require "app_store/base"
require "app_store/application"
# A category like categories on the AppStore.
# Available attributes:
# * item-count: total items count for this category.
# * title: title for the category.
# = Examples
# === Fetch featured categories
# @categories = AppStore::Category.featured
# @categories.class # => Array
# @categories.length # => 20
# === Use category
# @category = @categories.first
# @category.title # => "Games"
# @category.item_count # => 1573
# === Category by id
# @category = AppStore::Category.find_by_id(6014)
# @category.title # => "Games"
# === Iterate through subcategories and applications
# This example will display all categories with all applications available in the current AppStore
# def go_deeper(category)
# puts "Category #{category.title}"
# category.items.each do |item|
# if item.is_a?(AppStore::Category)
# go_deeper item
# else
# puts " => #{item.title} has id #{item.item_id}"
# end
# end
# end
# AppStore::Category.featured.each {|category| go_deeper category}
class AppStore::Category < AppStore::Base
plist :mapping => {
'item-count' => :item_count,
'title' => :title
# Returns an array of featured categories (main categories).
# It is the same list as the one displayed in the iPhone AppStore.
def self.featured(options = {})
client = options[:client] ||
plist = client.get(AppStore::Client::FeaturedCategoriesURL)
plist['items'].collect { |item| new :client => client, :plist => item }
# Search a Category by its id. Accepts only one id and returns a Category instance.
def self.find_by_id(id, options = {})
client = options[:client] ||
new :item_id => id,
:client => client,
:plist => client.get(AppStore::Client::CategoryURL, :id => id)
# Returns id for this category
def item_id
@item_id ||= @raw['url'].match("mobile-software-applications/id([0-9]+)")[1]
# Returns an instance of List which contains items elements.
# Each element in the list can be either another category (subcategory) or a Link to an application.
def items
if @items.nil?
plist = @raw['items'] ? @raw : @client.get(@raw['url'])
@items =
:client => @client,
:list => plist['items'],
:element_type => 'link',
:element_initializer => lambda {|element|
(element['link-type'] == 'software' ? AppStore::Link : AppStore::Category).new(:client => @client,
:plist => element)