordTimeout(const RequestHandler *handler) const { return handler->connectPasswordTimeout; } size_t Client::onClientInputData(const EventedBufferedInputPtr &source, const StaticString &data) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { return client->requestHandler->onClientInputData(client->shared_from_this(), data); } else { return 0; } } void Client::onClientInputError(const EventedBufferedInputPtr &source, const char *message, int errnoCode) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientInputError(client->shared_from_this(), message, errnoCode); } } void Client::onClientBodyBufferData(const FileBackedPipePtr &source, const char *data, size_t size, const FileBackedPipe::ConsumeCallback &callback) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientBodyBufferData(client->shared_from_this(), data, size, callback); } } void Client::onClientBodyBufferEnd(const FileBackedPipePtr &source) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientBodyBufferEnd(client->shared_from_this()); } } void Client::onClientBodyBufferError(const FileBackedPipePtr &source, int errorCode) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientBodyBufferError(client->shared_from_this(), errorCode); } } void Client::onClientBodyBufferCommit(const FileBackedPipePtr &source) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientBodyBufferCommit(client->shared_from_this()); } } void Client::onClientOutputPipeData(const FileBackedPipePtr &source, const char *data, size_t size, const FileBackedPipe::ConsumeCallback &callback) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientOutputPipeData(client->shared_from_this(), data, size, callback); } } void Client::onClientOutputPipeEnd(const FileBackedPipePtr &source) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientOutputPipeEnd(client->shared_from_this()); } } void Client::onClientOutputPipeError(const FileBackedPipePtr &source, int errorCode) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientOutputPipeError(client->shared_from_this(), errorCode); } } void Client::onClientOutputPipeCommit(const FileBackedPipePtr &source) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { client->requestHandler->onClientOutputPipeCommit(client->shared_from_this()); } } void Client::onClientOutputWritable(ev::io &io, int revents) { assert(requestHandler != NULL); requestHandler->onClientOutputWritable(shared_from_this()); } size_t Client::onAppInputData(const EventedBufferedInputPtr &source, const StaticString &data) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; if (client != NULL) { return client->requestHandler->onAppInputData(client->shared_from_this(), data); } else { return 0; } } void Client::onAppInputChunk(const char *data, size_t size, void *userData) { Client *client = (Client *) userData; if (client != NULL && client->connected()) { client->requestHandler->onAppInputChunk(client->shared_from_this(), StaticString(data, size)); } } void Client::onAppInputChunkEnd(void *userData) { Client *client = (Client *) userData; assert(client != NULL); // onAppInputChunk() could have triggered an error which caused a disconnect. if (client->connected()) { client->requestHandler->onAppInputChunkEnd(client->shared_from_this()); } } void Client::onAppInputError(const EventedBufferedInputPtr &source, const char *message, int errnoCode) { Client *client = (Client *) source->userData; // onAppInputChunk() could have triggered an error which caused a disconnect. if (client != NULL && client->connected()) { client->requestHandler->onAppInputError(client->shared_from_this(), message, errnoCode); } } void Client::onAppOutputWritable(ev::io &io, int revents) { assert(requestHandler != NULL); requestHandler->onAppOutputWritable(shared_from_this()); } void Client::onTimeout(ev::timer &timer, int revents) { assert(requestHandler != NULL); requestHandler->onTimeout(shared_from_this()); } Client * RequestHandler::getClientPointer(const ClientPtr &client) { return client.get(); } } // namespace Passenger #ifdef STANDALONE #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Passenger; using namespace Passenger::ApplicationPool2; static SafeLibevPtr libev; static RequestHandler *handler; static struct ev_loop *loop; static PoolPtr pool; static struct ev_signal sigquitwatcher, sigintwatcher; static void sigquit_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_signal *w, int revents) { handler->inspect(cout); cout.flush(); } static void sigint_cb(struct ev_loop *loop, ev_signal *w, int revents) { P_WARN("Exiting loop"); delete handler; handler = NULL; pool->destroy(); pool.reset(); ev_signal_stop(loop, &sigquitwatcher); ev_signal_stop(loop, &sigintwatcher); ev_break(loop, EVBREAK_ONE); } static void ignoreSigpipe() { struct sigaction action; action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN; action.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &action, NULL); } int main() { oxt::initialize(); setup_syscall_interruption_support(); ignoreSigpipe(); //installAbortHandler(); setLogLevel(3); MultiLibeio::init(); loop = EV_DEFAULT; libev = boost::make_shared(loop); AgentOptions options; ServerInstanceDir serverInstanceDir(getpid()); char root[PATH_MAX]; getcwd(root, sizeof(root)); #ifdef __linux__ const char *nogroup = "nogroup"; #else const char *nogroup = "nobody"; #endif options.passengerRoot = root; options.loggingAgentAddress = "unix:/tmp/agent"; options.loggingAgentPassword = "1234"; SpawnerFactoryPtr spawnerFactory = boost::make_shared(libev, ResourceLocator(root), serverInstanceDir.newGeneration(true, "nobody", nogroup, getpid(), getgid())); UnionStation::LoggerFactoryPtr loggerFactory = boost::make_shared(options.loggingAgentAddress, "logging", options.loggingAgentPassword); pool = boost::make_shared(libev.get(), spawnerFactory, loggerFactory); FileDescriptor requestSocket(createTcpServer("", 3000)); setNonBlocking(requestSocket); handler = new RequestHandler(libev, requestSocket, pool, options); ev_signal_init(&sigquitwatcher, sigquit_cb, SIGQUIT); ev_signal_start(loop, &sigquitwatcher); ev_signal_init(&sigintwatcher, sigint_cb, SIGINT); ev_signal_start(loop, &sigintwatcher); P_DEBUG("Started"); ev_run(loop, 0); MultiLibeio::shutdown(); return 0; } #endif