module CanHasState module Machine extend ActiveSupport::Concern module ClassMethods def state_machine(column, &block) d =, self, &block) define_method "allow_#{column}?" do |to| state_machine_allow?(column.to_sym, to.to_s) end self.state_machines += [[column.to_sym, d]] end def extend_state_machine(column, &block) sm = state_machines.detect{|(col, stm)| col == column} raise(ArgumentError, "Unknown state machine #{column}") unless sm sm[1].extend_machine &block sm end end included do unless method_defined? :state_machines class_attribute :state_machines, :instance_writer=>false self.state_machines = [] end before_validation :can_has_initial_states before_validation :can_has_state_triggers validate :can_has_valid_state_machines after_save :can_has_deferred_state_triggers if respond_to?(:after_save) end private def can_has_initial_states state_machines.each do |(column, sm)| if send(column).blank? send("#{column}=", sm.initial_state) end end end def can_has_state_triggers # skip triggers if any state machine isn't valid return if can_has_state_errors.any? @triggers_called ||= {} state_machines.each do |(column, sm)| from, to = send("#{column}_was"), send(column) next if from == to # skip triggers if they've already been called for this from/to transition next if @triggers_called[column] == [from, to] sm.trigger(self, from, to) # record that triggers were called @triggers_called[column] = [from, to] end end def can_has_deferred_state_triggers @triggers_called ||= {} state_machines.each do |(column, sm)| # clear record of called triggers @triggers_called[column] = nil from, to = send("#{column}_was"), send(column) next if from == to sm.trigger(self, from, to, :deferred) end end def can_has_state_errors err = [] state_machines.each do |(column, sm)| from, to = send("#{column}_was"), send(column) next if from == to if !sm.known?(to) err << [column, "is not in a known state"] elsif !sm.allow?(self, to) #state_machine_allow?(column, to) err << [column, sm.message(to) % {:from=>from, :to=>to}] end end err end def can_has_valid_state_machines can_has_state_errors.each do |(column, msg)| errors.add column, msg end end def state_machine_allow?(column, to) sm = state_machines.detect{|(col, stm)| col == column} raise("Unknown state machine #{column}") unless sm sm[1].allow?(self, to) end end end