module Shippinglogic class FedEx # Methods relating to building and sending a request to FedEx's web services. module Request private # Convenience method for sending requests to FedEx def request(body)[:test] ? base.options[:test_url] : base.options[:production_url], :body => body) end # Convenience method to create a builder object so that our builder options are consistent across # the various services. # # Ex: if I want to change the indent level to 3 it should change for all requests built. def builder b = => 2) b.instruct! b end # A convenience method for building the authentication block in your XML request def build_authentication(b) b.WebAuthenticationDetail do b.UserCredential do b.Key base.key b.Password base.password end end b.ClientDetail do b.AccountNumber base.account b.MeterNumber base.meter end end # A convenience method for building the version block in your XML request def build_version(b, service, major, intermediate, minor) b.Version do b.ServiceId service b.Major major b.Intermediate intermediate b.Minor minor end end # A convenience method for building the contact block in your XML request def build_contact(b, type) b.Contact do b.Contact send("#{type}_name") if send("#{type}_name") b.CompanyName send("#{type}_company_name") if send("#{type}_company_name") b.PhoneNumber send("#{type}_phone_number") if send("#{type}_phone_number") end end # A convenience method for building the address block in your XML request def build_address(b, type) b.Address do b.StreetLines send("#{type}_streets") if send("#{type}_streets") b.City send("#{type}_city") if send("#{type}_city") b.StateOrProvinceCode send("#{type}_state") if send("#{type}_state") b.PostalCode send("#{type}_postal_code") if send("#{type}_postal_code") b.CountryCode country_code(send("#{type}_country")) if send("#{type}_country") b.Residential send("#{type}_residential") end end # A convenience method for building the package block in your XML request def build_package(b) b.PackageCount package_count b.RequestedPackages do b.SequenceNumber 1 b.Weight do b.Units package_weight_units b.Value package_weight end if custom_packaging? b.Dimensions do b.Length package_length b.Width package_width b.Height package_height b.Units package_dimension_units end end end end def custom_packaging? packaging_type == "YOUR_PACKAGING" end def country_code(value) if Enumerations::COUNTRY_CODES.key?(value.to_s) Enumerations::COUNTRY_CODES[value.to_s] else value.to_s end end end end end