# frozen_string_literal: true # encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" describe Mongoid::Extensions::Object do let(:object) do Object.new end describe "#__evolve_object_id__" do it "returns self" do expect(object.__evolve_object_id__).to eq(object) end end describe "#__find_args__" do it "returns self" do expect(object.__find_args__).to eq(object) end end describe "#__mongoize_object_id__" do it "returns self" do expect(object.__mongoize_object_id__).to eq(object) end end describe ".__mongoize_fk__" do context "when the related model uses object ids" do let(:association) do Game.relations["person"] end context "when provided an object id" do let(:object_id) do BSON::ObjectId.new end let(:fk) do Object.__mongoize_fk__(association, object_id) end it "returns the object id" do expect(fk).to eq(object_id) end end context "when provided a string" do context "when the string is a legal object id" do let(:object_id) do BSON::ObjectId.new end let(:fk) do Object.__mongoize_fk__(association, object_id.to_s) end it "returns the object id" do expect(fk).to eq(object_id) end end context "when the string is not a legal object id" do let(:string) do "blah" end let(:fk) do Object.__mongoize_fk__(association, string) end it "returns the string" do expect(fk).to eq(string) end end context "when the string is blank" do let(:fk) do Object.__mongoize_fk__(association, "") end it "returns nil" do expect(fk).to be_nil end end end context "when provided nil" do let(:fk) do Object.__mongoize_fk__(association, nil) end it "returns nil" do expect(fk).to be_nil end end context "when provided an empty array" do let(:fk) do Object.__mongoize_fk__(association, []) end it "returns an empty array" do expect(fk).to eq([]) end end end end describe "#__mongoize_time__" do it "returns self" do expect(object.__mongoize_time__).to eq(object) end end describe "#__sortable__" do it "returns self" do expect(object.__sortable__).to eq(object) end end describe ".demongoize" do let(:object) do "testing" end it "returns the provided object" do expect(Object.demongoize(object)).to eq(object) end end describe "#do_or_do_not" do context "when the object is nil" do let(:result) do nil.do_or_do_not(:not_a_method, "The force is strong with you") end it "returns nil" do expect(result).to be_nil end end context "when the object is not nil" do context "when the object responds to the method" do let(:result) do [ "Yoda", "Luke" ].do_or_do_not(:join, ",") end it "returns the result of the method" do expect(result).to eq("Yoda,Luke") end end context "when the object does not respond to the method" do let(:result) do "Yoda".do_or_do_not(:use, "The Force", 1000) end it "returns the result of the method" do expect(result).to be_nil end end end end describe ".mongoize" do let(:object) do "testing" end it "returns the provided object" do expect(Object.mongoize(object)).to eq(object) end end describe "#mongoize" do let(:object) do "testing" end it "returns the object" do expect(object.mongoize).to eq(object) end end describe "#resizable?" do it "returns false" do expect(Object.new).to_not be_resizable end end describe "#you_must" do context "when the object is frozen" do let(:person) do Person.new.tap { |peep| peep.freeze } end let(:result) do person.you_must(:aliases=, []) end it "returns nil" do expect(result).to be_nil end end end describe "#remove_ivar" do context "when the instance variable is defined" do let(:document) do Person.new end before do document.instance_variable_set(:@_testing, "testing") end let!(:removal) do document.remove_ivar("testing") end it "removes the instance variable" do expect(document.instance_variable_defined?(:@_testing)).to be false end it "returns the value" do expect(removal).to eq("testing") end end context "when the instance variable is not defined" do let(:document) do Person.new end let!(:removal) do document.remove_ivar("testing") end it "returns false" do expect(removal).to be false end end end describe "#numeric?" do it "returns false" do expect(object.numeric?).to eq(false) end end describe "#blank_criteria?" do it "is false" do expect(object.blank_criteria?).to be false end end end