(2.6ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]]  (1.9ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]]  (2.7ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]]  (2.6ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" ORDER BY "how_tos"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]]  (2.0ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" ORDER BY "how_tos"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" INNER JOIN "cookbook_uses" ON "tools"."id" = "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" INNER JOIN "cookbook_uses" ON "supplies"."id" = "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]] HowTo Load (0.4ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" ORDER BY "how_tos"."id" DESC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" ORDER BY "cookbook_uses"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" INNER JOIN "cookbook_uses" ON "supplies"."id" = "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]]  (1.7ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) HowTo Load (0.4ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (1.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" ORDER BY "cookbook_uses"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]]  (2.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" ORDER BY "cookbook_uses"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]] HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]]  (2.7ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 11]]  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 11]]  (1.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 11]]  (1.8ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]]  (2.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]]  (1.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ORDER BY "tools"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ORDER BY "ingredients"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 11]]  (1.6ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ORDER BY "ingredients"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ORDER BY "ingredients"."id" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? [["LIMIT", 1], ["OFFSET", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ORDER BY "ingredients"."id" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? [["LIMIT", 1], ["OFFSET", 2]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ORDER BY "ingredients"."id" ASC LIMIT ? OFFSET ? [["LIMIT", 1], ["OFFSET", 3]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Recipe Load (0.5ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" INNER JOIN "cookbook_uses" ON "recipes"."id" = "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 11]]  (2.0ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to AddDeviseToUsers (20210910142323) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL TRANSACTION (0.0ms) rollback transaction  (1.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to CreateUsers (20210910142322) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.3ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210910142322"]] TRANSACTION (8.5ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddDeviseToUsers (20210910142323) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.6ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "encrypted_password" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "reset_password_token" varchar  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "reset_password_sent_at" datetime  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "remember_created_at" datetime  (0.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (0.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210910142323"]] TRANSACTION (6.0ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (1.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (2.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (2.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to AddDeviseToUsers (20210910142323)  (1.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to AddDeviseToUsers (20210910142323) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Destroy (0.3ms) DELETE FROM "schema_migrations" WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = ? [["version", "20210910142323"]] TRANSACTION (9.6ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (2.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.6ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to AddDeviseToUsers (20210910142323) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL TRANSACTION (0.1ms) rollback transaction  (2.6ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to CreateUsers (20210910142322) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) DROP TABLE "users" ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Destroy (0.4ms) DELETE FROM "schema_migrations" WHERE "schema_migrations"."version" = ? [["version", "20210910142322"]] TRANSACTION (5.0ms) commit transaction  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (1.8ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to CreateUsers (20210910142322) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210910142322"]] TRANSACTION (6.4ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddDeviseToUsers (20210910142323) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.8ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "encrypted_password" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "reset_password_token" varchar  (0.3ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "reset_password_sent_at" datetime  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "remember_created_at" datetime  (0.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (0.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210910142323"]] TRANSACTION (7.1ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (2.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.4ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? [["key", "environment"]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.3ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? [["key", "environment"]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? [["key", "environment"]]  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "cookbook_uses"  (8.8ms) CREATE TABLE "cookbook_uses" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "published" boolean DEFAULT 1, "use_in_type" varchar NOT NULL, "use_in_id" integer NOT NULL, "use_of_type" varchar NOT NULL, "use_of_id" integer NOT NULL, "quantity_minimum" float, "quantity_maximum" float, "unit" varchar, "sort" integer, "note" varchar, "preparation" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (8.9ms) CREATE INDEX "index_cookbook_uses_on_use_in" ON "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id")  (6.0ms) CREATE INDEX "index_cookbook_uses_on_use_of" ON "cookbook_uses" ("use_of_type", "use_of_id")  (0.3ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "how_tos"  (6.1ms) CREATE TABLE "how_tos" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "slug" varchar, "description" text, "instructions" text, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (8.6ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_how_tos_on_slug" ON "how_tos" ("slug")  (0.3ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "ingredients"  (5.9ms) CREATE TABLE "ingredients" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "slug" varchar, "description" text, "aisle" varchar, "store" varchar, "cost" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (5.9ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_ingredients_on_slug" ON "ingredients" ("slug")  (0.3ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "recipes"  (6.0ms) CREATE TABLE "recipes" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "slug" varchar, "description" text, "serves" varchar, "meal" varchar, "instructions" text, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (5.8ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_recipes_on_slug" ON "recipes" ("slug")  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "supplies"  (5.8ms) CREATE TABLE "supplies" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "slug" varchar, "description" text, "source" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (6.0ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_supplies_on_slug" ON "supplies" ("slug")  (0.3ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "tools"  (6.2ms) CREATE TABLE "tools" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "slug" varchar, "description" text, "composition" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (5.9ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_tools_on_slug" ON "tools" ("slug")  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "users"  (5.7ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "encrypted_password" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "reset_password_token" varchar, "reset_password_sent_at" datetime, "remember_created_at" datetime)  (5.7ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (8.7ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token")  (6.1ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (5.1ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES (20210910142323)  (4.7ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES (20210909175711), (20210909181442), (20210909181455), (20210909181516), (20210909181533), (20210909185303), (20210910142322);   (8.8ms) CREATE TABLE "ar_internal_metadata" ("key" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "value" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "ar_internal_metadata" ("key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["key", "environment"], ["value", "development"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 14:37:27.789551"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 14:37:27.789551"]] TRANSACTION (4.6ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Update (0.4ms) UPDATE "ar_internal_metadata" SET "value" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? [["value", "test"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 14:37:27.802782"], ["key", "environment"]] TRANSACTION (4.4ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.1ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "schema_sha1"], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "ar_internal_metadata" ("key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["key", "schema_sha1"], ["value", "f103a160444a3ae7524f2c563c9d5c63848a9c2e"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 14:37:27.814203"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 14:37:27.814203"]] TRANSACTION (4.6ms) commit transaction Started GET "/cookbook" for at 2021-09-10 08:47:55 -0600  (1.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/cookbook"): Started GET "/recipes" for at 2021-09-10 08:48:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/index.html.haml within layouts/application Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ↳ app/views/recipes/index.html.haml:17 Rendered recipes/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 29.6ms | Allocations: 11183) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 129.8ms | Allocations: 36190) Completed 200 OK in 242ms (Views: 132.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 55046) Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 08:48:10 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Recipe Load (0.6ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 35.0ms | Allocations: 6180) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 35.4ms | Allocations: 6254) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 45ms (ActiveRecord: 0.6ms | Allocations: 7758) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `cookbook_used_in' for #): 19: %b Instructions: 20: = @recipe.instructions 21: 22: = cookbook_used_in @recipe 23: 24: = link_to 'Edit', edit_recipe_path(@recipe) 25: \| app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 08:49:32 -0600  (2.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.6ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 68.5ms | Allocations: 22119) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 94.1ms | Allocations: 29876) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 106.4ms | Allocations: 35438) Completed 200 OK in 207ms (Views: 109.6ms | ActiveRecord: 5.0ms | Allocations: 61656) Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 08:52:57 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 33.1ms | Allocations: 5686) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 41.7ms | Allocations: 9119) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 42.4ms | Allocations: 9191) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 173ms (ActiveRecord: 7.4ms | Allocations: 32182) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `model' for # Did you mean? module): 1: %dl 2: = debug model.uses_of 3: -# - model.uses_of.each do |usable_table_name| 4: 5: app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 08:53:11 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 19.1ms | Allocations: 5394) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 48.0ms | Allocations: 13111) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 48.3ms | Allocations: 13186) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 153ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 39379) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `uses_of' for #): 1: %dl 2: = debug model.uses_of 3: -# - model.uses_of.each do |usable_table_name| 4: 5: app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 08:53:23 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (1.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 213.7ms | Allocations: 22450) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 253.2ms | Allocations: 25755) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 309.0ms | Allocations: 31301) Completed 200 OK in 320ms (Views: 305.5ms | ActiveRecord: 10.1ms | Allocations: 33039) Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 08:57:30 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 26.0ms | Allocations: 5434) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 31.3ms | Allocations: 8858) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 31.6ms | Allocations: 8930) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 78ms (ActiveRecord: 2.0ms | Allocations: 31874) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `using' for #): 1: %dl 2: - using.class.used_in.each do |usable_table_name| 3: :ruby 4: usable_model = usable_table_name.to_s.classify.constantize 5: %dt= usable_model.model_name.human app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 08:58:55 -0600  (2.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.5ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" INNER JOIN "cookbook_uses" ON "ingredients"."id" = "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" INNER JOIN "cookbook_uses" ON "tools"."id" = "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 3297.0ms | Allocations: 1119571) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3310.0ms | Allocations: 1124581) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3310.3ms | Allocations: 1124656) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3453ms (ActiveRecord: 6.6ms | Allocations: 1150849) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `quantity_with_unit' for #): 7: %ul.used_in{class: usable_table_sym.to_s} 8: - using.send(usable_table_sym).each do |use| 9: %li.use_in{class: usable_table_sym.to_s.singularize} 10: #{use.quantity_with_unit} 11: - if use.preparation.present? 12: = succeed ', ' do 13: = link_to use.use_of.name, use.use_of app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 09:01:11 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 57.2ms | Allocations: 20433) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 63.7ms | Allocations: 23704) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 76.1ms | Allocations: 29259) Completed 200 OK in 82ms (Views: 75.0ms | ActiveRecord: 3.7ms | Allocations: 30997) Started GET "/recipes/1" for at 2021-09-10 09:02:21 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 35.2ms | Allocations: 10410) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 40.1ms | Allocations: 13669) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 44.2ms | Allocations: 15257) Completed 200 OK in 53ms (Views: 45.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms | Allocations: 16960) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:02:27 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 28.4ms | Allocations: 11136) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 29.7ms | Allocations: 11504) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 32.6ms | Allocations: 12902) Completed 200 OK in 36ms (Views: 31.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.8ms | Allocations: 13609) Started GET "/recipes/3" for at 2021-09-10 09:02:31 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 3], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 3], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 3], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 3], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 3], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 17.6ms | Allocations: 7007) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 18.4ms | Allocations: 7369) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 21.2ms | Allocations: 8765) Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 20.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms | Allocations: 9454) Started GET "/recipes/4" for at 2021-09-10 09:02:34 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 15.8ms | Allocations: 4507) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 17.4ms | Allocations: 4864) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 20.4ms | Allocations: 6262) Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 19.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms | Allocations: 6968) Started GET "/recipes/5" for at 2021-09-10 09:02:38 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5"} Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 5], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 5], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 5], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 5], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 13.2ms | Allocations: 4506) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 14.0ms | Allocations: 4874) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 16.2ms | Allocations: 6272) Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 15.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 6978) Started GET "/how_tos" for at 2021-09-10 09:02:49 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/index.html.haml within layouts/application HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" ↳ app/views/how_tos/index.html.haml:15 Rendered how_tos/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 19.4ms | Allocations: 7649) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 23.7ms | Allocations: 9268) Completed 200 OK in 29ms (Views: 25.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms | Allocations: 10416) Started GET "/how_tos/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:02:51 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:53:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 23.8ms | Allocations: 6057) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 27.9ms | Allocations: 8605) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 31.6ms | Allocations: 10005) Completed 200 OK in 37ms (Views: 30.8ms | ActiveRecord: 2.2ms | Allocations: 10926) Started GET "/how_tos/5" for at 2021-09-10 09:02:55 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:53:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 5], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 5], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 5], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 15.5ms | Allocations: 3557) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 16.7ms | Allocations: 3912) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 20.1ms | Allocations: 5308) Completed 200 OK in 23ms (Views: 19.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 5996) Started GET "/ingredients" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:01 -0600 Processing by IngredientsController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering ingredients/index.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.5ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/ingredients/index.html.haml:17 Rendered ingredients/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 8.9ms | Allocations: 4535) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 12.9ms | Allocations: 6157) Completed 200 OK in 18ms (Views: 15.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.5ms | Allocations: 7254) Started GET "/ingredients/1" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:03 -0600 Processing by IngredientsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:53:in `set_ingredient' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering ingredients/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/ingredients/show.html.haml:22 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/ingredients/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 10.7ms | Allocations: 3448) Rendered ingredients/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 18.1ms | Allocations: 6726) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 21.8ms | Allocations: 8127) Completed 200 OK in 27ms (Views: 22.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 9032) Started GET "/how_tos/1" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:09 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:53:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 17.5ms | Allocations: 5190) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 18.9ms | Allocations: 5545) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 22.4ms | Allocations: 6945) Completed 200 OK in 26ms (Views: 21.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 7633) Started GET "/how_tos/1" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:26 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:53:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 22.6ms | Allocations: 5183) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 24.3ms | Allocations: 5536) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 28.1ms | Allocations: 6932) Completed 200 OK in 31ms (Views: 27.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.9ms | Allocations: 7619) Started GET "/ingredients/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:44 -0600 Processing by IngredientsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:53:in `set_ingredient' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering ingredients/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/ingredients/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 3.4ms | Allocations: 702) Rendered ingredients/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 5.2ms | Allocations: 1097) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 7.8ms | Allocations: 2493) Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 8.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 3183) Started GET "/ingredients/3" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:48 -0600 Processing by IngredientsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3"} Ingredient Load (0.1ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:53:in `set_ingredient' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering ingredients/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/ingredients/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 1.7ms | Allocations: 702) Rendered ingredients/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2.6ms | Allocations: 1094) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 5.2ms | Allocations: 2490) Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 5.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 3179) Started GET "/ingredients/4" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:51 -0600 Processing by IngredientsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:53:in `set_ingredient' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering ingredients/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/ingredients/show.html.haml:22 HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/ingredients/show.html.haml:22 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/ingredients/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 12.0ms | Allocations: 2467) Rendered ingredients/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 14.0ms | Allocations: 2849) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 18.1ms | Allocations: 4245) Completed 200 OK in 21ms (Views: 18.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 4934) Started GET "/how_tos/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:55 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:53:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 17.3ms | Allocations: 5991) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 18.3ms | Allocations: 6348) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 21.5ms | Allocations: 7744) Completed 200 OK in 24ms (Views: 20.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms | Allocations: 8431) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:03:59 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 24.4ms | Allocations: 6945) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 25.7ms | Allocations: 7311) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 29.6ms | Allocations: 8711) Completed 200 OK in 32ms (Views: 28.6ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 9401) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:10:19 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 22.0ms | Allocations: 6200) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 30.4ms | Allocations: 9501) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 30.7ms | Allocations: 9572) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 149ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms | Allocations: 31970) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `used_in' for # Did you mean? user_session): 1: %dl 2: - used_in.each do |usable| 3: - if usable.uses.any? 4: %dt= usable.title 5: %dd app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:10:40 -0600  (2.0ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 18.4ms | Allocations: 6792) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2463.3ms | Allocations: 1115893) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2463.6ms | Allocations: 1115968) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2579ms (ActiveRecord: 1.9ms | Allocations: 1142180) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `used_in' for # Did you mean? user_session): 1: %dl 2: - used_in.each do |usable| 3: - if usable.uses.any? 4: %dt= usable.title 5: %dd app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:11:25 -0600  (2.6ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 17.0ms | Allocations: 6792) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2873.6ms | Allocations: 1115893) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2873.9ms | Allocations: 1115968) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3004ms (ActiveRecord: 1.8ms | Allocations: 1142180) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `used_in' for # Did you mean? user_session): 1: %dl 2: - used_in.each do |usable| 3: - if usable.uses.any? 4: %dt= usable.title 5: %dd app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:11:43 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.9ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 318.0ms | Allocations: 27051) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 338.5ms | Allocations: 30725) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 376.7ms | Allocations: 36281) Completed 200 OK in 393ms (Views: 362.2ms | ActiveRecord: 18.9ms | Allocations: 38018) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:12:10 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Ingredient Load (0.1ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 29.0ms | Allocations: 9704) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 37.7ms | Allocations: 13365) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 42.0ms | Allocations: 14954) Completed 200 OK in 50ms (Views: 43.8ms | ActiveRecord: 2.4ms | Allocations: 16675) Started GET "/tools/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:12:47 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:16 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:16 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:16 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 18.8ms | Allocations: 8029) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 22.9ms | Allocations: 10860) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 25.9ms | Allocations: 12262) Completed 200 OK in 32ms (Views: 26.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.9ms | Allocations: 13867) Started GET "/tools/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:13:05 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:16 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:16 HowTo Load (0.8ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:16 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 10.5ms | Allocations: 3957) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 14.7ms | Allocations: 6798) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 19.2ms | Allocations: 8385) Completed 200 OK in 26ms (Views: 20.6ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms | Allocations: 10086) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:13:09 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 31.5ms | Allocations: 9701) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 40.5ms | Allocations: 13305) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 44.1ms | Allocations: 14708) Completed 200 OK in 50ms (Views: 44.8ms | ActiveRecord: 2.3ms | Allocations: 16187) Started GET "/how_tos/3" for at 2021-09-10 09:13:12 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3"} HowTo Load (0.4ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:53:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 3], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 3], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 3], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:16 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 23.4ms | Allocations: 6046) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 30.8ms | Allocations: 8900) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 34.2ms | Allocations: 10300) Completed 200 OK in 42ms (Views: 35.