# Copyright (C) 2013-2016 all contributors # License: GPL-3.0+ (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) # frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'sendfile_compat' # this is to be included into a Kgio::Socket-derived class # this requires Ruby 2.1 and later for "exception: false" module Yahns::OpenSSLClient # :nodoc: include Yahns::SendfileCompat def self.included(cls) # Forward these methods to OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket so hijackers # can rely on stdlib methods instead of ugly kgio stuff that # we hope to phase out. # This is a bit weird, since OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket wraps # our actual socket, too, so we must take care to not blindly # use method_missing and cause infinite recursion %w(sync= read write readpartial write_nonblock read_nonblock print printf puts gets readlines readline getc readchar ungetc eof eof? << flush sysread syswrite).map!(&:to_sym).each do |m| cls.__send__(:define_method, m) { |*a| @ssl.__send__(m, *a) } end # block captures, ugh, but nobody really uses them %w(each each_line each_byte).map!(&:to_sym).each do |m| cls.__send__(:define_method, m) { |*a, &b| @ssl.__send__(m, *a, &b) } end end # this is special, called during IO initialization in Ruby def sync defined?(@ssl) ? @ssl.sync : super end def yahns_init_ssl(ssl_ctx) @need_accept = true @ssl = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket.new(self, ssl_ctx) end def kgio_trywrite(buf) rv = @ssl.write_nonblock(buf, exception: false) Integer === rv and rv = buf.bytesize == rv ? nil : buf.byteslice(rv, buf.bytesize) rv end def kgio_syssend(buf, flags) kgio_trywrite(buf) end def kgio_tryread(len, buf) if @need_accept # most protocols require read before write, so we start the negotiation # process here: case rv = accept_nonblock(@ssl) when :wait_readable, :wait_writable, nil return rv end @need_accept = false end @ssl.read_nonblock(len, buf, exception: false) end def close @ssl.close # flushes SSLSocket super # IO#close end if RUBY_VERSION.to_f >= 2.3 def accept_nonblock(ssl) ssl.accept_nonblock(exception: false) end else def accept_nonblock(ssl) ssl.accept_nonblock rescue IO::WaitReadable :wait_readable rescue IO::WaitWritable :wait_writable rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError nil end end end