[ { "card": { "name": "*accountable+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "
When \"yes\", users permitted to create [[*account+*right|+*account cards]] can add [[http://wagn.org/account|accounts]] to these cards.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*add help+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "[[http://www.wagn.org/wagn/custom_help_text|Help text]] people will see when adding cards.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*autoname+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Autogenerate name for new cards by incrementing this value. [[http://wagn.org/autonaming|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*captcha+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Anti-spam setting. Requires non-signed-in users to complete a [[http://wagn.org/captcha|captcha]] before adding or editing cards (where permitted).
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*children+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards formed by \"mating\" {{_left|name}} with another card. eg: \"{{_left|name}}+mate\".
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*comment+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Who can add comments.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*create+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Who can create new cards.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*created+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards created by {{_left|name}}.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*css+*self+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Add custom CSS styling. [[http://wagn.org/Skin|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*default+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Template for initial type and content of new cards. [[http://wagn.org/formatting|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*delete+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Who can remove cards.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*edited+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards edited by {{_left|name}}.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*editors+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Users who have edited {{_left|name}}.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*help+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "[[http://wagn.org/custom_help_text|Help text]] people will see when editing.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*includes+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards that {{_left|name}} includes.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*included by+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards that include {{_left|name}}.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*input+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Edit interface for [[Pointer]] cards.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*layout+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Default page layout. [[http://wagn.org/custom_layouts | more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*links to+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards that {{_left|name}} links to.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*linked to by+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards that link to {{_left|name}}.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*mates+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "If there is a card named \"X+{{_left|name}}\", then X is a mate of {{_left|name}}.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*option label+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Labels for [[Pointer]] radio button and checkbox items. [[http://wagn.org/Pointer|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*options+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Value options for [[Pointer]] cards. Can itself be a Pointer or a [[Search]]. [[http://wagn.org/Pointer|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*read+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Who can view cards in the [[set]]." } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*refers to+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards that {{_left|name}} refers to.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*referred to by+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Cards that refer to {{_left|name}}.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*send+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Configures email to be sent when card is created. [[http://wagn.org/flexible_email|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*sidebar+*self+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Sidebar content of [[Default Layout]]. [[http://wagn.org/sidebar|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*structure+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Controls cards' content / structure. [[http://wagn.org/formatting|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*table of contents+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Autogenerate [[http://wagn.org/table_of_contents|table of contents]] on cards with at least this many headers (\"0\" means never).
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*thanks+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Destination after card is created. [[http://wagn.org/Custom_thank_you_messages_for_forms|more]]
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*tinyMCE+*self+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Configure [[http://tinymce.com|TinyMCE]], Wagn's default [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wysiwyg|wysiwyg]] editor. [[http://wagn.org/TinyMCE|more]]
\r\n" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "*update+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "
Who can edit cards.
" } ] }, { "card": { "name": "email config+*right+*help", "type": "Basic" }, "views": [ { "name": "raw", "parts": "Configures email to be sent using [[http://wagn.org/flexible_email|flexible email]].
" } ] } ]