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.2ms | Allocations: 11905) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 09:13:18 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:22 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 34.5ms | Allocations: 6698) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 37.9ms | Allocations: 7463) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 41.6ms | Allocations: 8865) Completed 200 OK in 46ms (Views: 40.0ms | ActiveRecord: 3.0ms | Allocations: 9572)  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (12.7ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)  (8.8ms) CREATE TABLE "ar_internal_metadata" ("key" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "value" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to CreateHowTos (20210909175711) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "how_tos" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "slug" varchar, "description" text, "instructions" text, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.3ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_how_tos_on_slug" ON "how_tos" ("slug") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909175711"]] TRANSACTION (6.8ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateIngredients (20210909181442) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) CREATE TABLE "ingredients" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "aisle" varchar, "store" varchar, "cost" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909181442"]] TRANSACTION (7.8ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateSupplies (20210909181455) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "supplies" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "source" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909181455"]] TRANSACTION (8.7ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateTools (20210909181516) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "tools" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "composition" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909181516"]] TRANSACTION (5.6ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateRecipes (20210909181533) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) CREATE TABLE "recipes" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "serves" varchar, "meal" varchar, "instructions" text, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909181533"]] TRANSACTION (5.7ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateUses (20210909185303) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.7ms) CREATE TABLE "cookbook_uses" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "published" boolean DEFAULT 1, "use_in_type" varchar NOT NULL, "use_in_id" integer NOT NULL, "use_of_type" varchar NOT NULL, "use_of_id" integer NOT NULL, "quantity_minimum" float, "quantity_maximum" float, "unit" varchar, "sort" integer, "note" varchar, "preparation" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.3ms) CREATE INDEX "index_cookbook_uses_on_use_in" ON "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id")  (0.2ms) CREATE INDEX "index_cookbook_uses_on_use_of" ON "cookbook_uses" ("use_of_type", "use_of_id") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909185303"]] TRANSACTION (5.9ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateUsers (20210910142322) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.6ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210910142322"]] TRANSACTION (5.7ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddDeviseToUsers (20210910142323) TRANSACTION (0.2ms) begin transaction  (0.9ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL  (0.7ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "encrypted_password" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "reset_password_token" varchar  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "reset_password_sent_at" datetime  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "remember_created_at" datetime  (0.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (0.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210910142323"]] TRANSACTION (5.6ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "ar_internal_metadata" ("key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["key", "environment"], ["value", "development"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:43:05.529074"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:43:05.529074"]] TRANSACTION (4.2ms) commit transaction  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (1.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (8.0ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)  (5.9ms) CREATE TABLE "ar_internal_metadata" ("key" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "value" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Migrating to CreateHowTos (20210909175711) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "how_tos" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "slug" varchar, "description" text, "instructions" text, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.3ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_how_tos_on_slug" ON "how_tos" ("slug") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909175711"]] TRANSACTION (7.3ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateIngredients (20210909181442) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) CREATE TABLE "ingredients" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "aisle" varchar, "store" varchar, "cost" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909181442"]] TRANSACTION (5.7ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateSupplies (20210909181455) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) CREATE TABLE "supplies" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "source" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909181455"]] TRANSACTION (5.5ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateTools (20210909181516) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.6ms) CREATE TABLE "tools" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "composition" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909181516"]] TRANSACTION (8.3ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateRecipes (20210909181533) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.6ms) CREATE TABLE "recipes" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "serves" varchar, "meal" varchar, "instructions" text, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909181533"]] TRANSACTION (5.4ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateUses (20210909185303) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.4ms) CREATE TABLE "cookbook_uses" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "published" boolean DEFAULT 1, "use_in_type" varchar NOT NULL, "use_in_id" integer NOT NULL, "use_of_type" varchar NOT NULL, "use_of_id" integer NOT NULL, "quantity_minimum" float, "quantity_maximum" float, "unit" varchar, "sort" integer, "note" varchar, "preparation" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.3ms) CREATE INDEX "index_cookbook_uses_on_use_in" ON "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id")  (0.4ms) CREATE INDEX "index_cookbook_uses_on_use_of" ON "cookbook_uses" ("use_of_type", "use_of_id") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210909185303"]] TRANSACTION (8.3ms) commit transaction Migrating to CreateUsers (20210910142322) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.5ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210910142322"]] TRANSACTION (5.2ms) commit transaction Migrating to AddDeviseToUsers (20210910142323) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction  (0.7ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "encrypted_password" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "reset_password_token" varchar  (0.5ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "reset_password_sent_at" datetime  (0.4ms) ALTER TABLE "users" ADD "remember_created_at" datetime  (0.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (0.1ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token") ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" ("version") VALUES (?) [["version", "20210910142323"]] TRANSACTION (5.1ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "ar_internal_metadata" ("key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["key", "environment"], ["value", "development"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:01.573844"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:01.573844"]] TRANSACTION (4.8ms) commit transaction  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Recipe Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "recipes" ("name", "description", "serves", "meal", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Quia Est"], ["description", "Eius eligendi soluta. Sapiente laudantium omnis. Quia praesentium deleniti."], ["serves", "3-5 people"], ["meal", "dinner"], ["instructions", "#### Aut\nNihil a cumque. Quis officia ipsa. Odit aperiam commodi.\nveritatis | ipsam | perferendis\n---- | ---- | ----\nquaerat | nihil | velit\nut | enim | dolores"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.842428"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.842428"]] TRANSACTION (6.2ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Recipe Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "recipes" ("name", "description", "serves", "meal", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Quasi Quisquam Et"], ["description", "Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis."], ["serves", "3-5 people"], ["meal", "dinner"], ["instructions", "### Rerum\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\n```ruby\nNihil.\n```"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.859140"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.859140"]] TRANSACTION (4.6ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Recipe Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "recipes" ("name", "description", "serves", "meal", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Ipsum Et"], ["description", "Voluptatem omnis nam. Adipisci deserunt in. Adipisci praesentium ipsum."], ["serves", "3-5 people"], ["meal", "dinner"], ["instructions", "###### Doloribus\nLaudantium quisquam qui. Eos ut sunt. Dolores voluptatibus perspiciatis.\n#### Eius\nEt illo rem. Ad quia sed. Eum placeat non.\n## Quibusdam"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.906228"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.906228"]] TRANSACTION (4.9ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Recipe Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "recipes" ("name", "description", "serves", "meal", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Non"], ["description", "Eos est qui. Nulla voluptatem aut. Eius fugiat itaque."], ["serves", "3-5 people"], ["meal", "dinner"], ["instructions", "###### Veritatis\nConsequatur est omnis. Corrupti sint sit. Aperiam hic inventore.\n###### Error\nQui maiores consequuntur. Exercitationem laborum non. Fugiat perspiciatis quidem.\n0. Aspernatur. \n1. Quia. \n2. Voluptatem. \n3. Officia. \n4. Sunt. \n5. Dolores. \n"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.923806"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.923806"]] TRANSACTION (4.5ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Recipe Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "recipes" ("name", "description", "serves", "meal", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "A"], ["description", "Nam optio suscipit. Nesciunt reiciendis quibusdam. Omnis vitae expedita."], ["serves", "3-5 people"], ["meal", "dinner"], ["instructions", "##### Quia\nDistinctio veritatis illo. Nobis sapiente omnis. Accusantium iusto quibusdam.\n**Cum** reiciendis accusantium. Corrupti laborum molestiae. Distinctio consequuntur nesciunt."], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.937983"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.937983"]] TRANSACTION (4.4ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction HowTo Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "how_tos" ("name", "description", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Qui Deleniti Est"], ["description", "Est rerum perferendis. Rerum officiis explicabo. Qui nostrum molestias."], ["instructions", "## Et\nRatione provident sunt. Occaecati aut provident. Laborum maiores expedita.\n## Distinctio\nEos vel doloribus. Earum aspernatur adipisci. Voluptates eligendi non.\nsed | ratione | doloribus\n---- | ---- | ----\natque | magnam | totam\nsimilique | aut | quae"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.965481"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.965481"]] TRANSACTION (4.6ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.2ms) begin transaction HowTo Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "how_tos" ("name", "description", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Incidunt Eius"], ["description", "Minus sint at. Cum architecto autem. Officiis odio magnam."], ["instructions", "### Illo\nRerum assumenda quod. Eos illo autem. Nostrum et et.\n```ruby\nAliquid.\n```"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.979973"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.979973"]] TRANSACTION (5.1ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction HowTo Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "how_tos" ("name", "description", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Nisi Doloribus Totam"], ["description", "Ratione asperiores nihil. In quisquam nemo. Dolorum voluptas id."], ["instructions", "## Id\nSit sequi accusamus. Aut laborum ea. Delectus necessitatibus totam.\n0. Repudiandae. \n1. Nemo. \n2. Est. \n3. Beatae. \n4. Eos. \n5. Est. \n6. At. \n7. At. \n8. Autem. \n9. Ea. \n"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.998466"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:03.998466"]] TRANSACTION (4.5ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction HowTo Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "how_tos" ("name", "description", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Culpa"], ["description", "Tempora dolores similique. Fugiat temporibus repellat. Molestias voluptatibus qui."], ["instructions", "#### Et\nNam neque ad. Alias nobis voluptatem. Cumque nisi qui.\n0. Praesentium. \n1. In. \n2. Corrupti. \n"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.013354"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.013354"]] TRANSACTION (4.5ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction HowTo Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "how_tos" ("name", "description", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Ratione"], ["description", "Optio vitae praesentium. Tempora aut velit. Et a similique."], ["instructions", "###### Enim\nMolestias cum dolores. Voluptas vel quasi. Voluptatem exercitationem odit.\nIste est laudantium. Eius et ipsam. Consequatur *libero* eos."], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.027275"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.027275"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Ingredient Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "ingredients" ("name", "description", "aisle", "store", "cost", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Accusamus"], ["description", "Odio rerum non. Aliquam ea incidunt. Ut qui animi."], ["aisle", "Produce"], ["store", "WholeEats"], ["cost", "$1.99"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.051398"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.051398"]] TRANSACTION (7.5ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Ingredient Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "ingredients" ("name", "description", "aisle", "store", "cost", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Autem Quae Perferendis"], ["description", "Velit quis rerum. Ut corrupti dolores. Quia porro soluta."], ["aisle", "Produce"], ["store", "WholeEats"], ["cost", "$1.99"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.068851"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.068851"]] TRANSACTION (4.4ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Ingredient Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "ingredients" ("name", "description", "aisle", "store", "cost", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Odio Tenetur Aliquid"], ["description", "Ex laborum aut. Placeat est laboriosam. Beatae et perferendis."], ["aisle", "Produce"], ["store", "WholeEats"], ["cost", "$1.99"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.081021"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.081021"]] TRANSACTION (4.3ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Ingredient Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "ingredients" ("name", "description", "aisle", "store", "cost", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Molestias Iusto Ex"], ["description", "Soluta voluptatem molestiae. Necessitatibus eos qui. Sapiente maxime sed."], ["aisle", "Produce"], ["store", "WholeEats"], ["cost", "$1.99"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.093578"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.093578"]] TRANSACTION (7.5ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Ingredient Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "ingredients" ("name", "description", "aisle", "store", "cost", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Voluptas Iure Aliquid"], ["description", "Qui enim dolore. Aut animi quis. Voluptatem numquam quia."], ["aisle", "Produce"], ["store", "WholeEats"], ["cost", "$1.99"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.108155"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.108155"]] TRANSACTION (4.5ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Tool Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "tools" ("name", "description", "composition", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Ipsum Cupiditate"], ["description", "Et dolorem eum. Excepturi perspiciatis sint. Cum et nesciunt."], ["composition", "cast iron"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.129163"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.129163"]] TRANSACTION (4.5ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Tool Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "tools" ("name", "description", "composition", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Culpa Ab Neque"], ["description", "Rem laudantium et. Delectus fuga omnis. Dignissimos odit sequi."], ["composition", "cast iron"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.141825"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.141825"]] TRANSACTION (4.5ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Tool Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "tools" ("name", "description", "composition", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Distinctio Et"], ["description", "Voluptas expedita quisquam. Et dignissimos pariatur. Iusto in blanditiis."], ["composition", "cast iron"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.153556"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.153556"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Tool Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "tools" ("name", "description", "composition", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Ut Blanditiis"], ["description", "Suscipit qui consequuntur. Expedita voluptatem voluptatem. Sed corrupti vero."], ["composition", "cast iron"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.166082"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.166082"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Tool Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "tools" ("name", "description", "composition", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "In Fugit Nobis"], ["description", "Tempore numquam et. Quia magnam excepturi. Nihil dolorem nulla."], ["composition", "cast iron"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.179555"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.179555"]] TRANSACTION (4.6ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Supply Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "supplies" ("name", "description", "source", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Nesciunt"], ["description", "Ea enim quas. Est at alias. Quis repellendus libero."], ["source", "Restaurant Supply Store"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.201491"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.201491"]] TRANSACTION (4.3ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Supply Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "supplies" ("name", "description", "source", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Iure Quos Sed"], ["description", "Ipsam magni et. Explicabo aut vel. Laboriosam tempore est."], ["source", "Restaurant Supply Store"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.212799"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.212799"]] TRANSACTION (4.6ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Supply Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "supplies" ("name", "description", "source", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Incidunt"], ["description", "Rerum nam in. Necessitatibus voluptatem nisi. Occaecati velit debitis."], ["source", "Restaurant Supply Store"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.223197"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.223197"]] TRANSACTION (4.4ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Supply Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "supplies" ("name", "description", "source", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Voluptatem"], ["description", "Voluptatem consectetur omnis. Sed sequi molestias. Et reprehenderit sint."], ["source", "Restaurant Supply Store"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.232326"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.232326"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Supply Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "supplies" ("name", "description", "source", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "Omnis"], ["description", "Nisi praesentium dolor. Reprehenderit et eos. Aliquid est eum."], ["source", "Restaurant Supply Store"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.242835"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.242835"]] TRANSACTION (4.5ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients"."id" FROM "ingredients" Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_of_id", 3], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "boiled"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.279557"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.279557"]] TRANSACTION (4.9ms) commit transaction  (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.3ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 3], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "grams"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.300933"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.300933"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 1], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for wisdom"], ["preparation", "greased"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.319177"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.319177"]] TRANSACTION (4.8ms) commit transaction  (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 1], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "greased"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.341258"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.341258"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction  (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 3], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "grams"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for fun"], ["preparation", "boiled"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.360333"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.360333"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "ingredients"."id" FROM "ingredients" Ingredient Load (0.1ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_of_id", 1], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "grams"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for wisdom"], ["preparation", "boiled"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.377083"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.377083"]] TRANSACTION (4.8ms) commit transaction  (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "grams"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for wisdom"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.392299"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.392299"]] TRANSACTION (4.8ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 2], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "grams"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.410316"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.410316"]] TRANSACTION (5.0ms) commit transaction  (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 5], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for fun"], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.425579"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.425579"]] TRANSACTION (4.6ms) commit transaction  (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "pinches"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for fun"], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.443891"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.443891"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction  (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 1], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "pinches"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for fun"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.460612"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.460612"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 5], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "grams"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for wisdom"], ["preparation", "boiled"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.477122"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.477122"]] TRANSACTION (5.1ms) commit transaction  (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 5], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "grams"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.493870"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.493870"]] TRANSACTION (4.9ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 2], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.509788"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.509788"]] TRANSACTION (7.9ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for fun"], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.530980"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.530980"]] TRANSACTION (4.9ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "sort", "note", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for wisdom"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.551430"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.551430"]] TRANSACTION (4.8ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients"."id" FROM "ingredients" Ingredient Load (0.1ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_of_id", 1], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "boiled"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.568887"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.568887"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos"."id" FROM "how_tos" HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_in_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 3], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for wisdom"], ["preparation", "greased"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.589482"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.589482"]] TRANSACTION (5.1ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients"."id" FROM "ingredients" Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_of_id", 2], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "boiled"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.607181"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.607181"]] TRANSACTION (4.9ms) commit transaction  (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 3], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for wisdom"], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.625568"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.625568"]] TRANSACTION (8.4ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 3], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for fun"], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.646264"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.646264"]] TRANSACTION (4.7ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "boiled"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.662407"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.662407"]] TRANSACTION (4.6ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (5.3ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 5], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "grams"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for wisdom"], ["preparation", "greased"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.680705"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.680705"]] TRANSACTION (5.1ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "tools"."id" FROM "tools" Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "cups"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for health"], ["preparation", "boiled"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.725638"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.725638"]] TRANSACTION (4.8ms) commit transaction  (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes"."id" FROM "recipes" Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies"."id" FROM "supplies" Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 2], ["quantity_minimum", 1.5], ["quantity_maximum", 3.0], ["unit", "pinches"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "for fun"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.741047"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.741047"]] TRANSACTION (4.8ms) commit transaction  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.2ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? [["key", "environment"]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? [["key", "environment"]]  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (0.1ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata"."value" FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? [["key", "environment"]]  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "cookbook_uses"  (5.7ms) CREATE TABLE "cookbook_uses" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "published" boolean DEFAULT 1, "use_in_type" varchar NOT NULL, "use_in_id" integer NOT NULL, "use_of_type" varchar NOT NULL, "use_of_id" integer NOT NULL, "quantity_minimum" float, "quantity_maximum" float, "unit" varchar, "sort" integer, "note" varchar, "preparation" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (5.8ms) CREATE INDEX "index_cookbook_uses_on_use_in" ON "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id")  (11.7ms) CREATE INDEX "index_cookbook_uses_on_use_of" ON "cookbook_uses" ("use_of_type", "use_of_id")  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "how_tos"  (8.8ms) CREATE TABLE "how_tos" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "slug" varchar, "description" text, "instructions" text, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (6.3ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_how_tos_on_slug" ON "how_tos" ("slug")  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "ingredients"  (5.8ms) CREATE TABLE "ingredients" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "aisle" varchar, "store" varchar, "cost" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "recipes"  (6.0ms) CREATE TABLE "recipes" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "serves" varchar, "meal" varchar, "instructions" text, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "supplies"  (5.8ms) CREATE TABLE "supplies" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "source" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "tools"  (5.8ms) CREATE TABLE "tools" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "description" text, "composition" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL)  (0.2ms) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS "users"  (5.9ms) CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "email" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "encrypted_password" varchar DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, "reset_password_token" varchar, "reset_password_sent_at" datetime, "remember_created_at" datetime)  (5.9ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_email" ON "users" ("email")  (6.2ms) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "index_users_on_reset_password_token" ON "users" ("reset_password_token")  (5.5ms) CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC  (6.5ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES (20210910142323)  (5.0ms) INSERT INTO "schema_migrations" (version) VALUES (20210909175711), (20210909181442), (20210909181455), (20210909181516), (20210909181533), (20210909185303), (20210910142322);   (5.9ms) CREATE TABLE "ar_internal_metadata" ("key" varchar NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "value" varchar, "created_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL, "updated_at" datetime(6) NOT NULL) ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Create (0.5ms) INSERT INTO "ar_internal_metadata" ("key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["key", "environment"], ["value", "development"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.905114"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.905114"]] TRANSACTION (5.7ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "environment"], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Update (0.5ms) UPDATE "ar_internal_metadata" SET "value" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? [["value", "test"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.918300"], ["key", "environment"]] TRANSACTION (4.3ms) commit transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ar_internal_metadata".