require 'minitest/autorun' require 'minitest/growl_notify' if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/i ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'test' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) # We require the rails environment from here class CantWait1Test < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase TEST_RAILS_APP = [{ version: '3.0.3', rails_root: 'test_apps/Test_3_0_03', }, { version: '3.0.20', rails_root: 'test_apps/Test_3_0_20', }, { version: '3.1.12', rails_root: 'test_apps/Test_3_1_12', }, { version: '3.2.13', rails_root: 'test_apps/Test_3_2_13' }, { version: '4.0.0.rc2', rails_root: 'test_apps/Test_4_0_0_rc2' }] # Set a random timeout and rails app to be tested def setup # To be run from rake test, or passing valid args: raise 'Wrong number of arguments for test' unless (2..3).include? ARGV.length # Arguments: rails_app_index = ARGV[0].to_i # Rails app index passed as an argument: @rails_app ||= TEST_RAILS_APP[rails_app_index] @gem_version = ARGV[1] # '0.0.1' or whatever @verbose = ARGV[2] == 'V' raise 'At least Ruby 1.9.3 is required for rails 4 or above' if (@rails_app[:version] >= '4') && (RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.3') # If app value given is not valid, we choose a random value: valid_range = (0..(TEST_RAILS_APP.length-1)) rails_app_index = valid_range.include?(rails_app_index) ? rails_app_index : random_number(valid_range) puts "Rails version aimed at: #{@rails_app[:version]}" if @verbose # Choose one timeout option: test_chosen = random_number((1..3)) case test_chosen when 1 then # No timeout set: @timeout = nil # Not the same as zero @expected_result = 0 puts 'No timeout set' when 2 then # Timeout fixed at 5 minutes: @timeout = 300_000 # 60x5 = 300 => 300,000 milliseconds puts "Timeout set at 5 minutes (#{@timeout} milliseconds)" @expected_result = @timeout when 3 then # Random timeout (1 min to 10 hours) @timeout = random_number(((60_000)..(10*60*60_000))) # 1 minute to 10 hours puts "Random timeout (1 sec. to 10 min.): #{@timeout} millisecods ~> #{@timeout/1_000.0} sec ~> #{@timeout/60_000} min" @expected_result = @timeout end end # 1. Create the config/database.yml with the given timeout # 2. Load Rails app # 3. Test that the timeout is the expected def test_in_rails_app # 1. Prepare config/database.yml database_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '/database.yml') if File.exist?(database_file) database_config = else database_config = <<-DATABASE_SETTINGS test: adapter: postgresql host: localhost database: test username: tester password: secret DATABASE_SETTINGS end database_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), @rails_app[:rails_root]+'/config/database.yml'), 'w') do |f| f << database_config f.write(" timeout: #{@timeout}\n") if @timeout end # Load Rails app: require "#{@rails_app[:rails_root]}/config/environment.rb" # Testing we have the expected version of rails and ActiveRecord: assert_equal @rails_app[:version], Rails.version, "Rails.version should be #{@rails_app[:version]}, and it is #{Rails.version}" assert_equal @rails_app[:version], Rails::VERSION::STRING, "Rails being loaded, Rails::VERSION::STRING should be #{@rails_app[:version]}, and it is #{Rails::VERSION::STRING}" puts "Version of Rails loaded (Rails.version): #{Rails.version}" if @verbose if @rails_app[:version] == '3.0.3' # Strangely, ActiveRecord 3.0.3's VERSION is set to '3.0.1' assert_equal '3.0.1', ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING, "ActiveRecord being used should be 3.0.1, and it is #{ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING}" else assert_equal @rails_app[:version], ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING, "ActiveRecord being used should be #{@rails_app[:version]}, and it is #{ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING}" end # Right gemfile: puts "ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] = '#{ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE']}" if @verbose # assert_equal ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'], "test/#{@rails_app[:rails_root]}/Gemfile" # We are testing the right version on cant_wait assert_equal CantWait::VERSION, @gem_version, "cant_wait should be #{@gem_version}, and it is #{CantWait::VERSION}" # Test that the timeout is correct assert_equal @expected_result, statement_timeout end private def random_number(range) if range.is_a? Range range.min + rand(range.max + 1 - range.min) else 0 end end def statement_timeout statement_timeout_string = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all('show statement_timeout')[0]['statement_timeout'] decifer_postgres_fancy_timeout statement_timeout_string end def decifer_postgres_fancy_timeout(fancy_timeout='0') case fancy_timeout when fancy_timeout.to_i.to_s then fancy_timeout.to_i when /^(\d+)ms$/ then $1.to_i when /^(\d+)s$/ then $1.to_i*1_000 when /^(\d+)min$/ then $1.to_i*60_000 when /^(\d+)h$/ then $1.to_i*60*60_000 when /^(\d+)d$/ then $1.to_i*24*60*60_000 else puts " fancy_timeout=#{fancy_timeout}" 0 end end end