* FROM "ar_internal_metadata" WHERE "ar_internal_metadata"."key" = ? LIMIT ? [["key", "schema_sha1"], ["LIMIT", 1]] TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "ar_internal_metadata" ("key", "value", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) [["key", "schema_sha1"], ["value", "e566f0a117600660d6da09639340fcb3cc07b691"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.930586"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 15:44:04.930586"]] TRANSACTION (4.4ms) commit transaction Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 09:55:21 -0600  (1.8ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2762.8ms | Allocations: 1122252) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2767.0ms | Allocations: 1125287) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2767.3ms | Allocations: 1125362) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2879ms (ActiveRecord: 2.7ms | Allocations: 1151027) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `using' for #): 5: = f.input :serves 6: = f.input :meal 7: = f.input :instructions 8: = cookbook_fields f 9: .actions= f.button :submit, class: 'button-large button-action' app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 09:55:58 -0600  (1.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 4.5ms | Allocations: 2275) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3031.3ms | Allocations: 1125800) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3040.8ms | Allocations: 1128890) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3055.5ms | Allocations: 1134478) Completed 200 OK in 3169ms (Views: 3061.9ms | ActiveRecord: 6.1ms | Allocations: 1160167) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:01:28 -0600  (1.7ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 3.2ms | Allocations: 2022) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2864.7ms | Allocations: 1124974) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2874.3ms | Allocations: 1128007) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2874.5ms | Allocations: 1128082) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3005ms (ActiveRecord: 2.8ms | Allocations: 1153962) ActionView::Template::Error (Association :use_of not found): 1: = f.association :use_of 2: = f.input :quantity_minimum 3: = f.input :quantity_maximum 4: = f.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:03:28 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 20.1ms | Allocations: 4243) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 52.3ms | Allocations: 14248) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 55.2ms | Allocations: 15594) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 55.5ms | Allocations: 15666) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 131ms (ActiveRecord: 3.2ms | Allocations: 38391) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `table_symbol' for #): 1: = f.association table_symbol 2: = f.input :quantity_minimum 3: = f.input :quantity_maximum 4: = f.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:03:44 -0600  (2.6ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (1.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 60.9ms | Allocations: 17350) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3319.1ms | Allocations: 1140872) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3333.3ms | Allocations: 1143961) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3337.4ms | Allocations: 1145677) Completed 200 OK in 3473ms (Views: 3347.6ms | ActiveRecord: 7.9ms | Allocations: 1171587) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:06:44 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.1ms | Allocations: 10171) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 61.9ms | Allocations: 18653) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 65.5ms | Allocations: 19966) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 65.8ms | Allocations: 20037) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 74ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 21750) ActionView::Template::Error (Missing partial recipes/_ingredient_fields, application/_ingredient_fields with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :haml]}. Searched in: * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/spec/dummy/app/views" * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/devise-4.8.0/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/kaminari-core-1.2.1/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actiontext-" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actionmailbox-" ): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested f, usable.table_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}" 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = f.fields_for usable.table_sym do |g| 9: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:07:47 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 9.8ms | Allocations: 5285) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 34.9ms | Allocations: 13816) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 38.1ms | Allocations: 15132) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 38.5ms | Allocations: 15203) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 44ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 16912) ActionView::Template::Error (Missing partial recipes/_ingredient_fields, application/_ingredient_fields with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :haml]}. Searched in: * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/spec/dummy/app/views" * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/devise-4.8.0/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/kaminari-core-1.2.1/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actiontext-" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actionmailbox-" ): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested f, usable.table_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}" 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = f.fields_for usable.table_sym do |g| 9: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:08:15 -0600  (1.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.5ms | Allocations: 14101) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2937.6ms | Allocations: 1137049) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2947.6ms | Allocations: 1140082) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2947.8ms | Allocations: 1140157) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3072ms (ActiveRecord: 7.6ms | Allocations: 1166037) ActionView::Template::Error (Missing partial recipes/_ingredient_fields, application/_ingredient_fields with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :haml]}. Searched in: * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/spec/dummy/app/views" * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/devise-4.8.0/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/kaminari-core-1.2.1/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actiontext-" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actionmailbox-" ): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested f, usable.table_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}" 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = f.fields_for usable.table_sym do |g| 9: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:09:50 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 35.0ms | Allocations: 14105) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2883.2ms | Allocations: 1137055) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2890.0ms | Allocations: 1140088) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2890.3ms | Allocations: 1140163) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3036ms (ActiveRecord: 4.8ms | Allocations: 1166044) ActionView::Template::Error (Missing partial recipes/_ingredient_fields, application/_ingredient_fields with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :haml]}. Searched in: * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/spec/dummy/app/views" * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/devise-4.8.0/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/kaminari-core-1.2.1/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actiontext-" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actionmailbox-" ): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.table_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}" 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = form.fields_for usable.table_sym do |g| 9: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:11:14 -0600  (2.6ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.9ms | Allocations: 14095) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3130.8ms | Allocations: 1137051) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3136.0ms | Allocations: 1140085) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3136.4ms | Allocations: 1140160) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3220ms (ActiveRecord: 2.2ms | Allocations: 1166059) ActionView::Template::Error (Missing partial recipes/_ingredient_fields, application/_ingredient_fields with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :haml]}. Searched in: * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/spec/dummy/app/views" * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/devise-4.8.0/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/kaminari-core-1.2.1/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actiontext-" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actionmailbox-" ): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.table_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}" 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = form.fields_for usable.table_sym do |g| 9: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:12:11 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 21.3ms | Allocations: 11583) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 41.0ms | Allocations: 20098) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 43.3ms | Allocations: 21413) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 43.6ms | Allocations: 21484) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 49ms (ActiveRecord: 0.7ms | Allocations: 23192) ActionView::Template::Error (Missing partial cookbook/_use_fields with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :haml]}. Searched in: * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/spec/dummy/app/views" * "/home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/devise-4.8.0/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/kaminari-core-1.2.1/app/views" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actiontext-" * "/home/loren/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/gems/actionmailbox-" ): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}" 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 9: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:13:21 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 26.5ms | Allocations: 11130) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.5ms | Allocations: 15937) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 53.8ms | Allocations: 24449) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 56.2ms | Allocations: 25764) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 56.5ms | Allocations: 25835) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 66ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 27544) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 9: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:13:54 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 31.1ms | Allocations: 10051) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 41.2ms | Allocations: 14771) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 67.6ms | Allocations: 23281) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 72.5ms | Allocations: 24596) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 72.8ms | Allocations: 24666) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 80ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 26357) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: -# = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 9: -# = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:14:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 10.9ms | Allocations: 3374) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 20.8ms | Allocations: 8082) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 46.9ms | Allocations: 16549) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 53.1ms | Allocations: 17861) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 53.5ms | Allocations: 17932) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 60ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 19632) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: -# = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 9: -# = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:14:37 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 31.6ms | Allocations: 10051) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.4ms | Allocations: 14861) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 73.1ms | Allocations: 23371) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 84.3ms | Allocations: 24686) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 84.7ms | Allocations: 24756) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 92ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 26447) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 9: foo app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:15:16 -0600  (2.6ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 23.8ms | Allocations: 11129) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 56.6ms | Allocations: 27252) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3244.6ms | Allocations: 1150199) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3252.7ms | Allocations: 1153232) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3253.0ms | Allocations: 1153307) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3391ms (ActiveRecord: 5.3ms | Allocations: 1179187) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 3: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 4: %legend 5: %h3= usable.title 6: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 7: %fieldset{id: usable.plural_class} 8: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 9: foo app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:16:46 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 2.6ms | Allocations: 1172) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 45.5ms | Allocations: 9687) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 51.5ms | Allocations: 11002) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 51.8ms | Allocations: 11073) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 64ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 12781) ActionView::Template::Error (Inconsistent indentation: 5 spaces used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using 2 spaces.): 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :ingredient_uses, "##{ingredients}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %fieldset{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.fields_for :ingredient_uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:16:53 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 21.3ms | Allocations: 6582) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 42.1ms | Allocations: 15094) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 46.9ms | Allocations: 16410) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 47.2ms | Allocations: 16481) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 51ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 18190) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `ingredients' for # Did you mean? ingredients_url): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :ingredient_uses, "##{ingredients}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %fieldset{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.fields_for :ingredient_uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:17:09 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 21.9ms | Allocations: 10069) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.0ms | Allocations: 14460) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 48.2ms | Allocations: 22972) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 50.0ms | Allocations: 24287) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 50.3ms | Allocations: 24358) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 54ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 26066) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :ingredient_uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %fieldset{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.fields_for :ingredient_uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:17:24 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.8ms | Allocations: 10051) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.7ms | Allocations: 14359) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 61.7ms | Allocations: 22871) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 64.1ms | Allocations: 24186) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 64.4ms | Allocations: 24257) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 69ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 25965) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :ingredient_uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %fieldset{id: 'ingredients'} 7: -# = form.fields_for :ingredient_uses do |g| 8: -# = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:17:38 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 5.8ms | Allocations: 3377) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 25.7ms | Allocations: 12440) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 28.0ms | Allocations: 13811) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 31.5ms | Allocations: 15515) Completed 200 OK in 36ms (Views: 33.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 17234) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:17:55 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 14.2ms | Allocations: 6842) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 23.0ms | Allocations: 10633) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 49.4ms | Allocations: 19598) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 51.7ms | Allocations: 20962) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 55.2ms | Allocations: 22476) Completed 200 OK in 62ms (Views: 58.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 24179) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:18:45 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 21.0ms | Allocations: 10021) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.8ms | Allocations: 14400) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 47.8ms | Allocations: 22865) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 49.6ms | Allocations: 24177) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 49.9ms | Allocations: 24247) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 54ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 25930) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :ingredient_uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.fields_for :ingredient_uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:21:36 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.7ms | Allocations: 5347) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.6ms | Allocations: 13478) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 74.2ms | Allocations: 21987) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 77.0ms | Allocations: 23302) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 77.2ms | Allocations: 23372) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 82ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms | Allocations: 25063) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `quantity_minimum' for #): 1: = form.input :quantity_minimum 2: = form.input :quantity_maximum 3: = form.input :unit 4: = form.input :sort app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:21:45 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.0ms | Allocations: 10051) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.9ms | Allocations: 14440) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 66.2ms | Allocations: 22950) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 68.7ms | Allocations: 24265) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 68.9ms | Allocations: 24335) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 75ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 26026) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :ingredient_uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.fields_for :ingredient_uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:22:44 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 16.0ms | Allocations: 6802) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 25.1ms | Allocations: 11149) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 52.5ms | Allocations: 20158) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 55.5ms | Allocations: 21525) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 59.7ms | Allocations: 23046) Completed 200 OK in 66ms (Views: 63.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 24757) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:23:16 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 18.6ms | Allocations: 6741) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 26.8ms | Allocations: 10695) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 52.5ms | Allocations: 19650) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 56.3ms | Allocations: 21014) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 60.3ms | Allocations: 22528) Completed 200 OK in 67ms (Views: 63.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 24231) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:24:28 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 8.0ms | Allocations: 4048) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 30.7ms | Allocations: 12513) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 33.9ms | Allocations: 13825) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 34.2ms | Allocations: 13895) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 41ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 15578) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `klass' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :cookbook_uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.fields_for :cookbook_uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:24:42 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.6ms | Allocations: 10257) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 45.5ms | Allocations: 14681) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 74.3ms | Allocations: 23191) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 76.9ms | Allocations: 24506) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 77.1ms | Allocations: 24576) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 89ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 26267) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.fields_for :uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:24:50 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 22.6ms | Allocations: 10051) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.7ms | Allocations: 14440) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 47.6ms | Allocations: 22950) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 49.5ms | Allocations: 24265) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 49.7ms | Allocations: 24335) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 56ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 26026) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :ingredient_uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.fields_for :ingredient_uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:25:11 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 20.7ms | Allocations: 10051) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.7ms | Allocations: 14440) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 53.2ms | Allocations: 22950) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 55.9ms | Allocations: 24265) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 56.1ms | Allocations: 24335) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 62ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 26026) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in{class: 'ingredients'} 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :ingredient_uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.simple_fields_for :ingredient_uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:26:19 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 32.8ms | Allocations: 10051) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.9ms | Allocations: 14154) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 67.9ms | Allocations: 22664) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 71.4ms | Allocations: 23979) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 71.6ms | Allocations: 24049) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 77ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 25740) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.simple_fields_for :uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:27:01 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.9ms | Allocations: 8851) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 44.0ms | Allocations: 10888) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 70.8ms | Allocations: 17627) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 71.2ms | Allocations: 17699) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 71.6ms | Allocations: 17769) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 75ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 18439) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.simple_fields_for :uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:27:31 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 21.2ms | Allocations: 10051) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 26.0ms | Allocations: 12800) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 44.6ms | Allocations: 21310) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 46.4ms | Allocations: 22625) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 46.6ms | Allocations: 22695) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 51ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 24386) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.simple_fields_for :uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:28:36 -0600  (1.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 14.3ms | Allocations: 7724) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2942.2ms | Allocations: 1130671) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2954.7ms | Allocations: 1133704) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2954.9ms | Allocations: 1133779) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3061ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 1159656) SystemExit ({"uses"=>#:use_in, :class_name=>"Cookbook::Use"}, @active_record=Recipe(id: integer, name: string, description: text, serves: string, meal: string, instructions: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @klass=nil, @plural_name="uses", @type="use_in_type", @constructable=true>, "ingredient_uses"=>#, @options={:as=>:use_in, :class_name=>"Cookbook::Use"}, @active_record=Recipe(id: integer, name: string, description: text, serves: string, meal: string, instructions: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @klass=Cookbook::Use(id: integer, published: boolean, use_in_type: string, use_in_id: integer, use_of_type: string, use_of_id: integer, quantity_minimum: float, quantity_maximum: float, unit: string, sort: integer, note: string, preparation: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @plural_name="ingredient_uses", @type="use_in_type", @constructable=true, @inverse_name=nil, @class_name="Cookbook::Use">, "ingredients"=>#:uses, :source=>:use_of, :source_type=>"Ingredient"}, @active_record=Recipe(id: integer, name: string, description: text, serves: string, meal: string, instructions: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @klass=nil, @plural_name="ingredients", @constructable=true>, @klass=nil, @source_reflection_name=:use_of>, "tool_uses"=>#, @options={:as=>:use_in, :class_name=>"Cookbook::Use"}, @active_record=Recipe(id: integer, name: string, description: text, serves: string, meal: string, instructions: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @klass=Cookbook::Use(id: integer, published: boolean, use_in_type: string, use_in_id: integer, use_of_type: string, use_of_id: integer, quantity_minimum: float, quantity_maximum: float, unit: string, sort: integer, note: string, preparation: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @plural_name="tool_uses", @type="use_in_type", @constructable=true, @inverse_name=nil, @class_name="Cookbook::Use">, "tools"=>#:uses, :source=>:use_of, :source_type=>"Tool"}, @active_record=Recipe(id: integer, name: string, description: text, serves: string, meal: string, instructions: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @klass=nil, @plural_name="tools", @constructable=true>, @klass=nil, @source_reflection_name=:use_of>, "supply_uses"=>#, @options={:as=>:use_in, :class_name=>"Cookbook::Use"}, @active_record=Recipe(id: integer, name: string, description: text, serves: string, meal: string, instructions: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @klass=Cookbook::Use(id: integer, published: boolean, use_in_type: string, use_in_id: integer, use_of_type: string, use_of_id: integer, quantity_minimum: float, quantity_maximum: float, unit: string, sort: integer, note: string, preparation: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @plural_name="supply_uses", @type="use_in_type", @constructable=true, @inverse_name=nil, @class_name="Cookbook::Use">, "supplies"=>#:uses, :source=>:use_of, :source_type=>"Supply"}, @active_record=Recipe(id: integer, name: string, description: text, serves: string, meal: string, instructions: text, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime), @klass=nil, @plural_name="supplies", @constructable=true>, @klass=nil, @source_reflection_name=:use_of>}): app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:29:03 -0600  (1.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 14.6ms | Allocations: 7338) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2391.3ms | Allocations: 1130287) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2397.2ms | Allocations: 1133320) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2397.5ms | Allocations: 1133395) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2508ms (ActiveRecord: 2.8ms | Allocations: 1159273) SystemExit (Cookbook::Use(id: integer, published: boolean, use_in_type: string, use_in_id: integer, use_of_type: string, use_of_id: integer, quantity_minimum: float, quantity_maximum: float, unit: string, sort: integer, note: string, preparation: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)): app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:30:31 -0600  (2.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 31.4ms | Allocations: 11101) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 66.4ms | Allocations: 26515) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2991.9ms | Allocations: 1149465) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3004.1ms | Allocations: 1152498) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3004.5ms | Allocations: 1152573) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3117ms (ActiveRecord: 6.3ms | Allocations: 1178455) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 2: %fieldset.used_in 3: %legend 4: %h3 Ingredients 5: = link_to_add_nested form, :uses, "#ingredients", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields' 6: %div{id: 'ingredients'} 7: = form.simple_fields_for :uses do |g| 8: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:31:49 -0600  (2.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.9ms | Allocations: 11107) Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 82.6ms | Allocations: 27176) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2862.3ms | Allocations: 1150701) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2875.3ms | Allocations: 1153790) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2878.7ms | Allocations: 1155506) Completed 200 OK in 2993ms (Views: 2887.0ms | ActiveRecord: 7.8ms | Allocations: 1181398) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:32:32 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.8ms | Allocations: 10042) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.3ms | Allocations: 9014) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.0ms | Allocations: 9014) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 129.9ms | Allocations: 35702) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 158.3ms | Allocations: 44676) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 161.4ms | Allocations: 46041) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 164.2ms | Allocations: 47558) Completed 200 OK in 172ms (Views: 167.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 49287) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:32:44 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.7ms | Allocations: 9998) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.2ms | Allocations: 8794) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.9ms | Allocations: 8794) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 109.3ms | Allocations: 35202) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 134.0ms | Allocations: 44196) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 137.6ms | Allocations: 45561) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 141.8ms | Allocations: 47076) Completed 200 OK in 147ms (Views: 143.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms | Allocations: 48805) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:33:51 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 8.7ms | Allocations: 5649) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 27.0ms | Allocations: 14114) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 29.3ms | Allocations: 15426) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 29.6ms | Allocations: 15496) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 35ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 17183) ActionView::Template::Error (The asset "cookbook.css" is not present in the asset pipeline. ): 1: = javascript_include_tag 'vanilla_nested' 2: = stylesheet_link_tag 'cookbook' 3: - usables.each do |usable| 4: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 5: %legend app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:34:52 -0600  (2.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.1ms | Allocations: 11107) Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 24.2ms | Allocations: 9014) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 21.4ms | Allocations: 9014) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 207.2ms | Allocations: 71807) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2849.2ms | Allocations: 1195336) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2855.9ms | Allocations: 1198425) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2865.3ms | Allocations: 1202962) Completed 200 OK in 3007ms (Views: 2867.7ms | ActiveRecord: 6.6ms | Allocations: 1228855) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:36:09 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 9.2ms | Allocations: 6356) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 26.4ms | Allocations: 14838) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 28.2ms | Allocations: 16151) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 28.4ms | Allocations: 16222) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 33ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 17935) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `titleize' for nil:NilClass): 4: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 5: %legend 6: %h3= usable.title 7: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields', link_text: "Add #{usable.singular.titleize}", link_classes: 'button button-action' 8: %div{id: usable.plural_class} 9: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 10: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:37:18 -0600  (1.9ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 22.9ms | Allocations: 11111) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 18.8ms | Allocations: 9015) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 41.9ms | Allocations: 9044) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 127.9ms | Allocations: 50354) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3102.0ms | Allocations: 1173887) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3110.5ms | Allocations: 1176976) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3114.0ms | Allocations: 1178672) Completed 200 OK in 3213ms (Views: 3119.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.9ms | Allocations: 1204564) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:38:03 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 4.9ms | Allocations: 2080) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 14.6ms | Allocations: 7702) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 39.2ms | Allocations: 16208) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 42.1ms | Allocations: 17523) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 42.4ms | Allocations: 17594) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 51ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 19307) ActionView::Template::Error (Polymorphic associations do not support computing the class.): 1: = form.association :use_of 2: = form.input :quantity_minimum 3: = form.input :quantity_maximum 4: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:50:28 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 9.6ms | Allocations: 4311) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.6ms | Allocations: 16152) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 57.2ms | Allocations: 25668) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 60.2ms | Allocations: 27015) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 60.5ms | Allocations: 27087) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 141ms (ActiveRecord: 1.1ms | Allocations: 49265) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `usable' for #): 1: = form.input :use_of, collection: usable.collection, as: :grouped_select, group_method: :use_ofs, group_label_method: :use_of_type, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{use.use_of_type}:#{use.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 2: = form.input :quantity_minimum 3: = form.input :quantity_maximum 4: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:50:43 -0600  (2.8ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 17.3ms | Allocations: 4889) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 55.0ms | Allocations: 21825) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3416.7ms | Allocations: 1159080) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3430.0ms | Allocations: 1162113) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3430.3ms | Allocations: 1162188) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3550ms (ActiveRecord: 7.4ms | Allocations: 1188055) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `usable' for #): 1: = form.input :use_of, collection: usable.collection, as: :grouped_select, group_method: :use_ofs, group_label_method: :use_of_type, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{use.use_of_type}:#{use.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 2: = form.input :quantity_minimum 3: = form.input :quantity_maximum 4: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:57:42 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 4.6ms | Allocations: 1928) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.1ms | Allocations: 13769) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 100.9ms | Allocations: 36046) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 104.4ms | Allocations: 37393) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 104.7ms | Allocations: 37465) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 168ms (ActiveRecord: 3.1ms | Allocations: 59642) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `all' for :ingredients:Symbol): 1: = form.input :use_of, collection: build_collection(:ingredients), as: :grouped_select, group_method: :use_ofs, group_label_method: :use_of_type, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{use.use_of_type}:#{use.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 2: = form.input :quantity_minimum 3: = form.input :quantity_maximum 4: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:57:57 -0600  (2.9ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 13.2ms | Allocations: 4928) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 50.5ms | Allocations: 21914) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2865.8ms | Allocations: 1144864) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2877.2ms | Allocations: 1147897) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2877.5ms | Allocations: 1147972) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3003ms (ActiveRecord: 2.4ms | Allocations: 1173839) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `model' for # Did you mean? module): 1: = form.input :use_of, collection: build_collection(:ingredients), as: :grouped_select, group_method: :use_ofs, group_label_method: :use_of_type, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{use.use_of_type}:#{use.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 2: = form.input :quantity_minimum 3: = form.input :quantity_maximum 4: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:58:24 -0600  (2.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 35.8ms | Allocations: 11296) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 75.4ms | Allocations: 28283) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3248.6ms | Allocations: 1151233) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3258.2ms | Allocations: 1154266) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3258.5ms | Allocations: 1154341) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3376ms (ActiveRecord: 7.1ms | Allocations: 1180208) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `use' for #): 1: = form.input :use_of, collection: build_collection(:ingredients), as: :grouped_select, group_method: :use_ofs, group_label_method: :use_of_type, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{use.use_of_type}:#{use.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 2: = form.input :quantity_minimum 3: = form.input :quantity_maximum 4: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:59:14 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 16.5ms | Allocations: 6393) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 25.8ms | Allocations: 12017) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 50.0ms | Allocations: 20548) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 53.0ms | Allocations: 21864) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 53.3ms | Allocations: 21935) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 61ms (ActiveRecord: 0.7ms | Allocations: 23643) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `use' for #): 1: = form.input :use_of, collection: build_collection(:ingredients), as: :grouped_select, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{use.use_of_type}:#{use.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 2: = form.input :quantity_minimum 3: = form.input :quantity_maximum 4: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 10:59:42 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.5ms | Allocations: 5892) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 51.2ms | Allocations: 11522) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 112.7ms | Allocations: 20042) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 115.8ms | Allocations: 21357) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 116.1ms | Allocations: 21428) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 123ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 23136) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass): 1: = form.input :use_of, collection: build_collection(:ingredients), as: :grouped_select, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 2: = form.input :quantity_minimum 3: = form.input :quantity_maximum 4: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:00:30 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 44.0ms | Allocations: 13420) Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.6ms | Allocations: 11183) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 115.5ms | Allocations: 11212) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 229.6ms | Allocations: 45616) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 256.4ms | Allocations: 54671) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 259.5ms | Allocations: 56042) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 264.4ms | Allocations: 57728) Completed 200 OK in 276ms (Views: 266.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.8ms | Allocations: 59447) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:01:10 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.5ms | Allocations: 15753) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 33.2ms | Allocations: 10964) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 33.2ms | Allocations: 10962) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 156.3ms | Allocations: 50329) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 230.6ms | Allocations: 59072) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 234.8ms | Allocations: 59198) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 237.9ms | Allocations: 60515) Completed 200 OK in 294ms (Views: 237.1ms | ActiveRecord: 5.5ms | Allocations: 82345) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:01:30 -0600  (2.7ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 45.4ms | Allocations: 17694) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 51.5ms | Allocations: 11084) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.7ms | Allocations: 11070) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 183.5ms | Allocations: 61013) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3455.4ms | Allocations: 1184537) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3466.3ms | Allocations: 1187626) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3469.9ms | Allocations: 1189322) Completed 200 OK in 3614ms (Views: 3475.9ms | ActiveRecord: 6.7ms | Allocations: 1215217) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:01:53 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.3ms | Allocations: 15604) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 43.5ms | Allocations: 10835) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 32.0ms | Allocations: 10833) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 154.0ms | Allocations: 49923) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 180.4ms | Allocations: 58668) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 181.2ms | Allocations: 58794) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 184.0ms | Allocations: 60112) Completed 200 OK in 244ms (Views: 182.0ms | ActiveRecord: 5.3ms | Allocations: 81941) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:02:19 -0600  (3.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 52.4ms | Allocations: 17670) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 32.4ms | Allocations: 11018) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.6ms | Allocations: 11016) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 194.9ms | Allocations: 60881) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3329.8ms | Allocations: 1184408) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3341.1ms | Allocations: 1187498) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3345.0ms | Allocations: 1189190) Completed 200 OK in 3495ms (Views: 3353.7ms | ActiveRecord: 5.5ms | Allocations: 1215099) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:03:13 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.3ms | Allocations: 11022) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 44.8ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.1ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 180.5ms | Allocations: 44821) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 212.4ms | Allocations: 55340) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 216.2ms | Allocations: 56740) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 221.1ms | Allocations: 58246) Completed 200 OK in 286ms (Views: 222.1ms | ActiveRecord: 5.0ms | Allocations: 80924) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:05:11 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 24.4ms | Allocations: 9225) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 24.5ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 26.2ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 89.5ms | Allocations: 33806) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 106.8ms | Allocations: 40995) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 107.3ms | Allocations: 41115) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 109.4ms | Allocations: 42419) Completed 200 OK in 112ms (Views: 109.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms | Allocations: 43126) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:05:44 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.5ms | Allocations: 10504) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 33.4ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 25.5ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 119.5ms | Allocations: 38128) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 147.8ms | Allocations: 47084) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 151.2ms | Allocations: 48448) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 153.8ms | Allocations: 49942) Completed 200 OK in 160ms (Views: 156.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 51645) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:05:59 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 32.5ms | Allocations: 10464) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.8ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.1ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 128.3ms | Allocations: 38844) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 147.6ms | Allocations: 47804) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 149.9ms | Allocations: 49168) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 152.9ms | Allocations: 50663) Completed 200 OK in 159ms (Views: 154.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 52384) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:06:18 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 32.5ms | Allocations: 10465) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.3ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.6ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 119.9ms | Allocations: 38845) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 143.1ms | Allocations: 47803) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 146.0ms | Allocations: 49167) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 149.0ms | Allocations: 50661) Completed 200 OK in 154ms (Views: 151.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 52365) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:06:29 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.1ms | Allocations: 10465) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.2ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.6ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 104.8ms | Allocations: 38842) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 130.2ms | Allocations: 47805) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 138.9ms | Allocations: 49169) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 141.9ms | Allocations: 50663) Completed 200 OK in 148ms (Views: 144.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 52366) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:06:39 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 32.9ms | Allocations: 10464) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.1ms | Allocations: 9182) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 66.3ms | Allocations: 9210) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 169.2ms | Allocations: 38868) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 193.8ms | Allocations: 47830) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 196.9ms | Allocations: 49194) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 200.3ms | Allocations: 50694) Completed 200 OK in 207ms (Views: 204.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 52397) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:07:12 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.9ms | Allocations: 10159) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.3ms | Allocations: 8866) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.0ms | Allocations: 8866) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 109.8ms | Allocations: 36880) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 140.3ms | Allocations: 45871) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 142.9ms | Allocations: 47238) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 147.2ms | Allocations: 48732) Completed 200 OK in 154ms (Views: 150.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms | Allocations: 50443) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:09:42 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.7ms | Allocations: 10293) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.9ms | Allocations: 8871) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.4ms | Allocations: 8871) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 109.8ms | Allocations: 37016) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 133.4ms | Allocations: 45975) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 136.7ms | Allocations: 47339) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 140.8ms | Allocations: 48833) Completed 200 OK in 148ms (Views: 144.1ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 50536) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:09:57 -0600  (1.7ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.6ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.5ms | Allocations: 11411) Cookbook::Use Load (0.6ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.3ms | Allocations: 9091) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 54.3ms | Allocations: 9119) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 168.2ms | Allocations: 50802) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3273.3ms | Allocations: 1174331) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3285.5ms | Allocations: 1177420) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3289.9ms | Allocations: 1179116) Completed 200 OK in 3426ms (Views: 3297.6ms | ActiveRecord: 4.9ms | Allocations: 1205008) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:10:15 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.3ms | Allocations: 10300) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 24.7ms | Allocations: 8871) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.5ms | Allocations: 8871) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 110.2ms | Allocations: 37034) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 137.6ms | Allocations: 46031) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 141.1ms | Allocations: 47398) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 145.4ms | Allocations: 48893) Completed 200 OK in 152ms (Views: 147.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 50622) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:10:31 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 45.4ms | Allocations: 10289) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 26.9ms | Allocations: 8871) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.2ms | Allocations: 8871) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 126.2ms | Allocations: 37014) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 163.4ms | Allocations: 45974) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 166.4ms | Allocations: 47338) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 170.1ms | Allocations: 48833) Completed 200 OK in 176ms (Views: 172.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 50554) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:11:16 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 23.5ms | Allocations: 10294) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 21.7ms | Allocations: 8875) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 20.0ms | Allocations: 8875) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 83.5ms | Allocations: 37028) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 104.3ms | Allocations: 45988) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 107.1ms | Allocations: 47352) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 110.8ms | Allocations: 48847) Completed 200 OK in 118ms (Views: 113.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 50568) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:11:45 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.5ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 33.3ms | Allocations: 10461) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.8ms | Allocations: 16073) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 67.8ms | Allocations: 24538) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 69.9ms | Allocations: 25850) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 70.2ms | Allocations: 25920) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 76ms (ActiveRecord: 2.3ms | Allocations: 27607) ActionView::Template::Error (nil is not a symbol nor a string): 1: :ruby 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: = form.input :use_of, collection: build_collection(table_sym), as: :grouped_select, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 4: = form.input :quantity_minimum 5: = form.input :quantity_maximum 6: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:12:01 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 33.6ms | Allocations: 12382) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.3ms | Allocations: 14154) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 43.5ms | Allocations: 14092) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 142.4ms | Allocations: 49620) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 170.3ms | Allocations: 58645) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 174.2ms | Allocations: 60013) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 178.4ms | Allocations: 61514) Completed 200 OK in 185ms (Views: 177.1ms | ActiveRecord: 5.0ms | Allocations: 63225) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:12:33 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 1.8ms | Allocations: 1010) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 12.9ms | Allocations: 6621) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 35.3ms | Allocations: 15086) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 38.7ms | Allocations: 16398) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 39.0ms | Allocations: 16468) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 45ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 18151) ActionView::Template::Error (Inconsistent indentation: 1 space used for indentation, but the rest of the document was indented using 2 spaces.): 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: 4: = debug build_collection(table_sym) 5: = form.input :use_of, collection: build_collection(table_sym), as: :select, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: 'Select a Usable Item' 6: = form.input :quantity_minimum 7: = form.input :quantity_maximum 8: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:12:44 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.1ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 54.2ms | Allocations: 17308) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 48.5ms | Allocations: 14985) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.6ms | Allocations: 14990) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 174.7ms | Allocations: 56276) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 222.4ms | Allocations: 65287) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 226.1ms | Allocations: 66657) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 230.5ms | Allocations: 68160) Completed 200 OK in 239ms (Views: 232.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.4ms | Allocations: 69871) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:14:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 52.8ms | Allocations: 21139) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 62.6ms | Allocations: 18137) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 58.2ms | Allocations: 18141) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 209.9ms | Allocations: 72833) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 236.7ms | Allocations: 83315) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 239.5ms | Allocations: 84714) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 243.5ms | Allocations: 86219) Completed 200 OK in 292ms (Views: 239.0ms | ActiveRecord: 8.3ms | Allocations: 108908) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:14:23 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 54.0ms | Allocations: 16477) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 47.0ms | Allocations: 14993) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Exists? (0.0ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.6ms | Allocations: 14996) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 160.5ms | Allocations: 55449) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 180.3ms | Allocations: 64410) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 183.6ms | Allocations: 65774) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 187.0ms | Allocations: 67269) Completed 200 OK in 193ms (Views: 187.9ms | ActiveRecord: 2.3ms | Allocations: 68990) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 11:14:32 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.1ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 74.4ms | Allocations: 14466) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.4ms | Allocations: 13025) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 33.3ms | Allocations: 13017) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 169.8ms | Allocations: 49488) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 190.9ms | Allocations: 58450) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 193.1ms | Allocations: 59814) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 196.3ms | Allocations: 61314) Completed 200 OK in 200ms (Views: 196.3ms | ActiveRecord: 2.2ms | Allocations: 63017) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 11:14:49 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631294075105"=>{"use_of"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"1", "quantity_maximum"=>"3", "unit"=>"f", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"dsdsd", "note"=>"asdf", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Unpermitted parameter: :ingredient_uses_attributes TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:36:in `update' Recipe Update (0.5ms) UPDATE "recipes" SET "instructions" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? [["instructions", "### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 17:14:50.000845"], ["id", 2]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:36:in `update' TRANSACTION (6.7ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:36:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 7.5ms | Allocations: 3183) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 11:14:50 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 8.4ms | Allocations: 4836) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 8.7ms | Allocations: 4906) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 12ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 5709) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `slug' for #): 5: = @recipe.name 6: %p 7: %b Slug: 8: = @recipe.slug 9: %p 10: %b Description: 11: = @recipe.description app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:8 Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:05:36 -0600  (2.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 14.8ms | Allocations: 6551) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2530.9ms | Allocations: 1115512) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2544.9ms | Allocations: 1121610) Completed 200 OK in 2673ms (Views: 2554.4ms | ActiveRecord: 3.5ms | Allocations: 1147502) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:05:42 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 6.2ms | Allocations: 3129) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.9ms | Allocations: 14604) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 109.4ms | Allocations: 33768) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 113.3ms | Allocations: 35085) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 113.9ms | Allocations: 35156) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 118ms (ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 35977) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `all' for "ingredients":String): 1: :ruby 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: model = table_sym.to_s.classify.constantize 4: = form.input :use_of, collection: build_collection(table_sym), as: :select, label_method: :name, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: "Select #{model.model_name.human}" 5: = form.input :quantity_minimum 6: = form.input :quantity_maximum 7: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:06:45 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 135.8ms | Allocations: 20823) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 59.9ms | Allocations: 16485) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 57.8ms | Allocations: 16445) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 300.8ms | Allocations: 61773) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 381.4ms | Allocations: 70814) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 386.3ms | Allocations: 72181) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 391.5ms | Allocations: 73718) Completed 200 OK in 419ms (Views: 404.5ms | ActiveRecord: 6.7ms | Allocations: 75446) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:07:01 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:53:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 63.1ms | Allocations: 14425) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.6ms | Allocations: 13002) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 45.2ms | Allocations: 13004) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 180.9ms | Allocations: 49663) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 221.5ms | Allocations: 58659) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 225.3ms | Allocations: 60026) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 228.2ms | Allocations: 61521) Completed 200 OK in 235ms (Views: 229.3ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms | Allocations: 63250) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:17:58 -0600 NoMethodError (undefined method `before_action' for Cookbook:Module): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:5:in `' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:4:in `' Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:18:27 -0600 NameError (uninitialized constant Cookbook::Params Did you mean? Parser): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:5:in `' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:4:in `' Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:19:22 -0600  (2.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (1.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 4001.9ms | Allocations: 1122053) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 4013.2ms | Allocations: 1125089) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 4013.5ms | Allocations: 1125164) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 4168ms (ActiveRecord: 1.5ms | Allocations: 1151046) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `cookbook_fields' for # Did you mean? color_field): 5: = f.input :serves 6: = f.input :meal 7: = f.input :instructions 8: = cookbook_fields f 9: .actions= f.button :submit, class: 'button-large button-action' app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:20:14 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 39.9ms | Allocations: 9641) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 40.4ms | Allocations: 9717) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 40.7ms | Allocations: 9789) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 104ms (ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 31610) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `cookbook_fields' for # Did you mean? color_field): 5: = f.input :serves 6: = f.input :meal 7: = f.input :instructions 8: = cookbook_fields f 9: .actions= f.button :submit, class: 'button-large button-action' app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:20:54 -0600  (3.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.5ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC TypeError (wrong argument type Class (expected Module)): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:5:in `include' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:5:in `' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:4:in `' Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:21:03 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 82.9ms | Allocations: 26179) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.0ms | Allocations: 12649) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 41.3ms | Allocations: 12641) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 232.1ms | Allocations: 72743) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3594.9ms | Allocations: 1196037) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3609.9ms | Allocations: 1198912) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3614.1ms | Allocations: 1200599) Completed 200 OK in 4035ms (Views: 3613.8ms | ActiveRecord: 11.1ms | Allocations: 1226150) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:21:14 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631298070293"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 4ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 875) ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:59:in `recipe_params' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:21:47 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631298070293"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 102ms (ActiveRecord: 6.0ms | Allocations: 21815) SystemExit ([:ingredients, :tools, :supplies]): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:59:in `recipe_params' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:27:02 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631298070293"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Unpermitted parameter: :ingredient_uses_attributes Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 71ms (ActiveRecord: 2.4ms | Allocations: 22561) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:27:02 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 10.5ms | Allocations: 5724) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 19.9ms | Allocations: 10119) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 22.6ms | Allocations: 11647) Completed 200 OK in 27ms (Views: 23.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.3ms | Allocations: 12672) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:27:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 76.7ms | Allocations: 22808) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 45.2ms | Allocations: 12384) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 56.2ms | Allocations: 12380) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 221.1ms | Allocations: 60096) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 249.1ms | Allocations: 67631) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 250.2ms | Allocations: 67750) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 253.9ms | Allocations: 69054) Completed 200 OK in 258ms (Views: 249.7ms | ActiveRecord: 5.6ms | Allocations: 69761) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:27:35 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631298426843"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"1", "quantity_maximum"=>"2", "unit"=>"fffff", "sort"=>"2", "preparation"=>"adfsdfdsf", "note"=>"adfsfd", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Unpermitted parameter: :ingredient_uses_attributes Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 1242) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:27:35 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 9.1ms | Allocations: 2616) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 12.1ms | Allocations: 3393) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 17.0ms | Allocations: 4805) Completed 200 OK in 20ms (Views: 17.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms | Allocations: 5496) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:32:36 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "ingredients" LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 62.4ms | Allocations: 22811) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.3ms | Allocations: 12388) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Exists? (1.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 69.2ms | Allocations: 12420) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 191.8ms | Allocations: 60270) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 212.1ms | Allocations: 68757) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 212.7ms | Allocations: 68883) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 215.1ms | Allocations: 70202) Completed 200 OK in 261ms (Views: 208.7ms | ActiveRecord: 9.0ms | Allocations: 91992) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:35:59 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 16.4ms | Allocations: 4091) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 26.2ms | Allocations: 9824) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 44.0ms | Allocations: 18328) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 46.0ms | Allocations: 19672) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 46.3ms | Allocations: 19742) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 50ms (ActiveRecord: 0.1ms | Allocations: 21439) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `label_method' for #): 1: :ruby 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: model = table_sym.to_s.classify.constantize 4: = form.input :use_of, collection: model, as: :select, label_method: model.label_method, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: "Select #{model.model_name.human}" 5: = form.input :quantity_minimum 6: = form.input :quantity_maximum 7: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:36:14 -0600  (1.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 32.4ms | Allocations: 5148) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 71.5ms | Allocations: 22252) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2751.7ms | Allocations: 1145196) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2760.2ms | Allocations: 1148229) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2760.5ms | Allocations: 1148304) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2882ms (ActiveRecord: 3.1ms | Allocations: 1174173) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `label_method' for #): 1: :ruby 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: model = table_sym.to_s.classify.constantize 4: = form.input :use_of, collection: model, as: :select, label_method: model.label_method, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: "Select #{model.model_name.human}" 5: = form.input :quantity_minimum 6: = form.input :quantity_maximum 7: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:37:02 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (6.0ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 43.2ms | Allocations: 4227) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 62.2ms | Allocations: 9960) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 123.9ms | Allocations: 18492) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 128.3ms | Allocations: 19808) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 131.8ms | Allocations: 19879) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 155ms (ActiveRecord: 6.0ms | Allocations: 21588) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `label_method' for #): 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: model = table_sym.to_s.classify.constantize 4: = debug model 5: = form.input :use_of, collection: model, as: :select, label_method: model.label_method, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: "Select #{model.model_name.human}" 6: = form.input :quantity_minimum 7: = form.input :quantity_maximum 8: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:37:16 -0600  (2.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.9ms | Allocations: 5290) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 72.5ms | Allocations: 22402) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3091.8ms | Allocations: 1145347) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3103.4ms | Allocations: 1148380) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3103.6ms | Allocations: 1148455) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3206ms (ActiveRecord: 2.9ms | Allocations: 1174324) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `label_method' for #): 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: model = table_sym.to_s.classify.constantize 4: = debug model 5: = form.input :use_of, collection: model, as: :select, label_method: model.label_method, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: "Select #{model.model_name.human}" 6: = form.input :quantity_minimum 7: = form.input :quantity_maximum 8: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:37:40 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 25.5ms | Allocations: 11441) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 19.6ms | Allocations: 9119) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 19.9ms | Allocations: 9121) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 85.1ms | Allocations: 39601) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 104.8ms | Allocations: 48670) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 108.0ms | Allocations: 50042) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 110.9ms | Allocations: 51723) Completed 200 OK in 117ms (Views: 113.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 53461) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:41:36 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 6.1ms | Allocations: 2260) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 16.9ms | Allocations: 7983) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 37.6ms | Allocations: 16450) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 40.4ms | Allocations: 17762) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 40.7ms | Allocations: 17833) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 46ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 19534) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `authorize_with' for #): 1: :ruby 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: model = table_sym.to_s.classify.constantize 4: collection = if Cookbook.configuration.authorize_with == :cancancan 5: model.accessible_by(current_ability, :select) 6: else app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:45:12 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 2.9ms | Allocations: 606) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 7.0ms | Allocations: 3450) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 22.1ms | Allocations: 10191) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 22.4ms | Allocations: 10263) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 22.6ms | Allocations: 10334) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 25ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 11021) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `authorize_with' for #): 1: :ruby 2: table_sym = form.object_name.gsub(/[^\[]+\[([^\]]+)_uses_attributes\].*/, "\\1").pluralize 3: model = table_sym.to_s.classify.constantize 4: collection = if Cookbook.configuration.authorize_with == :cancancan 5: model.accessible_by(current_ability, :select) 6: else app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:45:38 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 54.8ms | Allocations: 10782) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 96.4ms | Allocations: 27880) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3153.8ms | Allocations: 1150831) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3160.3ms | Allocations: 1153864) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3160.6ms | Allocations: 1153939) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3306ms (ActiveRecord: 6.1ms | Allocations: 1179809) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `label_method' for #): 6: else 7: model.all 8: end 9: = form.input :use_of, collection: collection, as: :select, label_method: model.label_method, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: "Select #{model.model_name.human}" 10: = form.input :quantity_minimum 11: = form.input :quantity_maximum 12: = form.input :unit app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:47:07 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 55.3ms | Allocations: 21093) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 65.0ms | Allocations: 12319) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 46.9ms | Allocations: 12285) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 216.2ms | Allocations: 66988) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2913.3ms | Allocations: 1190266) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2922.4ms | Allocations: 1193355) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2925.3ms | Allocations: 1195051) Completed 200 OK in 3024ms (Views: 2929.1ms | ActiveRecord: 4.3ms | Allocations: 1220946) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:47:23 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631299638236"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"1631299640195"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"1631299641755"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Unpermitted parameters: :ingredient_uses_attributes, :tool_uses_attributes, :supply_uses_attributes Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 1632) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:47:23 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 13.4ms | Allocations: 5742) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 23.6ms | Allocations: 9162) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 26.5ms | Allocations: 10580) Completed 200 OK in 31ms (Views: 26.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 11403) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:48:43 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 57.1ms | Allocations: 17636) Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 41.6ms | Allocations: 12021) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.6ms | Allocations: 12023) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 171.7ms | Allocations: 54334) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 195.7ms | Allocations: 62856) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 196.6ms | Allocations: 62982) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 199.2ms | Allocations: 64300) Completed 200 OK in 258ms (Views: 196.3ms | ActiveRecord: 6.6ms | Allocations: 86132) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:49:04 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 55.0ms | Allocations: 21096) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.2ms | Allocations: 12280) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.1ms | Allocations: 12284) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 178.9ms | Allocations: 66948) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3102.9ms | Allocations: 1190231) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3110.1ms | Allocations: 1193320) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3114.5ms | Allocations: 1195012) Completed 200 OK in 3249ms (Views: 3116.3ms | ActiveRecord: 9.0ms | Allocations: 1220908) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:50:07 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 35.8ms | Allocations: 12339) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.5ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.8ms | Allocations: 11979) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.3ms | Allocations: 11981) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 144.8ms | Allocations: 42512) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 167.7ms | Allocations: 49509) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 168.6ms | Allocations: 49629) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 171.6ms | Allocations: 50933) Completed 200 OK in 174ms (Views: 170.6ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 51640) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:51:10 -0600  (4.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.5ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 73.6ms | Allocations: 21114) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.5ms | Allocations: 12280) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.0ms | Allocations: 12284) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 210.9ms | Allocations: 66963) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3312.5ms | Allocations: 1190249) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3328.8ms | Allocations: 1193339) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3331.4ms | Allocations: 1195031) Completed 200 OK in 3509ms (Views: 3340.4ms | ActiveRecord: 5.1ms | Allocations: 1220943) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:51:32 -0600  (1.3ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (1.0ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 53.0ms | Allocations: 21105) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 53.2ms | Allocations: 12318) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE (1=0) ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.4ms | Allocations: 12285) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 178.6ms | Allocations: 66994) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2699.8ms | Allocations: 1190271) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2709.7ms | Allocations: 1193360) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2712.7ms | Allocations: 1195056) Completed 200 OK in 2820ms (Views: 2716.6ms | ActiveRecord: 5.0ms | Allocations: 1220952) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:52:17 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 66.2ms | Allocations: 17376) Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.8ms | Allocations: 15265) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 53.8ms | Allocations: 15261) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 209.6ms | Allocations: 60556) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 241.1ms | Allocations: 69078) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 241.8ms | Allocations: 69204) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 245.1ms | Allocations: 70522) Completed 200 OK in 314ms (Views: 238.7ms | ActiveRecord: 10.0ms | Allocations: 92354) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:53:02 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631299939200"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"1631299978800"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"1631299980687"=>{"use_of"=>"", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Unpermitted parameters: :ingredient_uses_attributes, :tool_uses_attributes, :supply_uses_attributes Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 6ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 1634) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:53:02 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 11.0ms | Allocations: 5748) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 17.2ms | Allocations: 9198) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 19.6ms | Allocations: 10616) Completed 200 OK in 22ms (Views: 19.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 11440) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:53:49 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 10.5ms | Allocations: 2703) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 19.3ms | Allocations: 4467) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 22.8ms | Allocations: 6001) Completed 200 OK in 88ms (Views: 21.6ms | ActiveRecord: 5.2ms | Allocations: 27813) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:53:51 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 10.2ms | Allocations: 2616) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 17.2ms | Allocations: 3376) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 21.1ms | Allocations: 4788) Completed 200 OK in 25ms (Views: 21.3ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 5494) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:54:18 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300033816"=>{"use_of"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"1", "quantity_maximum"=>"3", "unit"=>"cups", "sort"=>"2", "preparation"=>"cold", "note"=>"for love", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300035477"=>{"use_of"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300037006"=>{"use_of"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 915) SystemExit ({"ingredient_uses_attributes"=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort], "tool_uses_attributes"=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort], "supply_uses_attributes"=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort]}): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:59:in `recipe_params' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:55:25 -0600  (2.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300033816"=>{"use_of"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"1", "quantity_maximum"=>"3", "unit"=>"cups", "sort"=>"2", "preparation"=>"cold", "note"=>"for love", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300035477"=>{"use_of"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300037006"=>{"use_of"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) rollback transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 154ms (ActiveRecord: 2.3ms | Allocations: 37360) NoMethodError (undefined method `primary_key' for String:Class): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:56:36 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 14.1ms | Allocations: 6552) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2893.2ms | Allocations: 1111732) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2905.8ms | Allocations: 1117815) Completed 200 OK in 2910ms (Views: 2907.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms | Allocations: 1119603) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:56:41 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 63.1ms | Allocations: 19949) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.7ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 53.2ms | Allocations: 15523) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 47.1ms | Allocations: 15522) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 189.7ms | Allocations: 60417) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 246.9ms | Allocations: 79892) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 250.1ms | Allocations: 81261) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 253.5ms | Allocations: 82568) Completed 200 OK in 257ms (Views: 249.5ms | ActiveRecord: 5.5ms | Allocations: 83405) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:56:57 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300202876"=>{"use_of"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"1", "quantity_maximum"=>"2", "unit"=>"cups", "sort"=>"0", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 2020) NoMethodError (undefined method `primary_key' for String:Class): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:58:01 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300202876"=>{"use_of"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"1", "quantity_maximum"=>"2", "unit"=>"cups", "sort"=>"0", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 7ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 1999) NoMethodError (undefined method `primary_key' for String:Class): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:58:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.1ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 11.6ms | Allocations: 5622) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 18.8ms | Allocations: 9080) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 22.1ms | Allocations: 10682) Completed 200 OK in 28ms (Views: 24.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 12393) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:58:06 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 4.2ms | Allocations: 2386) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 12.8ms | Allocations: 8118) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 30.6ms | Allocations: 16569) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 32.6ms | Allocations: 17887) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 32.9ms | Allocations: 17957) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 36ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 18756) ActionView::Template::Error (no implicit conversion of String into Hash): 6: else 7: model.all 8: end 9: = form.hidden_field :use_of_type, model.model_name.to_s 10: = form.input :use_of_id, collection: collection, as: :select, label_method: model.label_method, value_method: :id, selected: "#{form.object.use_of_type}:#{form.object.use_of_id}", include_blank: "Select #{model.model_name.human}" 11: = form.input :quantity_minimum 12: = form.input :quantity_maximum app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:58:27 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 61.1ms | Allocations: 14314) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 56.0ms | Allocations: 12145) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.9ms | Allocations: 12147) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 184.6ms | Allocations: 47709) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 210.4ms | Allocations: 56507) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 213.2ms | Allocations: 57874) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 217.0ms | Allocations: 59368) Completed 200 OK in 223ms (Views: 219.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 61079) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:59:11 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 43.8ms | Allocations: 17241) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 41.5ms | Allocations: 15221) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.0ms | Allocations: 15224) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 157.5ms | Allocations: 60341) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 178.3ms | Allocations: 68827) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 178.9ms | Allocations: 68953) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 181.1ms | Allocations: 70270) Completed 200 OK in 225ms (Views: 176.7ms | ActiveRecord: 7.0ms | Allocations: 92101) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:59:27 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300353315"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2", "quantity_maximum"=>"34", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "sort", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_of_id", 1], ["quantity_minimum", 2.0], ["quantity_maximum", 34.0], ["unit", "cc"], ["sort", 1], ["note", "neat"], ["preparation", "folded"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 18:59:27.531947"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 18:59:27.531947"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (9.3ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 28ms (ActiveRecord: 10.4ms | Allocations: 6603) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 12:59:27 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 22.7ms | Allocations: 7333) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 30.8ms | Allocations: 10749) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 34.1ms | Allocations: 12165) Completed 200 OK in 37ms (Views: 33.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 12985) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 12:59:38 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.2ms | Allocations: 12481) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.2ms | Allocations: 13752) CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 11.3ms | Allocations: 6185) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 32.0ms | Allocations: 12110) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.9ms | Allocations: 12109) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 204.0ms | Allocations: 63267) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 220.2ms | Allocations: 70246) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 220.9ms | Allocations: 70370) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 223.8ms | Allocations: 71676) Completed 200 OK in 226ms (Views: 223.0ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 72366) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:00:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.3ms | Allocations: 14192) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.5ms | Allocations: 13749) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 31.3ms | Allocations: 12107) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 31.3ms | Allocations: 12109) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 158.5ms | Allocations: 61546) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 177.6ms | Allocations: 70297) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 181.0ms | Allocations: 71661) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 184.8ms | Allocations: 73155) Completed 200 OK in 191ms (Views: 187.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms | Allocations: 74858) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:00:34 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.9ms | Allocations: 14228) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.7ms | Allocations: 13747) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.3ms | Allocations: 12104) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 33.9ms | Allocations: 12106) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 167.2ms | Allocations: 61587) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 190.9ms | Allocations: 70385) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 194.4ms | Allocations: 71755) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 197.0ms | Allocations: 73252) Completed 200 OK in 201ms (Views: 197.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms | Allocations: 74980) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:01:37 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"34.0", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"26"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["id", 26]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 13ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 3352) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:01:37 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 20.6ms | Allocations: 7257) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 27.5ms | Allocations: 10645) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 31.5ms | Allocations: 12061) Completed 200 OK in 35ms (Views: 30.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 12880) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:01:39 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 51.2ms | Allocations: 12485) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.5ms | Allocations: 12037) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.4ms | Allocations: 12104) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.7ms | Allocations: 12106) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 191.5ms | Allocations: 55129) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 218.8ms | Allocations: 62105) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 219.4ms | Allocations: 62223) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 224.0ms | Allocations: 63526) Completed 200 OK in 228ms (Views: 223.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms | Allocations: 64216) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:02:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"34.0", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"26"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300502058"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"1631300512514"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["id", 26]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' CACHE Recipe Load (0.0ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "unit", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["unit", ""], ["note", ""], ["preparation", ""], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 19:02:05.862220"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 19:02:05.862220"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Create (0.2ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "unit", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["quantity_minimum", 1.0], ["unit", ""], ["note", ""], ["preparation", "crushed"], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 19:02:05.864829"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 19:02:05.864829"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (8.0ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 35ms (ActiveRecord: 9.7ms | Allocations: 10235) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:02:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 22.1ms | Allocations: 7364) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 24.6ms | Allocations: 8122) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 26.9ms | Allocations: 9533) Completed 200 OK in 30ms (Views: 25.7ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 10222) Started GET "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:02:15 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 19.2ms | Allocations: 8765) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 22.8ms | Allocations: 11377) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 25.1ms | Allocations: 12792) Completed 200 OK in 32ms (Views: 26.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms | Allocations: 14397) Started GET "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:03:14 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 16.4ms | Allocations: 4658) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 23.7ms | Allocations: 7278) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 28.0ms | Allocations: 8879) Completed 200 OK in 35ms (Views: 31.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 10580) Started GET "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:03:16 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 7.9ms | Allocations: 3057) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 9.1ms | Allocations: 3433) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 12.7ms | Allocations: 4843) Completed 200 OK in 15ms (Views: 12.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms | Allocations: 5531) Started GET "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:03:30 -0600  (2.0ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 93.1ms | Allocations: 22130) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 121.9ms | Allocations: 29213) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 145.9ms | Allocations: 35321) Completed 200 OK in 253ms (Views: 148.2ms | ActiveRecord: 9.5ms | Allocations: 60145) Started GET "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:03:32 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 19.6ms | Allocations: 3058) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 21.2ms | Allocations: 3437) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 26.8ms | Allocations: 4849) Completed 200 OK in 32ms (Views: 28.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 5554) Started GET "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:03:51 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 11.4ms | Allocations: 4664) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 15.4ms | Allocations: 7295) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 23.1ms | Allocations: 8903) Completed 200 OK in 68ms (Views: 64.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 10625) Started GET "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:04:33 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 17.0ms | Allocations: 4845) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 22.0ms | Allocations: 7466) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 26.7ms | Allocations: 9067) Completed 200 OK in 32ms (Views: 28.4ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 10774) Started GET "/tools/4/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:04:39 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered tools/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2648.9ms | Allocations: 1117476) Rendered tools/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2655.2ms | Allocations: 1118843) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2658.2ms | Allocations: 1120267) Completed 200 OK in 2663ms (Views: 2659.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 1121100) Started PATCH "/ingredients/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:04:45 -0600 Processing by IngredientsController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "tool"=>{"name"=>"Ut Blanditiis", "description"=>"Suscipit qui consequuntur. Expedita voluptatem voluptatem. Sed corrupti vero.", "composition"=>"cast iron"}, "commit"=>"Update Tool", "id"=>"4"} Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:53:in `set_ingredient' Completed 400 Bad Request in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 5289) ActionController::ParameterMissing (param is missing or the value is empty: ingredient): app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:58:in `ingredient_params' app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:36:in `update' Started PATCH "/ingredients/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:05:07 -0600 Processing by IngredientsController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "tool"=>{"name"=>"Ut Blanditiis", "description"=>"Suscipit qui consequuntur. Expedita voluptatem voluptatem. Sed corrupti vero.", "composition"=>"cast iron"}, "commit"=>"Update Tool", "id"=>"4"} Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:53:in `set_ingredient' Completed 400 Bad Request in 2ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 842) ActionController::ParameterMissing (param is missing or the value is empty: ingredient): app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:58:in `ingredient_params' app/controllers/ingredients_controller.rb:36:in `update' Started GET "/tools/4/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:06:15 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered tools/_form.html.haml (Duration: 17.2ms | Allocations: 6808) Rendered tools/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 20.8ms | Allocations: 8172) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 26.1ms | Allocations: 9782) Completed 200 OK in 33ms (Views: 29.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 11490) Started PATCH "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:06:17 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "tool"=>{"name"=>"Ut Blanditiis", "description"=>"Suscipit qui consequuntur. Expedita voluptatem voluptatem. Sed corrupti vero.", "composition"=>"cast iron"}, "commit"=>"Update Tool", "id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/tools/4 Completed 302 Found in 5ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 1423) Started GET "/tools/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:06:17 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 16.8ms | Allocations: 4842) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 21.7ms | Allocations: 7478) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 25.9ms | Allocations: 8894) Completed 200 OK in 33ms (Views: 25.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 9713) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:06:20 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 41.7ms | Allocations: 14231) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 49.1ms | Allocations: 17682) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 52.4ms | Allocations: 19097) Completed 200 OK in 59ms (Views: 51.9ms | ActiveRecord: 3.5ms | Allocations: 20705) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:06:22 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.5ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 45.1ms | Allocations: 15682) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 35.0ms | Allocations: 13748) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 35.9ms | Allocations: 12380) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.0ms | Allocations: 12028) Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.7ms | Allocations: 12382) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 28.6ms | Allocations: 12031) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 241.4ms | Allocations: 88321) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 316.3ms | Allocations: 97670) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 326.0ms | Allocations: 99032) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 328.9ms | Allocations: 100338) Completed 200 OK in 333ms (Views: 328.0ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 101151) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:06:47 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"34.0", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"26"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"27"}, "1631300787667"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"1", "quantity_maximum"=>"4", "unit"=>"pinches", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"28"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["id", 26]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["id", 27]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["id", 28]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "quantity_minimum", "quantity_maximum", "unit", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 3], ["quantity_minimum", 1.0], ["quantity_maximum", 4.0], ["unit", "pinches"], ["note", ""], ["preparation", ""], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 19:06:47.511189"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 19:06:47.511189"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (5.4ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 65ms (ActiveRecord: 6.8ms | Allocations: 9173) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:06:47 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 31.2ms | Allocations: 8154) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 34.4ms | Allocations: 8931) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 40.2ms | Allocations: 10343) Completed 200 OK in 44ms (Views: 38.7ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms | Allocations: 11033) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:06:56 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 52.0ms | Allocations: 12514) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.6ms | Allocations: 12037) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.3ms | Allocations: 12104) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.0ms | Allocations: 12037) CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 35.1ms | Allocations: 12028) Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.8ms | Allocations: 12106) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.1ms | Allocations: 12031) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 300.9ms | Allocations: 91815) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 318.9ms | Allocations: 98829) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 319.4ms | Allocations: 98947) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 321.5ms | Allocations: 100250) Completed 200 OK in 326ms (Views: 320.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.9ms | Allocations: 100939) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:07:27 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"34.0", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"26"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"4.0", "unit"=>"pinches", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"29"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"27"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"28"}, "1631300838036"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"broken", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["id", 26]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["id", 29], ["id", 27]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["id", 28]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "unit", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 2], ["unit", ""], ["note", "broken"], ["preparation", ""], ["created_at", "2021-09-10 19:07:27.882713"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 19:07:27.882713"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (5.0ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 28ms (ActiveRecord: 6.5ms | Allocations: 9046) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:07:27 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.1ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 24.4ms | Allocations: 8936) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 27.5ms | Allocations: 9696) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 30.9ms | Allocations: 11108) Completed 200 OK in 34ms (Views: 29.7ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 11797) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:07:32 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.4ms | Allocations: 12486) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.2ms | Allocations: 12037) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.6ms | Allocations: 12104) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.0ms | Allocations: 12037) CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.3ms | Allocations: 12028) Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.5ms | Allocations: 12106) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.5ms | Allocations: 12027) CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 43.3ms | Allocations: 12031) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 339.9ms | Allocations: 104001) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 361.1ms | Allocations: 110973) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 361.6ms | Allocations: 111091) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 364.5ms | Allocations: 112394) Completed 200 OK in 367ms (Views: 363.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.0ms | Allocations: 113083) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:07:40 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"34.0", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"26"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"4.0", "unit"=>"pinches", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"29"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"27"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"for flavor", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"30"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"28"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["id", 26]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["id", 29], ["id", 27]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["id", 30], ["id", 28]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Update (0.4ms) UPDATE "cookbook_uses" SET "note" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["note", "for flavor"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 19:07:40.805500"], ["id", 30]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (9.0ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 38ms (ActiveRecord: 10.8ms | Allocations: 8956) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:07:40 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.1ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 33.1ms | Allocations: 8937) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 36.0ms | Allocations: 9696) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 38.8ms | Allocations: 11107) Completed 200 OK in 42ms (Views: 36.9ms | ActiveRecord: 3.0ms | Allocations: 11796) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:36:35 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:55:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:55:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 98.0ms | Allocations: 24788) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 104.2ms | Allocations: 26018) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 108.1ms | Allocations: 27551) Completed 200 OK in 173ms (Views: 106.2ms | ActiveRecord: 4.5ms | Allocations: 48833) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:36:38 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:55:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.6ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.8ms | Allocations: 13167) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.0ms | Allocations: 12039) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.5ms | Allocations: 12122) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.9ms | Allocations: 12037) CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.1ms | Allocations: 12028) Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.9ms | Allocations: 12124) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 31.2ms | Allocations: 12027) CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 27.5ms | Allocations: 12031) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 314.9ms | Allocations: 104748) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 335.3ms | Allocations: 112281) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 335.8ms | Allocations: 112399) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 337.8ms | Allocations: 113702) Completed 200 OK in 340ms (Views: 336.1ms | ActiveRecord: 2.5ms | Allocations: 114391) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:36:42 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"34.0", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"26"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"4.0", "unit"=>"pinches", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"29"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"27"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"for flavor", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"30"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"28"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:55:in `set_recipe' Unpermitted parameters: :ingredient_uses_attributes, :tool_uses_attributes, :supply_uses_attributes Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 1144) SystemExit (#"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```"} permitted: true>): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:37:11 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"34.0", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"26"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"4.0", "unit"=>"pinches", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"29"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"27"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"for flavor", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"30"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"28"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Recipe Load (0.6ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["id", 26]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.6ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["id", 29], ["id", 27]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["id", 30], ["id", 28]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (0.2ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 111ms (ActiveRecord: 5.3ms | Allocations: 34866) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:37:12 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.6ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 75.4ms | Allocations: 19856) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 78.2ms | Allocations: 20665) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 82.0ms | Allocations: 22193) Completed 200 OK in 87ms (Views: 76.4ms | ActiveRecord: 7.7ms | Allocations: 23084) Started GET "/recipes/2/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:37:19 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.5ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 43.4ms | Allocations: 13158) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.0ms | Allocations: 12038) Tool Load (0.5ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 41.0ms | Allocations: 12122) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 41.7ms | Allocations: 12037) CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.3ms | Allocations: 12028) Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 92.2ms | Allocations: 12163) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 60.6ms | Allocations: 12028) CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 60.0ms | Allocations: 12031) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 446.0ms | Allocations: 104780) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 468.1ms | Allocations: 112303) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 469.0ms | Allocations: 112421) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 473.3ms | Allocations: 113725) Completed 200 OK in 476ms (Views: 471.8ms | ActiveRecord: 2.4ms | Allocations: 114414) Started PATCH "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:37:24 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"Quasi Quisquam Et", "description"=>"Nisi sed libero. Quod itaque ea. Sequi velit perferendis.", "serves"=>"3-5 people", "meal"=>"dinner", "instructions"=>"### Rerum\r\nEaque odit quis. Tempora aperiam sit. Rerum repellat asperiores.\r\n```ruby\r\nNihil.\r\n```", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"2.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"34.0", "unit"=>"cc", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"folded", "note"=>"neat", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"26"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"4.0", "unit"=>"pinches", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"29"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"27"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"for flavor", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"30"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.0", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"28"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["id", 26]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["id", 29], ["id", 27]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["id", 30], ["id", 28]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (0.2ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/2 Completed 302 Found in 21ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms | Allocations: 6223) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:37:24 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 35.5ms | Allocations: 8935) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 39.2ms | Allocations: 9694) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 42.1ms | Allocations: 11105) Completed 200 OK in 45ms (Views: 39.7ms | ActiveRecord: 3.4ms | Allocations: 11794) Started GET "/supplies/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:44:43 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 CACHE HowTo Load (0.0ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 41.2ms | Allocations: 18060) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 44.7ms | Allocations: 20590) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 47.1ms | Allocations: 22122) Completed 200 OK in 92ms (Views: 46.7ms | ActiveRecord: 3.0ms | Allocations: 43132) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 13:44:45 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 52.1ms | Allocations: 15904) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 55.6ms | Allocations: 16733) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 59.6ms | Allocations: 18147) Completed 200 OK in 70ms (Views: 57.7ms | ActiveRecord: 3.4ms | Allocations: 19113) Started GET "/supplies/4" for at 2021-09-10 13:44:48 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.6ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 22.5ms | Allocations: 4626) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 24.8ms | Allocations: 5002) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 27.4ms | Allocations: 6412) Completed 200 OK in 31ms (Views: 26.4ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 7100) Started GET "/how_tos/1" for at 2021-09-10 13:44:50 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 22.6ms | Allocations: 5813) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 29.0ms | Allocations: 8444) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 32.5ms | Allocations: 9858) Completed 200 OK in 39ms (Views: 33.5ms | ActiveRecord: 2.0ms | Allocations: 11463) Started GET "/how_tos/1/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:44:55 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered how_tos/_form.html.haml (Duration: 13.9ms | Allocations: 7185) Rendered how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 16.3ms | Allocations: 8543) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 18.4ms | Allocations: 9965) Completed 200 OK in 22ms (Views: 19.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 10776) Started GET "/how_tos/1/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:45:18 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered how_tos/_form.html.haml (Duration: 31.0ms | Allocations: 6829) Rendered how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 36.0ms | Allocations: 8189) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 40.7ms | Allocations: 9801) Completed 200 OK in 49ms (Views: 44.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 11503) Started GET "/how_tos/1/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:45:19 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered how_tos/_form.html.haml (Duration: 13.4ms | Allocations: 5509) Rendered how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 13.9ms | Allocations: 5629) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 16.2ms | Allocations: 7048) Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 17.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 7736) Started GET "/how_tos/1/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:45:20 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered how_tos/_form.html.haml (Duration: 22.2ms | Allocations: 5524) Rendered how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 22.9ms | Allocations: 5642) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 26.1ms | Allocations: 7061) Completed 200 OK in 29ms (Views: 27.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 7748) Started GET "/how_tos/1/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:45:21 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered how_tos/_form.html.haml (Duration: 15.5ms | Allocations: 5505) Rendered how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 16.1ms | Allocations: 5623) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 19.7ms | Allocations: 7042) Completed 200 OK in 22ms (Views: 20.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 7729) Started GET "/how_tos/1/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:45:22 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered how_tos/_form.html.haml (Duration: 14.0ms | Allocations: 5497) Rendered how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 14.5ms | Allocations: 5615) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 16.7ms | Allocations: 7034) Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 17.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 7721) Started GET "/how_tos/1/edit" for at 2021-09-10 13:45:43 -0600  (3.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by HowTosController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (1.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 64.9ms | Allocations: 18840) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.3ms | Allocations: 13783) CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 26.8ms | Allocations: 12054) Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.8ms | Allocations: 15559) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.1ms | Allocations: 12041) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 261.1ms | Allocations: 93079) Rendered how_tos/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3270.9ms | Allocations: 1214479) Rendered how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3283.8ms | Allocations: 1217568) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3286.6ms | Allocations: 1219264) Completed 200 OK in 3443ms (Views: 3293.5ms | ActiveRecord: 6.4ms | Allocations: 1244627) Started PATCH "/how_tos/1" for at 2021-09-10 13:45:52 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "how_to"=>{"name"=>"Qui Deleniti Est", "description"=>"Est rerum perferendis. Rerum officiis explicabo. Qui nostrum molestias.", "instructions"=>"## Et\r\nRatione provident sunt. Occaecati aut provident. Laborum maiores expedita.\r\n## Distinctio\r\nEos vel doloribus. Earum aspernatur adipisci. Voluptates eligendi non.\r\nsed | ratione | doloribus\r\n---- | ---- | ----\r\natque | magnam | totam\r\nsimilique | aut | quae", "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"5", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.5", "quantity_maximum"=>"3.0", "unit"=>"cups", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"for fun", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"9"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"5", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.5", "quantity_maximum"=>"3.0", "unit"=>"grams", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"boiled", "note"=>"for wisdom", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"12"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.5", "quantity_maximum"=>"3.0", "unit"=>"pinches", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"for fun", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"10"}}}, "commit"=>"Update How to", "id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.5ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.6ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["id", 9], ["id", 12]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["id", 10]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' HowTo Update (0.5ms) UPDATE "how_tos" SET "instructions" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? [["instructions", "## Et\r\nRatione provident sunt. Occaecati aut provident. Laborum maiores expedita.\r\n## Distinctio\r\nEos vel doloribus. Earum aspernatur adipisci. Voluptates eligendi non.\r\nsed | ratione | doloribus\r\n---- | ---- | ----\r\natque | magnam | totam\r\nsimilique | aut | quae"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-10 19:45:52.405159"], ["id", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (6.1ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/how_tos/1 Completed 302 Found in 30ms (ActiveRecord: 8.1ms | Allocations: 5801) Started GET "/how_tos/1" for at 2021-09-10 13:45:52 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 32.2ms | Allocations: 9994) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 37.9ms | Allocations: 12823) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 40.7ms | Allocations: 14241) Completed 200 OK in 45ms (Views: 40.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.9ms | Allocations: 15060) Started GET "/how_tos/1/edit" for at 2021-09-10 14:06:36 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' HowTo Load (0.4ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 50.3ms | Allocations: 15856) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 58.1ms | Allocations: 12072) CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.0ms | Allocations: 12054) Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 47.3ms | Allocations: 14874) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/how_tos/_form.html.haml:6 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.2ms | Allocations: 12041) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 335.0ms | Allocations: 86369) Rendered how_tos/_form.html.haml (Duration: 368.8ms | Allocations: 92750) Rendered how_tos/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 369.5ms | Allocations: 92876) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 384.5ms | Allocations: 99245) Completed 200 OK in 448ms (Views: 384.7ms | ActiveRecord: 2.7ms | Allocations: 120052) Started PATCH "/how_tos/1" for at 2021-09-10 14:06:42 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "how_to"=>{"name"=>"Qui Deleniti Est", "description"=>"Est rerum perferendis. Rerum officiis explicabo. Qui nostrum molestias.", "instructions"=>"## Et\r\nRatione provident sunt. Occaecati aut provident. Laborum maiores expedita.\r\n## Distinctio\r\nEos vel doloribus. Earum aspernatur adipisci. Voluptates eligendi non.\r\nsed | ratione | doloribus\r\n---- | ---- | ----\r\natque | magnam | totam\r\nsimilique | aut | quae", "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"5", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.5", "quantity_maximum"=>"3.0", "unit"=>"cups", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"for fun", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"9"}, "1"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"5", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.5", "quantity_maximum"=>"3.0", "unit"=>"grams", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"boiled", "note"=>"for wisdom", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"12"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"1.5", "quantity_maximum"=>"3.0", "unit"=>"pinches", "sort"=>"1", "preparation"=>"crushed", "note"=>"for fun", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"10"}}}, "commit"=>"Update How to", "id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.6ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" IN (?, ?) [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["id", 9], ["id", 12]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["id", 10]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/how_tos/1 Completed 302 Found in 17ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms | Allocations: 5060) Started GET "/how_tos/1" for at 2021-09-10 14:06:42 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 20.0ms | Allocations: 6204) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 22.6ms | Allocations: 6828) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 25.7ms | Allocations: 8212) Completed 200 OK in 29ms (Views: 24.8ms | ActiveRecord: 1.8ms | Allocations: 8900) Started GET "/how_tos" for at 2021-09-10 14:06:49 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/index.html.haml within layouts/application HowTo Load (0.4ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" ↳ app/views/how_tos/index.html.haml:14 Rendered how_tos/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 7.3ms | Allocations: 3900) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 10.9ms | Allocations: 5489) Completed 200 OK in 13ms (Views: 11.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 5889) Started GET "/how_tos/4" for at 2021-09-10 14:06:53 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.8ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 42.0ms | Allocations: 3374) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 46.5ms | Allocations: 3993) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 54.0ms | Allocations: 5357) Completed 200 OK in 62ms (Views: 54.2ms | ActiveRecord: 2.0ms | Allocations: 6045) Started GET "/tools/3" for at 2021-09-10 14:06:55 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3"} Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.8ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 85.1ms | Allocations: 10387) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 106.3ms | Allocations: 12999) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 111.7ms | Allocations: 14369) Completed 200 OK in 127ms (Views: 117.1ms | ActiveRecord: 3.6ms | Allocations: 15993) Started GET "/tools/3" for at 2021-09-10 14:08:51 -0600 Processing by ToolsController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3"} Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/tools_controller.rb:53:in `set_tool' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/tools/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 26.0ms | Allocations: 5698) Rendered tools/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 35.8ms | Allocations: 8311) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 41.7ms | Allocations: 9866) Completed 200 OK in 54ms (Views: 47.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms | Allocations: 11569) Started GET "/recipes/2" for at 2021-09-10 14:08:57 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.7ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 74.7ms | Allocations: 16364) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 92.9ms | Allocations: 19803) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 97.4ms | Allocations: 21172) Completed 200 OK in 106ms (Views: 96.7ms | ActiveRecord: 4.9ms | Allocations: 22780) Started GET "/supplies/2" for at 2021-09-10 14:08:59 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 2], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 CACHE HowTo Load (0.0ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 37.7ms | Allocations: 4000) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 55.5ms | Allocations: 6383) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 65.4ms | Allocations: 7751) Completed 200 OK in 79ms (Views: 72.1ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms | Allocations: 9356) Started GET "/supplies" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:13 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/index.html.haml within layouts/application Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/supplies/index.html.haml:14 Rendered supplies/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 66.5ms | Allocations: 3837) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 73.9ms | Allocations: 5425) Completed 200 OK in 76ms (Views: 74.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 5824) Started GET "/supplies/1" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:15 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.3ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 10.5ms | Allocations: 2291) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 11.6ms | Allocations: 2669) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 14.9ms | Allocations: 4033) Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 14.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 4722) Started GET "/supplies" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:17 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/index.html.haml within layouts/application Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/supplies/index.html.haml:14 Rendered supplies/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2.8ms | Allocations: 1075) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 6.0ms | Allocations: 2660) Completed 200 OK in 7ms (Views: 6.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 2929) Started GET "/supplies/3" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:19 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3"} Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 CACHE Recipe Load (0.0ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 8.2ms | Allocations: 2249) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 9.6ms | Allocations: 2627) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 13.1ms | Allocations: 3991) Completed 200 OK in 16ms (Views: 13.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 4679) Started GET "/supplies" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:20 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/index.html.haml within layouts/application Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/supplies/index.html.haml:14 Rendered supplies/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3.9ms | Allocations: 1075) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 8.7ms | Allocations: 2655) Completed 200 OK in 10ms (Views: 9.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 2924) Started GET "/supplies/5" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:22 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5"} Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 2.1ms | Allocations: 702) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3.2ms | Allocations: 1080) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 5.4ms | Allocations: 2444) Completed 200 OK in 8ms (Views: 5.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 3131) Started GET "/supplies/5" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:37 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"5"} Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 5], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 6.6ms | Allocations: 2633) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 11.6ms | Allocations: 5285) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 15.0ms | Allocations: 6840) Completed 200 OK in 20ms (Views: 16.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.6ms | Allocations: 8549) Started GET "/supplies/4" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:42 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.1ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 13.9ms | Allocations: 5330) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 14.8ms | Allocations: 5706) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 17.1ms | Allocations: 7070) Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 16.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.2ms | Allocations: 7758) Started GET "/recipes/4" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:44 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.9ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 36.1ms | Allocations: 11260) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 42.3ms | Allocations: 14635) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 45.6ms | Allocations: 16004) Completed 200 OK in 53ms (Views: 46.3ms | ActiveRecord: 3.2ms | Allocations: 17472) Started GET "/supplies/3" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:47 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"3"} Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 3], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 CACHE Recipe Load (0.0ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 8.9ms | Allocations: 2929) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 9.9ms | Allocations: 3306) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 12.5ms | Allocations: 4674) Completed 200 OK in 15ms (Views: 12.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.6ms | Allocations: 5363) Started GET "/recipes/4" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:49 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"4"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.5ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 4], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 29.5ms | Allocations: 8241) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 32.0ms | Allocations: 8999) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 36.1ms | Allocations: 10363) Completed 200 OK in 40ms (Views: 35.0ms | ActiveRecord: 2.8ms | Allocations: 11053) Started GET "/supplies/1" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:53 -0600 Processing by SuppliesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/supplies_controller.rb:53:in `set_supply' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.6ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_of_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_of_id", 1], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/supplies/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_uses_of.html.haml (Duration: 13.4ms | Allocations: 2964) Rendered supplies/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 14.9ms | Allocations: 3341) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 17.6ms | Allocations: 4705) Completed 200 OK in 21ms (Views: 17.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.6ms | Allocations: 5393) Started GET "/how_tos/2" for at 2021-09-10 14:09:55 -0600 Processing by HowTosController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"2"} HowTo Load (0.2ms) SELECT "how_tos".* FROM "how_tos" WHERE "how_tos"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/how_tos_controller.rb:54:in `set_how_to' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 2], ["use_in_type", "HowTo"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/how_tos/show.html.haml:13 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 15.9ms | Allocations: 4980) Rendered how_tos/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 21.2ms | Allocations: 7560) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 25.0ms | Allocations: 8928) Completed 200 OK in 30ms (Views: 26.2ms | ActiveRecord: 1.5ms | Allocations: 10394)  (2.0ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ORDER BY "recipes"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ORDER BY "recipes"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? /* loading for inspect */ LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 11]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.5ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? ORDER BY "cookbook_uses"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? ORDER BY "cookbook_uses"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 1]] Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]  (1.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Recipe Load (0.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ORDER BY "recipes"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? ORDER BY "cookbook_uses"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 1], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["LIMIT", 1]] Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 5], ["LIMIT", 1]] Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]] Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 08:52:49 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"published"=>"1", "name"=>"test", "excerpt"=>"", "description"=>"", "tag_list"=>"", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1632233358506"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"1632233361563"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Can't verify CSRF token authenticity. Completed 422 Unprocessable Entity in 8ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 523) ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken (ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken): actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protection.rb:211:in `handle_unverified_request' actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protection.rb:243:in `handle_unverified_request' devise (4.8.0) lib/devise/controllers/helpers.rb:255:in `handle_unverified_request' actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protection.rb:238:in `verify_authenticity_token' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:427:in `block in make_lambda' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:198:in `block (2 levels) in halting' actionpack ( lib/abstract_controller/callbacks.rb:34:in `block (2 levels) in ' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:199:in `block in halting' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:512:in `block in invoke_before' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:512:in `each' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:512:in `invoke_before' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:115:in `block in run_callbacks' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:137:in `run_callbacks' actionpack ( lib/abstract_controller/callbacks.rb:41:in `process_action' actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal/rescue.rb:22:in `process_action' actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:34:in `block in process_action' activesupport ( lib/active_support/notifications.rb:203:in `block in instrument' activesupport ( lib/active_support/notifications/instrumenter.rb:24:in `instrument' activesupport ( lib/active_support/notifications.rb:203:in `instrument' actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal/instrumentation.rb:33:in `process_action' actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal/params_wrapper.rb:249:in `process_action' activerecord ( lib/active_record/railties/controller_runtime.rb:27:in `process_action' actionpack ( lib/abstract_controller/base.rb:165:in `process' actionview ( lib/action_view/rendering.rb:39:in `process' actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal.rb:190:in `dispatch' actionpack ( lib/action_controller/metal.rb:254:in `dispatch' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:50:in `dispatch' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:33:in `serve' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/journey/router.rb:50:in `block in serve' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/journey/router.rb:32:in `each' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/journey/router.rb:32:in `serve' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/routing/route_set.rb:842:in `call' warden (1.2.9) lib/warden/manager.rb:36:in `block in call' warden (1.2.9) lib/warden/manager.rb:34:in `catch' warden (1.2.9) lib/warden/manager.rb:34:in `call' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/tempfile_reaper.rb:15:in `call' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/etag.rb:27:in `call' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/conditional_get.rb:40:in `call' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/head.rb:12:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/http/permissions_policy.rb:22:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/http/content_security_policy.rb:18:in `call' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:266:in `context' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/session/abstract/id.rb:260:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/cookies.rb:689:in `call' activerecord ( lib/active_record/migration.rb:601:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:27:in `block in call' activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:98:in `run_callbacks' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/callbacks.rb:26:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/executor.rb:14:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/actionable_exceptions.rb:18:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/debug_exceptions.rb:29:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/show_exceptions.rb:33:in `call' railties ( lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:37:in `call_app' railties ( lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:26:in `block in call' activesupport ( lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb:99:in `block in tagged' activesupport ( lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb:37:in `tagged' activesupport ( lib/active_support/tagged_logging.rb:99:in `tagged' railties ( lib/rails/rack/logger.rb:26:in `call' sprockets-rails (3.2.2) lib/sprockets/rails/quiet_assets.rb:13:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/remote_ip.rb:81:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/request_id.rb:26:in `call' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/method_override.rb:24:in `call' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/runtime.rb:22:in `call' activesupport ( lib/active_support/cache/strategy/local_cache_middleware.rb:29:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/executor.rb:14:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/static.rb:24:in `call' rack (2.2.3) lib/rack/sendfile.rb:110:in `call' actionpack ( lib/action_dispatch/middleware/host_authorization.rb:98:in `call' railties ( lib/rails/engine.rb:539:in `call' puma (4.3.8) lib/puma/configuration.rb:228:in `call' puma (4.3.8) lib/puma/server.rb:718:in `handle_request' puma (4.3.8) lib/puma/server.rb:472:in `process_client' puma (4.3.8) lib/puma/server.rb:328:in `block in run' puma (4.3.8) lib/puma/thread_pool.rb:134:in `block in spawn_thread' Started GET "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 08:52:54 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/index.html.haml within layouts/application Recipe Load (2.1ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ↳ app/views/recipes/index.html.haml:16 Rendered recipes/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 37.3ms | Allocations: 10421) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 92.2ms | Allocations: 20443) Completed 200 OK in 191ms (Views: 94.9ms | ActiveRecord: 2.7ms | Allocations: 40523) Started GET "/recipes/new" for at 2021-09-21 08:52:57 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#new as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/new.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (2.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 100.6ms | Allocations: 19910) Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 47.8ms | Allocations: 15485) Supply Load (2.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 52.6ms | Allocations: 15483) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 227.9ms | Allocations: 64291) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2974.0ms | Allocations: 1187172) Rendered recipes/new.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2978.5ms | Allocations: 1188434) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2982.0ms | Allocations: 1189696) Completed 200 OK in 2984ms (Views: 2973.7ms | ActiveRecord: 9.2ms | Allocations: 1190120) Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 08:53:21 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1632235992224"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"1", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"1632235995425"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"1632235997976"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/new.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 29.9ms | Allocations: 12253) CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.8ms | Allocations: 13801) Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 30.8ms | Allocations: 12082) CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 33.8ms | Allocations: 12085) Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.0ms | Allocations: 12084) CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.2ms | Allocations: 12083) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 217.9ms | Allocations: 78475) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 234.0ms | Allocations: 85435) Rendered recipes/new.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 234.5ms | Allocations: 85529) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 237.2ms | Allocations: 86789) Completed 200 OK in 258ms (Views: 237.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms | Allocations: 91737) Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 08:57:28 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 37ms (Allocations: 17398) SystemExit ({:ingredient_uses_attributes=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of_type, :use_of_id, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort], :tool_uses_attributes=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of_type, :use_of_id, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort], :supply_uses_attributes=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of_type, :use_of_id, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort]}): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:59:in `recipe_params' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:00:08 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 95ms (Allocations: 17999) SystemExit (#"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>##"0", "use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "sort"=>""} permitted: true>} permitted: true>, "tool_uses_attributes"=>##"0", "use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "sort"=>""} permitted: true>} permitted: true>, "supply_uses_attributes"=>##"0", "use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "sort"=>""} permitted: true>} permitted: true>} permitted: true>): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:01:51 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Unpermitted parameters: :ingredient_uses_attributes, :tool_uses_attributes, :supply_uses_attributes Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 93ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 19628) SystemExit (#"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste"} permitted: true>): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:02:28 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 89ms (Allocations: 17407) SystemExit ({:ingredient_uses_attributes=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of_type, :use_of_id, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort], :tool_uses_attributes=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of_type, :use_of_id, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort], :supply_uses_attributes=>[:id, :_destroy, :use_of_type, :use_of_id, :quantity_minimum, :quantity_maximum, :unit, :preparation, :note, :sort]}): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:60:in `recipe_params' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:03:29 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 47ms (Allocations: 17999) SystemExit (#"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>##"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "sort"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"} permitted: true>} permitted: true>, "tool_uses_attributes"=>##"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "sort"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"} permitted: true>} permitted: true>, "supply_uses_attributes"=>##"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "sort"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"} permitted: true>} permitted: true>} permitted: true>): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:04:11 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/new.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 71.2ms | Allocations: 19747) CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 46.1ms | Allocations: 13796) Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 42.9ms | Allocations: 15483) CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.4ms | Allocations: 12085) Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.6ms | Allocations: 15481) CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 34.9ms | Allocations: 12083) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 311.5ms | Allocations: 100216) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 3431.2ms | Allocations: 1219623) Rendered recipes/new.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 3435.2ms | Allocations: 1222382) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 3438.4ms | Allocations: 1224021) Completed 200 OK in 3545ms (Views: 3436.4ms | ActiveRecord: 7.1ms | Allocations: 1262397) Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:04:27 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 85ms (ActiveRecord: 2.8ms | Allocations: 31590) SystemExit (): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:04:42 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 139ms (ActiveRecord: 3.3ms | Allocations: 35251) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:08:19 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 31ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 5436) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:08:34 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2969ms (ActiveRecord: 2.2ms | Allocations: 1141419) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:09:08 -0600  (1.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.1ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2443ms (ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 1141419) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:12:56 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 24ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 5451) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:13:11 -0600  (2.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2541ms (ActiveRecord: 2.2ms | Allocations: 1141401) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:15:39 -0600  (3.8ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 404 Not Found in 218ms (ActiveRecord: 3.4ms | Allocations: 38643) ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Ingredient without an ID): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:15:59 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 404 Not Found in 11ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 2399) ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Ingredient without an ID): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:16:45 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 144ms (ActiveRecord: 4.1ms | Allocations: 31828) SystemExit ([nil, "Ingredient"]): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:17:12 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"}  (0.1ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 98ms (ActiveRecord: 2.9ms | Allocations: 31818) SystemExit ({"id"=>nil, "published"=>true, "use_in_type"=>"Recipe", "use_in_id"=>nil, "use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>nil, "quantity_minimum"=>nil, "quantity_maximum"=>nil, "unit"=>"", "sort"=>nil, "note"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "created_at"=>nil, "updated_at"=>nil}): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:21:23 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2975ms (ActiveRecord: 2.9ms | Allocations: 1135326) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:21:43 -0600  (1.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2620ms (ActiveRecord: 2.3ms | Allocations: 1141482) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:22:12 -0600  (2.8ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2436ms (ActiveRecord: 1.3ms | Allocations: 1141484) SystemExit (Ingredient uses use in must exist, Ingredient uses use of must exist, Tool uses use in must exist, Tool uses use of must exist, Supply uses use in must exist, and Supply uses use of must exist): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:25:24 -0600  (2.9ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.5ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 134ms (ActiveRecord: 2.5ms | Allocations: 31804) NoMethodError (undefined method `uses_attributes' for # Did you mean? uses_attributes=): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:25:44 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.8ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 74ms (ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 3410) NoMethodError (undefined method `uses_attributes' for # Did you mean? uses_attributes=): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:26:08 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 45ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 3406) NoMethodError (undefined method `uses_attributes' for # Did you mean? uses_attributes=): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:26:24 -0600  (2.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 104ms (ActiveRecord: 2.5ms | Allocations: 33000) ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch (Cookbook::Use(#47304618768820) expected, got {"_destroy"=>"0", "use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "sort"=>"", "use_in"=>#, "use_of"=>#} which is an instance of ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess(#47304585472640)): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:28:42 -0600  (2.0ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 161ms (ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 31806) NoMethodError (undefined method `uses_attributes' for # Did you mean? uses_attributes=): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:31:37 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 30ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 3407) NoMethodError (undefined method `uses_attributes' for # Did you mean? uses_attributes=): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:31:52 -0600  (2.4ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 103ms (ActiveRecord: 1.9ms | Allocations: 31806) NoMethodError (undefined method `uses_attributes' for # Did you mean? uses_attributes=): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create'  (3.8ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) Recipe Load (0.5ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ORDER BY "recipes"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ORDER BY "recipes"."id" ASC LIMIT ? [["LIMIT", 1]] Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:32:43 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 24ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 3410) NoMethodError (undefined method `uses_attributes' for # Did you mean? uses_attributes=): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:32:58 -0600  (2.8ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 2798ms (ActiveRecord: 5.9ms | Allocations: 1150301) SystemExit (): app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `abort' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:29:in `create' Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:33:14 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"3", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"}  (0.2ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*) ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' Supply Load (0.4ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Recipe Create (5.8ms) INSERT INTO "recipes" ("name", "description", "serves", "meal", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "atest"], ["description", "test"], ["serves", "test"], ["meal", "test"], ["instructions", "teste"], ["created_at", "2021-09-21 15:33:16.312933"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-21 15:33:16.312933"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Cookbook::Use Create (3.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "unit", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 6], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_of_id", 2], ["unit", ""], ["note", ""], ["preparation", ""], ["created_at", "2021-09-21 15:33:16.337935"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-21 15:33:16.337935"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Cookbook::Use Create (0.3ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "unit", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 6], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["use_of_id", 4], ["unit", ""], ["note", ""], ["preparation", ""], ["created_at", "2021-09-21 15:33:16.355066"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-21 15:33:16.355066"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "unit", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 6], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["use_of_id", 3], ["unit", ""], ["note", ""], ["preparation", ""], ["created_at", "2021-09-21 15:33:16.369938"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-21 15:33:16.369938"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' TRANSACTION (12.7ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/6 Completed 302 Found in 836ms (ActiveRecord: 65.3ms | Allocations: 48386) Started GET "/recipes/6" for at 2021-09-21 09:33:16 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (7.0ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (20.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 145.4ms | Allocations: 11092) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 173.1ms | Allocations: 16116) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 239.3ms | Allocations: 22176) Completed 200 OK in 278ms (Views: 243.4ms | ActiveRecord: 29.8ms | Allocations: 23991) Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:33:21 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 53.3ms | Allocations: 15666) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 63.1ms | Allocations: 22164) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 117.5ms | Allocations: 41301) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 121.1ms | Allocations: 42617) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 121.5ms | Allocations: 42688) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 125ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 43507) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 5: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 6: %legend 7: %h3= usable.title 8: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields', link_text: "Add #{usable.singular_title}", link_classes: 'button button-action' 9: %div{id: usable.plural_class} 10: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 11: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g, usable: usable app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:33:51 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 40.2ms | Allocations: 12495) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 49.0ms | Allocations: 15880) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 68.4ms | Allocations: 22609) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 68.7ms | Allocations: 22680) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 68.9ms | Allocations: 22751) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 71ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 23436) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 5: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 6: %legend 7: %h3= usable.title 8: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields', link_text: "Add #{usable.singular_title}", link_classes: 'button button-action' 9: %div{id: usable.plural_class} 10: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 11: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g, usable: usable app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:36:54 -0600  (1.9ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.3ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 51ms (ActiveRecord: 0.0ms | Allocations: 6388) NoMethodError (undefined method `use_of=' for #): app/models/ingredient.rb:4:in `' app/models/ingredient.rb:3:in `' app/models/recipe.rb:4:in `' app/models/recipe.rb:3:in `' app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:37:44 -0600  (1.5ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.4ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 76.2ms | Allocations: 19910) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 113.7ms | Allocations: 38100) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2971.2ms | Allocations: 1160732) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2975.9ms | Allocations: 1163764) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2976.2ms | Allocations: 1163839) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 3069ms (ActiveRecord: 3.7ms | Allocations: 1190786) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 5: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 6: %legend 7: %h3= usable.title 8: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields', link_text: "Add #{usable.singular_title}", link_classes: 'button button-action' 9: %div{id: usable.plural_class} 10: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 11: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g, usable: usable app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:38:30 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 2.6ms | Allocations: 1104) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 15.6ms | Allocations: 7317) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 49.8ms | Allocations: 15832) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 53.0ms | Allocations: 17147) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 53.2ms | Allocations: 17218) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 59ms (ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 18833) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 5: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 6: %legend 7: %h3= usable.title 8: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields', link_text: "Add #{usable.singular_title}", link_classes: 'button button-action' 9: %div{id: usable.plural_class} 10: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 11: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g, usable: usable app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:38:45 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 6.2ms | Allocations: 3788) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 49.3ms | Allocations: 12827) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 62.4ms | Allocations: 14197) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 65.8ms | Allocations: 15832) Completed 200 OK in 78ms (Views: 74.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 17476) Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:39:11 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 7.3ms | Allocations: 4514) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 34.7ms | Allocations: 13454) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 38.1ms | Allocations: 14817) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 40.9ms | Allocations: 16266) Completed 200 OK in 47ms (Views: 43.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 17894) Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:39:29 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 5.9ms | Allocations: 4697) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 34.5ms | Allocations: 13641) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 37.6ms | Allocations: 15004) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 40.4ms | Allocations: 16452) Completed 200 OK in 46ms (Views: 43.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 18062) Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:39:46 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 45.8ms | Allocations: 14191) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 56.4ms | Allocations: 19799) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 84.6ms | Allocations: 28252) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 100.3ms | Allocations: 29563) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 100.6ms | Allocations: 29633) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 107ms (ActiveRecord: 0.5ms | Allocations: 31223) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 5: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 6: %legend 7: %h3= usable.title 8: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields', link_text: "Add #{usable.singular_title}", link_classes: 'button button-action' 9: -# %div{id: usable.plural_class} 10: -# = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 11: -# = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g, usable: usable app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:40:55 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 35.3ms | Allocations: 14198) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 44.0ms | Allocations: 20053) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 65.9ms | Allocations: 28551) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 69.5ms | Allocations: 29865) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 69.7ms | Allocations: 29935) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 79ms (ActiveRecord: 0.5ms | Allocations: 31532) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 8: = usable.uses_sym.inspect 9: = usable.plural_class 10: #{usable.singular_title} 11: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields', link_text: "Add #{usable.singular_title}", link_classes: 'button button-action' 12: -# %div{id: usable.plural_class} 13: -# = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 14: -# = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g, usable: usable app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:41:02 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 9.2ms | Allocations: 5034) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 133.3ms | Allocations: 14011) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 140.4ms | Allocations: 15374) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 143.8ms | Allocations: 16829) Completed 200 OK in 160ms (Views: 150.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.2ms | Allocations: 18438) Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:41:28 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 43.9ms | Allocations: 14189) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Tool Load (0.4ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.9ms | Allocations: 15538) Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 38.2ms | Allocations: 15471) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 146.7ms | Allocations: 55570) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 169.3ms | Allocations: 64317) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 172.7ms | Allocations: 65681) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 175.0ms | Allocations: 67129) Completed 200 OK in 181ms (Views: 174.2ms | ActiveRecord: 3.3ms | Allocations: 68746) Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:41:46 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.3ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 44.7ms | Allocations: 14160) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 55.6ms | Allocations: 20361) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 88.5ms | Allocations: 28814) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 95.5ms | Allocations: 30125) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 95.8ms | Allocations: 30195) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 104ms (ActiveRecord: 0.4ms | Allocations: 31785) ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass): 5: %fieldset.used_in{class: usable.plural_class} 6: %legend 7: %h3= usable.title 8: = link_to_add_nested form, usable.uses_sym, "##{usable.plural_class}", partial: 'cookbook/uses/fields', link_text: "Add #{usable.singular_title}", link_classes: 'button button-action' 9: %div{id: usable.plural_class} 10: = form.fields_for usable.uses_sym do |g| 11: = render 'cookbook/uses/fields', form: g, usable: usable app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:2 app/views/recipes/edit.html.haml:3 Started GET "/recipes/6/edit" for at 2021-09-21 09:42:32 -0600  (2.0ms) SELECT sqlite_version(*)  (0.4ms) SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC Processing by RecipesController#edit as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.4ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 68.9ms | Allocations: 19901) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Ingredient Load (0.0ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.3ms | Allocations: 13713) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 46.5ms | Allocations: 15487) Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Tool Load (0.0ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 39.1ms | Allocations: 12008) Supply Load (0.5ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 47.4ms | Allocations: 15483) Cookbook::Use Load (0.4ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 CACHE Supply Load (0.0ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 36.7ms | Allocations: 12006) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 342.1ms | Allocations: 111297) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 2906.0ms | Allocations: 1234261) Rendered recipes/edit.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 2910.9ms | Allocations: 1237349) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 2915.0ms | Allocations: 1238995) Completed 200 OK in 3006ms (Views: 2915.2ms | ActiveRecord: 7.1ms | Allocations: 1266159) Started PATCH "/recipes/6" for at 2021-09-21 09:42:47 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#update as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"atest", "description"=>"test", "serves"=>"test", "meal"=>"test", "instructions"=>"teste", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"31"}}, "tool_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Tool", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"32"}}, "supply_uses_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Supply", "use_of_id"=>"4", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0", "id"=>"33"}}}, "commit"=>"Update Recipe", "id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' TRANSACTION (0.1ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Ingredient Load (0.5ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["id", 31]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["id", 32]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Supply Load (0.3ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["id", 33]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Cookbook::Use Update (0.5ms) UPDATE "cookbook_uses" SET "use_of_id" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "cookbook_uses"."id" = ? [["use_of_id", 4], ["updated_at", "2021-09-21 15:42:47.275646"], ["id", 33]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' TRANSACTION (6.3ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:37:in `update' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/6 Completed 302 Found in 44ms (ActiveRecord: 8.8ms | Allocations: 9054) Started GET "/recipes/6" for at 2021-09-21 09:42:47 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"6"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 6], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.2ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Tool Load (0.2ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" WHERE "tools"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.2ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.1ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 6], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Supply Load (0.1ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" WHERE "supplies"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 4], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 30.7ms | Allocations: 10829) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 42.3ms | Allocations: 14220) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 45.5ms | Allocations: 15592) Completed 200 OK in 49ms (Views: 44.6ms | ActiveRecord: 2.1ms | Allocations: 16410) Started GET "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:42:56 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#index as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/index.html.haml within layouts/application Recipe Load (0.3ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" ↳ app/views/recipes/index.html.haml:16 Rendered recipes/index.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 6.9ms | Allocations: 4447) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 9.7ms | Allocations: 6037) Completed 200 OK in 11ms (Views: 10.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.3ms | Allocations: 6444) Started GET "/recipes/new" for at 2021-09-21 09:42:57 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#new as HTML Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/new.html.haml within layouts/application Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.4ms | Allocations: 12672) Tool Load (0.3ms) SELECT "tools".* FROM "tools" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 37.3ms | Allocations: 12223) Supply Load (0.2ms) SELECT "supplies".* FROM "supplies" ↳ app/views/recipes/_form.html.haml:8 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/uses/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 41.5ms | Allocations: 12227) Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_fields.html.haml (Duration: 124.1ms | Allocations: 40637) Rendered recipes/_form.html.haml (Duration: 144.3ms | Allocations: 47688) Rendered recipes/new.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 146.7ms | Allocations: 48809) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 148.9ms | Allocations: 50069) Completed 200 OK in 151ms (Views: 149.2ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms | Allocations: 50473) Started POST "/recipes" for at 2021-09-21 09:43:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#create as HTML Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"[FILTERED]", "recipe"=>{"name"=>"ty44ss", "description"=>"", "serves"=>"", "meal"=>"", "instructions"=>"", "ingredient_uses_attributes"=>{"1632238981983"=>{"use_of_type"=>"Ingredient", "use_of_id"=>"2", "quantity_minimum"=>"", "quantity_maximum"=>"", "unit"=>"", "sort"=>"", "preparation"=>"", "note"=>"", "_destroy"=>"0"}}}, "commit"=>"Create Recipe"} Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:26:in `create' TRANSACTION (0.2ms) begin transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Recipe Create (0.6ms) INSERT INTO "recipes" ("name", "description", "serves", "meal", "instructions", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["name", "ty44ss"], ["description", ""], ["serves", ""], ["meal", ""], ["instructions", ""], ["created_at", "2021-09-21 15:43:05.414106"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-21 15:43:05.414106"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Cookbook::Use Create (0.4ms) INSERT INTO "cookbook_uses" ("use_in_type", "use_in_id", "use_of_type", "use_of_id", "unit", "note", "preparation", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_in_id", 7], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["use_of_id", 2], ["unit", ""], ["note", ""], ["preparation", ""], ["created_at", "2021-09-21 15:43:05.420100"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-21 15:43:05.420100"]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' TRANSACTION (6.8ms) commit transaction ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:28:in `create' Redirected to http://localhost:3000/recipes/7 Completed 302 Found in 28ms (ActiveRecord: 8.2ms | Allocations: 4665) Started GET "/recipes/7" for at 2021-09-21 09:43:05 -0600 Processing by RecipesController#show as HTML Parameters: {"id"=>"7"} Recipe Load (0.2ms) SELECT "recipes".* FROM "recipes" WHERE "recipes"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 7], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/controllers/recipes_controller.rb:54:in `set_recipe' Rendering layout layouts/application.html.erb Rendering recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.4ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 7], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Load (0.3ms) SELECT "cookbook_uses".* FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? [["use_in_id", 7], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Ingredient"]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Ingredient Load (0.2ms) SELECT "ingredients".* FROM "ingredients" WHERE "ingredients"."id" = ? LIMIT ? [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 7], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Tool"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Cookbook::Use Exists? (0.3ms) SELECT 1 AS one FROM "cookbook_uses" WHERE "cookbook_uses"."use_in_id" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_in_type" = ? AND "cookbook_uses"."use_of_type" = ? LIMIT ? [["use_in_id", 7], ["use_in_type", "Recipe"], ["use_of_type", "Supply"], ["LIMIT", 1]] ↳ app/views/recipes/show.html.haml:19 Rendered /home/loren/Code/cookbook/app/views/cookbook/_used_in.html.haml (Duration: 16.7ms | Allocations: 4158) Rendered recipes/show.html.haml within layouts/application (Duration: 19.5ms | Allocations: 4919) Rendered layout layouts/application.html.erb (Duration: 23.4ms | Allocations: 6285) Completed 200 OK in 26ms (Views: 22.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.7ms | Allocations: 6973)